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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. I want to see them work with a really crappy rim, and a really crappy tire...
  2. Anybody remember those old tire balancers that spun the tire on the car? The instructions said not to, but we used to run them up to 100-120 to get a smooth high speed balance. After a first pass at balancing, at a lower speed, of course. edit: I've seen the newer balancers at the tire shops spinning at a very slow speed. I can't figure how it's doing anything worth while...
  3. Since someone mentioned tires bouncing happily up and down when they felt smooth like no problem... it makes me wonder if dynabeads are a complete balancing. It might be just smoothly out of balance... I will stick with tire weights also. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skY6qvzpNXI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq263AYgyYg&feature=PlayList&p=16ED3821AC02A14F&playnext_from=PL&index=2
  4. American Sign Language for the word "OR" Video of how it works: http://www.aslpro.com/cgi-bin/aslpro/aslpro.cgi click on O, scroll down to Or - 2 it's an "O" with either hand, palm out, flicking quickly to "R", index and middle finger salute (crossed). Push it forward between the "O" and "R". edit: if I see a "minivan", I'll understand...
  5. I'd go get the new license before showing up at court. That shows willingness and intent.
  6. Exactly that, go to Newark, Zanesville, Coshocton, Logan or Nelsonville and take any two lane road from there. Some of these roads are actually difficult, so choose wisely... and be careful... Websites that list Ohio motorcycle roads: MotorcycleRoads US for Ohio motorcycleroads com for Ohio
  7. Nope, a time frame was lost, but not everything. Some/most was restored. At least that's the way I remember it. Just do another intro and it's done (again).
  8. Actually, I thought Brandon was joking. But too many people can't/won't take a joke now-a-days. May I suggest mud wrestling. Everyone bring a gallon or two of water for this... edit: oh, and please don't start till the sun kinda goes down. Otherwise participants will all wind up looking sorta like baked cookies...
  9. Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) reverses course and goes through the Suez Canal heading for Iran and the Persian Gulf. Standard defensive/offensive group of 11-12 ships with it. One Israeli ship is going along for whatever reason. Unknown if the German ship is still with them. The Suez Canal was closed by Egypt, while this group passed through. I'm guessing some other carrier group(s) departed for the Mediterranean and will be there shortly. Read back above, plans were for 5 USN battle groups in Persian Gulf around the end of Summer. And there is always one or two in the Mediterranean. The Lebanese Army (which has a navy, go figure) is going to try sending two ships loaded with civilian women to Gaza. Technically Lebanon and Israel are still at war, from the last go around of hostilities. Hezbollah claims nothing to do with whatever is going on but reserves the right to blah blah blah. Fatah and Hamas in Gaza suddenly start generating an agreement. This is a sudden change of heart on both sides. I would guess that Gaza citizens see themselves as pawns in all the attempts to "help" them, and won't gain anything by participating or cooperating. Something needs to be done, the Hamas control of Gaza is going broke economically. It won't last much longer. Gaza is as much a "smoke screen" for Turkey, as it is for Iran, as it is for Lebanon, Syria, Hezbollah, and... the NATO and US forces. While the world screams and cries about the previous clash at sea, all sorts of other things are going on unnoticed.
  10. I can understand an engineer saying that objects would go to the lowest point in the tire, and perhaps make it worse. But I've done enough engineering, (and known enough engineers), to disagree. At first I thought that would be the obvious truth. But then realized that this is a dynamic situation, not a static condition. So if the little objects intending to balance are round, they will be constantly in motion inside the tire (when the tire is turning). And I'm guessing they will settle on a dynamic equilibrium inside the tire. This kinda explains why the darn things work. Dynamic imbalances will settle out and go away on their own, if free to move to a state of equilibrium. But I still can't explain exactly why it would work. I had a clue at one time, but can't remember now. A liquid inside the tire should work just as well. Or... it's magic... But seriously, balancing a tire is more than simple rotational correction. There is a side to side imbalance that should be checked and fixed on a high speed tire also. More likely on wide car tires than on motorcycle tires. Different methods exist, but there are standards for mounting and balancing a tire.
  11. The shooters aren't supposed to know with certainty that they were the one. So one rifle is blank. And there is a backup shooter in case someone loses his nerve. and there is a backup shooter for the backup shooter. No one has ever lost their nerve, as part of the firing squad. There's a good CNN article/interview with one of the firing squad. If I can find it again, I'll post the link. Executioner: Death by firing squad is '100 percent justice'
  12. Bismuth can be used, same as "no lead" shotgun shells. It's heavy, and isn't toxic like lead. You could use silver, gold or platinum, of course, but other than the high cost, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't stay on your wheel very long...
  13. Wut? Not the Krauser top box? Dunno why I'd need two of them, but is yours the smaller K4? Mine is a K5. edit: you're going to fit that top box up on the new bike...
  14. It might have been lost in one of the various crashes, but the last one was a year and a half ago?
  15. The tiny Honda flyscreen on mine is just enough to take the wind off at freeway speeds. It results in much less neck strain when on a long ride into a head wind. It's worth it just for that. edit: I think the OU has some strange ticket rules. Most places a bike can park wherever it wants.
  16. Welcome, Fonzie means this link --> Tony Packo's Ohio Riders Ride A bunch of us will be there...
  17. Trying to eat steak out East and then ride to Hilliard... It's really nice outside today and tonight...
  18. I actually have a cover that has an alarm in the cover. Costs extra. I don't normally use it. I use other motion activated devices. (Silent alarms) But alarm sirens are typically a winner. edit: hiding in the bushes and annoying bandits in the middle of the night is a winner too.
  19. The hornets that bore into wood? Wear protective clothing. Power spray them at night. Get one of the cans that shoot far enough that you can run if you have to, and shoot the spray into the nest, twice. Patch the hole. Edit: the cans that shoot a distance are for all the other wasp nests, what you need for carpenter bees is one of the cans with a "straw" or tube thingy that lets you shoot it deep, right into the hole. I just looked on internetz, and it says you can vacuum them out alive, ha, that would be fun... (not) Careful, some of those suckers are mean. But I guess these aren't that mean. I found a nest of them under one of the tables at Jimbo's. All packed into a single 2x8. One little hole. What you really want is some one to come over and do it for you, heh...
  20. Check both sides of the tire on the rim, looking for where the tire might not be fully seated at the bead. This will cause a serious "hop". Been there, done that. Some tires have a mold line all around and makes it really easy to see where the tire dips in at the rim. This was really common with the old tube tires. Other than that, I would wonder if the tire is really round.
  21. I lurked for a year... youse guys skeered me.... edit: in fairness to self, I didn't sign up, just lurked through mad hakerz skills... When I did sign up I was there.
  22. wait, what? Triumph Bonneville? ummm, there won't be many bikes behind you. And they won't be going all that fast...
  23. Forget fences, and patrols... land mines and trip wires 100 yards deep on this side of the border will fix it...
  24. I used to do bank auctions, and pick up cars, trucks, and bikes to flip. And one of the great disappointments was that employees of the bank were allowed to buy anything at the price of the winning bid if they wanted to. So many of the good items were pulled when I was the winning bidder. Rulez....
  25. Search Craigslist nationwide for FJR1300 Search Ohio for FJR1300 on Cycle Trader
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