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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Second person. Oops, ok third person. Mine is a used authentic 1973 Chinese military/militia training rifle, per the serial number. All the dings and dents give it character. Yup, it was about 80 bucks. And surprise, it's one of the most accurate rifles I've ever seen. It might have something to do with the milled frame, instead of a stamped steel frame. Good luck finding one of those... the only thing I added was an authentic Chinese rifle sling and an authentic Chinese paratrooper canvas jump bag to store it in.
  2. There are intentions to add even more automatic cameras and radar in Columbus. Not just at the bad intersections. The one I remember, is gear in patrol cars at school zones. To monitor and check the speed on all traffic while the patrol car is there. Somebody figured out that the school zone is open with reduced speeds for only 30 minutes. A ticket takes at least 10 minutes to write. Ergo, use speed cameras in the cars and catch them all. Chaching I've seen one in Bexley, although it could have been a fake.
  3. Me too, saw it yesterday, and all the replays. Spokes broke off on both ends, which is a typical failure when they go. edit: nah, they all just sheared once each... I sorta remember that rims need serious inspection after lesser impacts. Guess this is the reason why. It had to have been compromised in some way. Either road damage or manufacturer fault.
  4. Radiation from Japan found in China, Austria, Nevada, South/North Carolina and Massachusetts. Basically most of the USA. Apparently some of the few places capable of measuring and identifying low levels of radiation, and willing to say something about it. (Around nuclear plants.) Very low levels of radiation. Nothing to see here, move along....
  5. Made for two years to counter the Honda Magna. V-4 cruiser, hydraulic lifters, drive shaft, self adjusting hydraulic clutch. Fairly quick at 12.86 seconds per Cycle World. And fairly rare. I don't think I've ever seen one. The Unofficial Madura Website edit: Suzuki produced 3438 units in 1984 and in 1985 there were 1661 for a total of 5099 total production, which includes both the V700 and V1200 models. I think most were V1200. It says the V700 was made only in 1985. As normal, both were sold in 1986 and later, till sold out.
  6. AT&T Deal May Face 'Steep Climb' at FCC apparently not a done deal. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704438104576219100500239550.html?mod=googlenews_wsj
  7. *calculates*... I think it could be done if a compression ratio of around 40:1 could be generated... that would be for 1000cc @ 10,000 rpm
  8. I saw an M&Ms bike around town years ago. Wonder if it was related...
  9. If it goes away or gets less when it warms up, I'd say it's the piston, rings, and cylinder wall. Those can make a ringing or bell like sound, particularly when cold. There's a lot of expansion on 2-strokes. It's all the heat generated from double the power stokes. They can be pretty loose when cold. Worst case would be stuck rings or worn piston skirt, but I'd think it would start smoking out the tailpipe with that. edit: And yeah, it doesn't sound bad from the video. Just louder than normal maybe.
  10. overdosed on M&Ms, I heard... lived though, I think was committed to the Wonka Asylum...
  11. lol, what part of knocking doesn't sound like "I'm trying to punch a hole in your engine"... I seized a crankshaft once. The engine runs surprisingly great right before it quits. Makes you wonder what's going on. There's only about one or two seconds to get the clutch pulled in when it happens, just before things get much worse. edit: it was the crankshaft I seized, not the piston... oops
  12. I remember this bike dyno pulling two bikes at a little over 200hp. That covers most bikes, I would hope. I forget what the stated HP limit on the bike dyno is. It's in some old thread somewhere... edit: nm, I see the thread split... no limit up to physical limit of wheel slip on rollers. sounds like in the mid 400s minimum. Unknown maximum.
  13. Buy the limit of five, you never know when you'll need 15 TB of storage...
  14. Avon Rebate Program: $25 Per Motorcycle Tire http://www.ultimatemotorcycling.com/2011/avon-rebate-program-25-per-motorcycle-tirehttp://www.avonmoto.com/rebate/vp2-rebate
  15. Uncle Pinkk works too, twice as much fun...
  16. Cord on campus. That's what I used back when. edit: don't try using Kodak mailers, they stopped honoring them two years ago.
  17. yeah, somebody posted that a year or two ago. But I think everyone including me forgot where it was... Thanks.
  18. The fit of the pin in the hole will change the shear strength. The strongest is a press fit or interference fit. A loose fit will dump all the force in a smaller area on the pin and/or side plate. Formed rivets are good if the formed head is within the min/max height and/or width when finished.
  19. They all voted at the UN, but 5 voted abstain. So it was 10 of the 15 voted yes. Last time I checked, anyway. Darn news keeps changing things....
  20. Yes, they are already. A quick pick up on both. But separately.
  21. Yes, we obliged without the approval or vote of congress... oops... It's already falling apart due to differences among troops. Most of the Arab participants have decided not to participate. Britain, France, and USA can't agree. I guess this morning there were only 6 aircraft in a no fly zone around Benghazi. A mix of US, Danish, France, etc.
  22. nah, the two were separated during descent from high altitude, and both were picked up by Libyan rebel forces. One is recovered already. The other is known to be safe.
  23. Yeah, forgot to mention that. What Gixxie750 said. I rivet all of mine. I don't use the clip type anymore.
  24. Go to the junkyard and yank a cargo mat out of a van. They are expensive new, but dirt cheap from a junkyard. Will look like ... well... a van cargo mat on the floor. edit: ok, that was silly. Try this. Sears anti fatigue foam floor mat. 46"x93" $19.95 on sale http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_00914118000P?sid=IDx20070921x00003a&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=00914118000P More durable 4 ft x 8 ft $25.00 http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_SPM2686789501P?sid=IDx20101019x00001a&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=SPM2686789501 dang, now I want one... extra heavy duty - price based on size http://www.sportsimportsltd.com/garagemat.html Moar... JCWhitney rubber cargo mat - 40"x28" - $18.99 http://www.jcwhitney.com/rubber-cargo-area/trunk-liner-mat/p2007461.jcwx?filterid=j1 JCWhitney reversible rubber/carpet mat - 40"x54" - $28.99 <-- I like this one http://www.jcwhitney.com/reversible-cargo-mat/p2017638.jcwx?filterid=j1
  25. Basically you want a chain that is strong enough for your bike. The manufacturer has recommendations, based on strength and design. The manufacturer will also recommend master links that match the chain you pick. for your size chain, it will probably offer both types of master links. For most chains, that's what you should do. Which means if you go out and find some cheap master link that isn't strong enough, it just might break. Offhand, I think a good clip type master link is ok on a 500cc bike. Check out some of the motorcycle chain websites. Lots of information can be found there. http://www.didchain.com/streetChains.html http://www.ekchain.com/ edit: a rivet master link is about 20% stronger than a press fit clip type. A press fit clip type master link is about 20% stronger than the common loose fit clip type.
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