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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Yes, I'm up in the middle of the night... DARPA / Lockheed testing of the Falcon HTV-2 began in secret in April, 2010. Launched from Vandenburg AFB, or somewhere secret nearby. About the same time Gates let slip that we have conventional warhead ICBM capability. Test launches are from West coast launch sites, targeted at the test range in the Marshall Islands. If a sub were to test a sub launched variant of this weapon, it would probably be from right there off the coast of California. These launches are not announced ahead of time. Launch vehicles are possibly using a new type of propulsion / motor that I know very little about. Testing of foreign missile technology (Scud) and intercept has also been on going in secrecy from the West coast facilities using the same flight parameters. The Marshall Islands are directly on the other side of the Hawaiian Islands, from the LA area. The contrail from a flight coming in from Hawaii could be similar in appearance to a launch trail going back the other way. The question is, did the flight 808 from Hawaii go visibly overhead above LA and continue on to Phoenix. A missile trail going the other way would not. edit: The guy that claims US Airways flight 808 has changed to UPS flight 902, Hawaii to Ontario. A similar time and place and flight. http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=9802.0%3Ball http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/systems/slirbm.htm http://defensetech.org/2010/04/12/gates-says-u-s-has-conventionally-armed-icbms/#axzz0l87v45fQ
  2. I noticed on a large iMac at work, that it was really hot on the upper left side on the back. It seems to be this way all the time.
  3. High quality up close video of a Trident launch from the USS Alabama off the coast of California. - February 2009 http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1175150827378 Navy video of ripple launch of four Trident missiles. Notice how quickly they are gone over the horizon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TPHQ2GFxMw And an interesting article, which doesn't determine either way. http://www.globalsecuritynewswire.org/gsn/nw_20101110_3543.php
  4. I agree, it gave many of the appearances of a mil-spec launch of a large airframe with a solid fuel engine. I sort of think it's too slow. But air speed at high altitude when viewed from the ground can be very deceptive. And all that's given is a short video. I mean a shuttle launch is slow, as well as a Delta launch. They both accumulate velocity at a steady pace. That's typically what this should also should look like, to terminate in orbital velocities. There are things both right and wrong about seeing this as either an aircraft or a missile launch. And things right and wrong about how it's observed as well. It even appears that the contrail stops when it goes past 30,000 feet. There is little water vapor up there to make a contrail. Leaving only a short smoke trail. Launches can easily be visible to extreme altitudes, till they go out of sight over the horizon. I'm backing up to the concept of half of everything I hear and read is false.
  5. I'm bored. By now I think it was just an aircraft and a bunch of hysteria, particularly out in LA. So here's a photo of a "missile" spotted by an old lady in Newfoundland. They're blaming it on the French. edit: oh yeah, forgot. To make things more confusing, three were spotted, one right after another, all going the same way. They were seen by dozens of people. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/newfoundland-labrador/story/2010/01/27/nl-ufo-military-012710.html
  6. You will want to learn to shoot. For that, a basic 22cal will work. The ammo is cheap, and there are plenty that aren't "collectable", so you won't have to worry about wearing it out or messing it up. After that, try various calibers of popular pistols and revolvers, till you have a feel for what is comfortable for you. That means renting them at ranges or trying out someone's else's firearm. Read various firearm reviews on line, there is tons of information. Or just go crazy and buy a whole bunch of all sorts of stuff since like everyone else you'll never be able to decide.
  7. Only if you bribe the inspectors at least 15 times... Here's one of the "build fast" Chinese construction jobs. 13 stories, and it fell over...
  8. Here's a photo from what appears to be South or SouthEast of LA. The sun appears to be on the left instead of on the right as in the original news team pics. Hard to tell since the sun is already starting to set. The point is, an aircraft contrail would not appear to be going straight up from an alternate angle of view. It would instead appear to be horizontal. Or at least some other point and angle of trail. I saw a set of 5 good resolution pics from somewhere else in LA, but can not now find them again. Gone. They are saved on the computer at work. Same deal, different angle of view, still coming from a point on the ground, not from over the horizon. From several photo vantage points, an exact point of launch can be determined. edit: I figured out that this is actually a photo from back in December of 2008, of one of the flights in from Hawaii. It looks almost identical to the current photos. Yes, it might have only been an aircraft. When reports said nothing on radar, they might have been saying no missiles climbing on radar. There are differences if looked at closely, but without photos from other places around LA, no one will know for sure. http://static.businessinsider.com/image/4cd9b8c949e2ae336b010000/missile-contrail.jpg Found it, 5 pics from an ABC photographer: http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/gallery?section=news/local/los_angeles&id=7776159&photo=2 For everyone else, here's a picture of a bunny with a pancake on it's head.
  9. ehh, not really a repost, but I spotted the article and added it to the thread on that iPhone in space. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=583267&postcount=17 who's going to be first with the tiny little toy motorcycle in space...
  10. edit: always willing to correct my errors... I worked the UTC time day and hour to be local time in LA, and it looks like the closure was for Noon to 5pm on Tuesday LA time. So that would have nothing to do with a missile or event on Monday night. More confusion... edit2: argh... correcting the error of my correction... it did indeed cover the event on Monday. The NOTAMS range closure was for 12 noon on Monday to 5pm on Tuesday, LA time. I was off by one day in my read of the day and time. But anyway, most transport aircraft owned by airlines that I know of, don't have a 50 foot flame coming out the back, pushing into the upper atmosphere in a big hurry. Another launch did get sighted in the SouthWest, with photos. But that one looks like a test firing of a regular surface to air missile. At a military launch site that would be doing that type of thing anyway. Not a big deal. And not a large missile.
  11. I swear half the things I "fix", I only take apart and reassemble. Then they start working.
  12. I looked up a conspiracy website. Apparently they believe there's been a second California missile launch, one in Florida, maybe one in New York and Indiana. They think a Chinese sub attacked the cruise ship, and we attacked the Chinese sub. All wild imagination, of course. Now that's a conspiracy...
  13. I caught that too, and then forgot about it. But that is correct. There is so much false information on this event, that it's hard to see what actually happened. Somehow I think we're being directed away from the news that nothing was on radar. That seems to be important. Funny how people didn't buy the original UFO story. NORAD alerts are generated from heat signatures of a launch, not radar. The flame of the rocket exhaust can clearly be seen in the original news video. By now, I wouldn't even doubt if that original video had been edited and changed. So in all probability, we're not being told the truth from several different sources. And never will be. At this point, I'm not even sure if the fire on the cruise ship was an accident. Although it probably was, and was quickly taken advantage of. The USS Reagan aircraft carrier "on exercises", couldn't be involved because it was busy rescuing the cruise ship, right? Everything about this seems like it's an intentional message on an international level. Guess which two country's capitals are almost exactly at the limits of range of a Trident D5 launched from off shore of Los Angeles.
  14. Yeah sure, an airliner on it's regular route... Right through a restricted weapons zone for that day? The FAA notice is no joke. That area was closed.
  15. Wait! There's more! A British crew launched a paper airplane with a camera, from a balloon at 90,000 feet. Photos, and a tiny toy pilot... The Australians plan a launch soon. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-11734084 http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Technology/Paper-Plane-Makers-See-Success-As-They-Send-Plane-Into-Space/Article/201011215800167?lpos=Technology_News_Your_Way_Region_2&lid=NewsYourWay_ARTICLE_15800167_Paper_Plane_Makers_See_Success_As_They_Send_Plane_Into_Space http://i.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph/multimedia/archive/01758/space_1758838c.jpg
  16. The UN already requested that the USA and others cease ethanol production, since it raises the price of food crops that are exported to nations that have to import food. There's only about 5 nations in the world that actually export more food than they import. We probably already give a lot more aid than this tax. I'm not sure why the tax is necessary. When direct aid is given to most countries, they prefer cash, not food. You can imagine why. Food actually has to be given (or sold) to the people. Cash never makes it to the people. It's still all about money and power. But a request for a global tax only appears to be those with power working on taking money for their own purposes.
  17. Please take that across the border where it's "pizzen" instead...
  18. I watched a helicopter pilot get arrested for landing in an open field inside the Columbus city limits. Columbus already had a law for that. The owner of the land called the police. Pilot arrested. FAA called. Because of that one incident back in the early 90s, most of the smaller towns around Columbus quickly passed or considered new laws to limit VTOL landing inside their city limits. They didn't have such laws before. I have an aircraft airframe and powerplant license (inactive). I was at a small airport in Miami showing a pilot friend things to watch out for on his engine, before we went for a flight. An FAA dude walked over and wanted to know what I was doing. Wrong answers, and I would have been in trouble. I didn't have the license yet, at that time. I told the truth, I already knew exactly what my limits were. A pilot is allowed to inspect his engine, and not much more. I think the FAA dude was having a slow day. They don't see people or pilots pop the engine cover/panel and look around very often, I guess. Rules are different for home built aircraft built by the pilot. Mostly depends on how and where you get the engine from. And certain other parts as well. It varies. It's all about air flight safety, yours and everyone elses. If I remember right... An odd rule about helicopters is that the pilot is allowed to land almost anywhere in an emergency, and then repair almost anything himself that was broken. So if he's stuck in the out back somewhere, he can fix it and go home.
  19. Neutral for me, but not unusual for the mid ohio area. Nor unusual since I grew up in six different states / eight different cities scattered all over the country.
  20. McAfee SiteAdvisor + FireFox = no clicky bad link
  21. ReconRat

    Good deal?

    Probably a home built? About 750 worth of DPMS parts and 130 of magazines. He could knock 80 to 160 off the rifle. Don't know about all the magazines. Might also need some work if it's a home built rifle.
  22. Shoot, I didn't know about the Home Depot and Lowes 10% discount all the time. Dang I spend a lot of money there.
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