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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. I wish I had time to get in on this... Sounds like a lot of fun.
  2. yup, just checked, and mine is doing that also. I suppose just wait it out, there's probably a server or database problem related to password storage. Or in a nightmare scenario, all the passwords are hacked. edit: duh... ok, nevermind. I was typing in the wrong password. Move along...
  3. I'm sorry... people with technical degrees poke fun at odd college degrees. I just read a person had a college degree in Nutritional Communications. ok.............. would you like fries with that?
  4. Dunno, I haven't tried that one. I'm big on the science/astronomy. Running SETI, Einstein and Galileo. Finding aliens, x-ray sources, and gravitational anomalies. That's my thing...
  5. Dang, this is about responsibility to self and others, not whether someone knows how to ride a tricycle. So in one way, yes it doesn't matter whether there is helmet/tags/insurance. And in the other way, responsibility, those items are completely indicative of poor judgment, bad behavior, and reckless abandon that culminated in the loss of life. The news item has now gone national. Apparently it's become an object lesson. Please understand that if it had been posted under object lesson, it would have been moved to RIP posts by some one anyway.
  6. me watching... woozies, can't handle .308 BAR. Geez, the thing is heavy.
  7. Both the 599 and the 919 are named Hornet everywhere but the USA, where AMC originally owned the rights to the name. So Honda called them 599 and 919. edit: btw, there is also a 250 Hornet, that never made it to the USA. Hornet's Nest http://www.hondahornet.co.uk/ http://www.hondahornet.co.uk/images2/NEWNEST10.jpg
  8. I'm reminded of something I read somewhere on the internet, that I would never be able to find. The question from a girl, was whether she should ride on some guy's bike. The answer, likely from some one's mother, was to ask to see license and insurance first, as well as ask a history of accidents and tickets and such. No have, no ride... Apparently some people relate those things to responsibility and safety.
  9. I've been hearing of a lot of adults catching shingles lately. What the heck is going on...
  10. Really good gloves that stay warm. Tall warm boots and socks. One layer of light thermal top and bottom work for me. Leather jacket. That's about all for me. 599 is 919 baby brother/sister. Not slow. Nice bike. Oh, and gloves, I fit between medium and large. So I buy the larger size. You don't want tight on fingers in the cold. Won't work, they need to be a bit loose. edit: I wanted to ride this morning... but then the cold windy wet rain started, and I changed my mind.
  11. Indeed true. The fish I ate when I was a kid, are long gone. Perhaps never to return. Same goes for most every other species of fish pulled from the oceans to replace the supply. Multiple times this has happened to where we now eat modified fish that would have been considered trash "back-in-the-day". It has progressed to the point where fishing fleets are starting to sit idle. No fish to fish. I used to think dwindling supplies of fresh water would trump the shortages of fuel and oil. But in our lifetimes we will very likely see a nearly total collapse of the ocean ecosystems. As always, nature takes it's hand, and the oceans will change. But not necessarily for the better as humans might be concerned.
  12. lol, I had a co-worker nearly in tears, for having just bought a house on the Florida West coast around Tampa. She rushed down there and found... *cricket cricket*.... nothing...
  13. The place will probably be haunted now, since you said that...
  14. Yes, extreme marketing tools, and more to come. Recently shopping malls attempted to track phones to see where you lingered and almost bought something. Actually more important than what you did buy. That impulse buy is hard to pin down. And even harder to push a customer into committing.
  15. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana 1863-1952 not Sir Winston Churchill, he said: “A nation that forgets its past is doomed to repeat it.” In part not tragic, but just plain stupid. A Darwin award for those who care so little for themselves, that they would destroy the lives of others in doing so. Each of us see a little of ourselves in each of those events posted. Some of us care, some don't care, and some don't want to hear it. Feel free to self destruct. Try not to take others with you. These RIP postings bring out the offenders and the offended. Try not to be either one. It's not even the first accident of the year. There's been a couple already. This most recent one was just particularly irresponsible and particularly deadly. I lose interest quickly, in RIP postings. But I'm already old enough to know where the line between thrill and death is located.
  16. Too early for this... South of Zanesville on 60, no license, expired tags, passenger, no helmets, passing vehicles, one dead. edit: oops, some one pointed out it's North of Zanesville. http://www.zanesvilletimesrecorder.com/article/20120220/NEWS01/120220004/Woman-dies-crash-Ohio-60-near-speedway-victims-identified http://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/article/BA/20120220/NEWS01/120220004/Woman-dies-crash-Ohio-60-near-speedway?odyssey=nav|head
  17. So it fires a cap and powder instead of a cartridge? It was hard to tell from the picture. Yeah, I wouldn't try firing it. Not this one.
  18. About 12% of people can't see 3D effect in movies and TV. The headache is a symptom of that. I've also read that it can take a while for the eyes to adjust to seeing simulated 3D. It's known as stereo blind, and it's pretty common. It can be total or partial. It effects depth perception as well. It is possible to learn to see 3D and make depth perception pop into reality like suddenly having new vision. http://www.mediacollege.com/3d/depth-perception/stereoblind.html It is indeed still a fad, not really any different than any of the previous times it was offered. It has a long ways to go before it's here to stay. Best 3D movies I've seen were shown at Cape Kennedy, the iMax theater. One shot inside the space station, and the other a science fiction story about a family living in a very large space station orbiting Earth. Real 3D camera work, no conversions.
  19. My TomTom GPS will do it. And Google maps has a layer that shows it. Not sure if my Droid has something that will do it, I haven't looked... edit: TomTom has an app for iPhone and is bringing one out for the Droid. Actual apps, not tried any of them yet. But there are several. Some update fast and include accident and speed trap reporting. These are all free apps, I think. Paid for probably work better. Real Time Traffic & Speed Cam https://market.android.com/details?id=net.monthorin.rttraffic16&hl=en INRIX TRAFFIC! https://market.android.com/details?id=inrix.android.ui&feature=search_result US Traffic Waze - Just looked, this one even lets you chat to people around you in traffic... (ok, this one is just too cool, downloading it now) Beat the Traffic US Traffic Jam & Speed Traps
  20. Found this at gabelguns.com , a guy that will answer any questions about your old shotgun. You might be able to find ECMA or ECMC marked on it somewhere.Another article for a shotgun like yours: http://www.shotgunworld.com/bbs/viewtopic.php?t=274481&p=2346198 It refers to these as JABC = just another belgian clunker. And says they go on auctions for $50-$100. Guessing the age as 1880 to 1914. edit: still confusing, since nothing exactly matches. "The International" was a name used by Simonis, Janssen & Dumoulin of Liege, Belgium. Belgium gun makers from 1884 to 1905. Same name sometimes found on other Belgian imports. edit deux: The most common multiple name manufacture/importer was Cresent Firearms Company. A list can be found here: http://www.gundealersonline.com/firearmID.asp Cross reference guide for retailers and trade names vs manufacturer: http://www.hoosiergunworks.com/catalog/cross_reference.html And everything anyone ever wanted to know about identifying an old shotgun: http://www.shotgunworld.com/identify.html And I still don't see yours anywhere yet...
  21. percussion cap? ok, it is quite old... I'd guess late 1800s. edit: probably not percussion cap, that's the firing pin/striker that the hammer falls on... edit: here's an example of a Belgian import from American Gun Company of New York. $400 in this condition. What you get in this era is hardware stores, department stores, and catalogs were selling firearms with their own names on them. Prices can go up to $3000 depending on manf and cond. http://images.gunsinternational.com/listings/100224595-1-L.jpg Here's a Stevens of that era, worth $65 to $500 depending upon condition. http://gastatic.com/UserImages/3220/976911202/wm_449000.jpg Old shotgun article: http://www.shotgunworld.com/bbs/viewtopic.php?t=59
  22. nay... need not report firearm WITH camera.... rule 32 edit: big deal cameras... we probably drive past 60 cameras recording us going to work, and again going home. And that was 1990 levels of cameras....
  23. ok, this might be the world war two era of International Armament Corporation. Set up by Samuel Cummings in 1953. It specialized in war surplus everything. It had names like INTERARMS, INTERARMCO, IAC. Or it's a similar company set up around the same era. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Cummings
  24. Struggling to understand why the name is in English, if it might be a German firearm. I would think that International Arms Company would probably be an importer. Difficult, since "International Arms" is a common phrase, and clouds the searching. But I just found CMR International Arms Company (UK). It looks like they imported German firearms to England? Searching... http://www.cmrfirearms.com/shop/ edit: argh, don't think so. Nothing found on where they ever imported shotguns...
  25. try a google search for Century International Arms JW-2000 Coach shotgun this is a more recent item, they sold for about 250 not sure if that is what you have edit: but basically called a coach shotgun when you're searching
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