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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. do some internet searching sometime. About strange sounds heard underwater in the ocean. There's something loud enough to be heard farther than any other creature, that is big and fast. And nobody has any idea what it is.
  2. lol, looks like normal morning traffic to me. More crowded and in the dark. I have to watch what happens behind me about equal to what's happening in front of me. At least in morning traffic in certain areas. People get to dicing it up with rapid lane changes and hard acceleration/braking way too much sometimes. Makes a motorcycle nervous. edit: I hate being overtaken from behind where I didn't see it coming...
  3. My Dad has seen one, that size or larger probably. He's a Navy pilot, and was flying a helicopter with crew on anti-sub practice in the Florida Keys. Along one of the coastlines they spotted one, and they compared it's wingspan to a billboard on the nearby highway. It was that wide or a bit more.
  4. hmmm, he/she was out every day, but not lately. Maybe too late. Conversely, early in the morning when cages mess with me... I'm really tempted to pop one off... So I guess I can understand the feeling.
  5. Don't let me forget. I owe I owe. Calling/texting tomorrow at work. Maybe get some lunch, if you want.
  6. FEMA recently denied aid to Illinois and Missouri also. Illinois called it "unacceptable and out of touch with reality". Storm forecasters call for about 1200-1300 tornadoes/heavy storms this year, up from an average of typically closer to 800. btw, Dexter Michigan just got whacked a couple of hours ago. Claims of multiple funnel clouds.
  7. I see they will have a new translucent black-grey spray soon... http://www.plastidip.com/blog/2012/02/plasti-dip-smoke-aint-no-joke/ edit: the number of coats changes the darkness: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=315990261776930&set=pu.178836095492348&type=1&permPage=1&_fb_noscript=1
  8. Got one moved into the neighborhood. I hate to tell him this, but local popo might take the bike if he rides that way on public roads and/or in residential 25mph zones. Won't get it back either, it will stay impounded longer than what it's worth to get it out. I can hear him a good mile away. Full bore wheelies. He even did one right up to the back bumper of my Jeep the other day. I don't think he's had the bike very long. Thought about finding and talking about it, but no. It is what it is. Fate, that is. (Enough rope... etc.) Some people have to learn the hard way. Wondering how long it will be before he's off the road or chased out of town. I'm going to have to take a better look and see what type of bike it is, and who the rider is. Sounds like a 600 to me. I better hurry before the engine burns up from oil starvation.... edit: changed it to Stunter sighting, not squid sighting. Really not sure what gear is worn. My mistake.
  9. Seen it before, but still a favorite.
  10. From what I've read, since it's compressed air instead of a propellent, it's pretty loud. I guess it's nearly as loud as not having the suppressor. Dunno. Sounds like a crappy suppressor to me.
  11. Was that in Texas? I'm glad someplace is still like that. I never got in trouble for fights. I told the truth, and it was always some one else started it, or I was defending some one from a bully. In all cases the opponent needed what they got. And no, I didn't win them all. But they didn't mess with me anymore.
  12. I used to like canvas instead of leather, or canvas over leather. It stays put in a pocket. Not slippery. But they are hard to find. And they wear out quickly. Now using a woven stainless steel. Protects against random EMP pulse destroying cards... err... prevents scanners from reading cards in wallet, I meant... edit: and apparently it's lasting a long time. It's... steel. They can be difficult to break in though.
  13. Live traps work. I removed a couple of big destructive squirrels from my area. I set them outside with peanuts and peanut butter. I don't have them inside. The raccoons won't let them inside, I think. That's another story. I'm also pretty sure a rat trap (the snap type) is big enough also. I kinda like the fly paper glue trap idea. Just the thought of a stupid squirrel walking around with glue paper stuck on is excellent. Payback.
  14. Almost did this for cars and trucks back in my younger days. You'll need to check the cost of insurance and make plans for security. edit: and don't forget the cost of the utilities.
  15. ReconRat

    919 2007

    From the album: Bikes

  16. ReconRat

    Water Bricks

    There are radiation waves, and radioactive particles/elements (that continuously emit radiation waves). Radiation itself alters the molecular structure of the elements that it hits. If it hits the body, molecules and body cells alter or mutate and fatal damage can be done. It's complicated. Stopping radiation can actually produce a second type of radiation from the collision. If it's stopped by water or other barriers, molecules can be altered, but mostly upward to a higher isotope. With water, not much happens. What needs filtering or removal is radioactive elements or isotopes that are in something like water in a stream that you want to drink. If it's Cobalt-60 fallout, it will kill you and it doesn't take very much to do that. Ion exchange, distillation and reverse osmosis will all reduce radioactive particles in water. But then you would have a radioactive water filter or equipment. Radioactive particles actually have to be mechanically removed (washed away) and stored till their half life goes away and they aren't dangerous anymore. Water irradiated by x-rays and gamma rays isn't horribly dangerous, but organic life can't tolerate the exposure to high amounts of x-rays and gamma rays. edit: and no, iodine drops for the water won't do it. That's for killing organic bacteria and stuff. And that's the best I can explain. A nuclear physicist would slap me silly.
  17. You are also correct. Single slide movement. Guess I'm not thinking straight today.
  18. You're right. Two triggers. He fired both at the same time. Don't know if it capable of firing one at a time. I suppose that would be simplest. One or the other or both.
  19. Single trigger, it fires both barrels together. I was kinda hoping it alternated instead. Dunno. Guess that makes it .90cal
  20. ReconRat

    Water Bricks

    I've seen water used to line a fall out shelter. Each 7.2 inches of water will cut the radiation exposure in half. Of course, dirt, concrete, steel and lead each work better. The point with a fall out shelter is that you will need a lot of water anyway. edit: Shielding Design
  21. ReconRat

    Mad at NRA

    fook.... I joined one year, and I never got the hat. Two of us, no hats. Contacting them did nothing. Didn't give them any more money...
  22. But wait... we're talking about a part of the world where children of age 12-14 are considered adult. That's the "normal" age of a new combat troop in a place like that. How is anyone going to change that? It's a permanent part of life there, and has been for millennium. No, it's not changing anytime soon, on up to forever. edit: Most "charity" organizations keep 80% for their own paychecks. Any higher than that and people start asking questions. There's only three charities that are sincere from what I've heard. Red Cross, Salvation Army and Catholic Children's Services.
  23. Welcome. I dunno, we have a pretty good percentage of cruisers here. And people that have both, and people that switch back and forth from year to year.
  24. Yeah, I saw that. Although the one I saw gave a different excuse. That the situation had not been assessed yet. Either way, the Clermont county doesn't meet the minimums required by federal rules. I think they all know that and are just playing games as usual.

  25. This sux, federal aid to Clermont County was denied by the federal administration. No idea why, but they will have to do without. They can get federal loans instead of free like everyone else... http://news.cincinnati.com/article/20120309/NEWS01/120309022 http://www.wlwt.com/news/30649383/detail.html It really makes no sense to me, Kenton and Pendleton Counties in Kentucky got the disaster aid.
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