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Everything posted by jagr

  1. A Newish Z1K? i frikken jealous Welcome to the site.
  2. All the cool kids scheduled a ride in Coshocton instead of doing this. I say we ban them. but really they prolly just hate kids and charities.
  3. jagr

    "Sons of Anarchy"

    BSG was good the first couple seasons when it was all about fighting and survival. All the later seasons were soap operas. All talk and politcs and hardly any action. So now I like SOA because it's got some shit going down but I'm sure they will throw in a couple episodes where somebody gets whiney and sits on a roof and reads his pappys memoirs. Oh wait.
  4. Heading out to the Northstar Location later today.
  5. I'll still prolly do First Watch. BE doesn't do Floridian French Toast. Uber-nom. Meet you peeps there. Save my late ass a parking spot.
  6. I remember doing a practice test. Ask your recruiter. I remember it being pretty simple. I aced it. But I had friends who failed multiple times.
  7. Like I said. I'm good with any location. As long as I get to eat and ride I'm good to go.

  8. Oh. Well thanks for clearing that up for me. maybe newer PC machines are better but I'll never know. Once you go Mac you never look back. Products don't get alot of chances with me. Don't get me started on Ford.
  9. Yep I did. I'm good with whatever you wanna do. I'm your dude all day on the 10th.

  10. Well hook a brudder up. I just put new "shoes" on the SI.
  11. jagr

    "Sons of Anarchy"

    Yeah me too. And instead of "Who shot JR" it'll be "Who put it on Peg Bundy"
  12. Price. What does it cost where you take yours? Roush Honda charges me $110.
  13. jagr

    "Sons of Anarchy"

    Whatever helps get the poison out.
  14. jagr

    "Sons of Anarchy"

    Thanks. Now I gotta go watch some inter-racial porn to clear my head.
  15. jagr

    Halo 3 ODST

    Couple days??? Should only take an afternoon.
  16. Price. All the haters bring up price. This machine has worked flawlessly over the last three years. I don't know how many weekends I wasted wiping/reinstalling drives, fuking around with virus software, 10 minute startups and all the other shit that goes witha PC. So for me it's prolly cheaper and a better investment. That is all.
  17. It's kinda ghey. But mostly racist. Like uh.... Coshocton.
  18. jagr

    Halo 3 ODST

    Wow. ODST took all of about 5 hours to finish. I'm done with that series.
  19. Lance will have to move to Massachusetts to get married.
  20. Sorry to hear. My thoughts are with you all.
  21. 3 Ipods differ gens and sizes. Classic and 2 nanos. 2 iphones. Both 1st gen. Airport Extreme. Super Mouse. 3yo 17" MacBook Pro. On the hunt for a new Book. Man, I am a MacWhore.
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