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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Lol, I've ridden in rain so hard, I couldn't see to get off the freeway. And that would be because it was dark at night. Didn't slow me down though, I stuck with the semi tractor in front of me. (I knew where the exit was, I just got off in the blind anyway....)
  2. I've been riding all week, but I guess I won't be tomorrow. We're on the edge of a wonky big storm. It's circling over the Missouri/Kansas border, and will slap us with rain from Louisiana. 93% chance of .25 in of rain Friday afternoon between 2pm and 5pm. (Central Ohio) http://radar.weather.gov/Conus/index_loop.php
  3. I also wish to have a perforated leather jacket. I'm thinking it will be rather hot this season. I would want one that doesn't look like Joe Racer though, a traditional plain black or brown jacket. Most of those are already cheap. Don't make me get out my 1960s Brooks gear. Not sure the pants would still fit... edit: they might still fit, you never know...
  4. argh... Dyno Day is missing from our event calendar on the forum site. Somebody fix that...
  5. It's not uncommon to find spent rounds lying on the streets and sidewalks downtown, after New Year's Eve. The way I figure it, the total number of them must be pretty high, considering many must wind up in green spots and landscaping where they can't be seen. Here's one I found a few years back. It obviously bounced down the road a ways: Other guys found some, maybe total of 6 various spent rounds found on sidewalks that I knew of... .45 bullet found on street - New Year's 2009
  6. Yes, it's actually June. We skipped three months. They will be back later maybe...
  7. hey hey, I've met some really nice Jersey girls... none lacking brain cells like that though. edit: Physics of objects in motion, it's not just for everyone. Talk about endless face plants...
  8. Expect the airport roads and 670 from the airport to 315 north to the hospital area to be shut off while the motorcade is traveling. And then back to the airport again. It's pretty fast, but wouldn't want to be detoured off the freeway unless I wanted off anyway.
  9. a little high on the asking price, I think. But maybe it will talk down. http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/2908760360.html
  10. Two speed camera pics of guys who dumped it when they saw the speed camera. They still got the speeding tickets, but no further charges since... well... they weren't on the bikes at the time. Caught Speeding Without A Motorcycle – When A Bad Day Turns Bad Ugly
  11. Radar picks up the largest return signal, which in general... is either the radiator or the drivers face behind the windshield. Both give large returns. It pretty much doesn't matter if it's a bike or a car or a semi. Just who has the largest radar return. (Which probably does mean which is the largest radiator.) Having said that, I've seen radar clock a speeding semi that was being passed by a car that was being passed by me on a bike. Guess what was going to happen there? edit: Yeah, two answers are correct and one is wrong...
  12. He said it was New Year's right at the start. It sounds perfectly normal to me. But then again I've been known to put on a Kevlar or steel helmet on New Year's Eve....
  13. Not to mention an election coming up, which means at least double the number of tickets in some areas. To generate revenue. Rt 7 along the river is pretty much known to be not tolerant of any more than ten over.
  14. yeah, 7 along the river often has a lot of state troopers.
  15. Well that made a hell of a racket. Half inch to one inch hail for about 5 minutes. Sounded like dancing on the roof... and beat the hell out of my old van. Heh, don't care.
  16. ahhhh hahahaha, just saw a mini van try to tip over when it hit deep water. Dumb ass... Just saw two ducks go flying by in the creek out back. Not in the street, that would have been funny. edit: actually... if the radar is right, that was only the first of three or four. And it missed, just caught the edge of it.
  17. Yup, one of them in the south part changed direction and now getting pounded here. Hard rain with maybe some small hail. There will be flooding from one to two inches of rain in 30 minutes.
  18. When I lived in the Huber Ridge in Westerville, I got up on the roof one day to see it better. Couldn't see nothing. Quite windy, tons of rain. But I did see the little tree in the front yard bend over to the ground one way, and then go back the other way. The stupid "tornado" ran right over me. durrrr....
  19. better safe than sorry, but correct, the radar is not yet showing a signature for a tornado. One for hail, and one for mesocyclonic. The centers of intensity are 20 to 40 minutes away. They aren't here yet. They are at the back edge of the storm.
  20. Sirens are going off. Map shows the area of North Columbus has the warning. (Or North part of Franklin County.) Wind is blowing from the West.
  21. Remember this one from 2008? Alien of the deep? (A squid species.) This one might be somewhat intelligent... It was caught just hanging out and observing the deep water camera gear. http://images.stanzapub.com/readers/2008/11/26/0_21.jpg http://scienceray.com/biology/marine-biology/discovery-alien-of-the-deep/ http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=18033&highlight=creature
  22. 250/350 is exactly suited for around town. Nimble and quick. And fast up to a certain point.
  23. Call Carl Zipf on 5th Ave. Old shop that does it all. Might be able to cut key from VIN. Take your registration with you. You'll have to wait till Monday. http://www.carlzipflockshop.com/
  24. In all my years, I still think the selling of names for roads and buildings and venues and such is one of the stupidest and insulting things I've ever seen.
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