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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) decides to stay in the Mediterranean, after maneuvers with the French and British aircraft carriers. News teams got photos of the Truman South of Sicily when German Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg visited. German navy air defense frigate FGS Hessen (F221) joins the Truman. Iranian ships intend to join with Turkish ships (in Turkey or Cyprus) before heading to Gaza. Israel announces that the aid flotilla are "obviously dispatched by outright enemies with hostile intent thinly disguised as humanitarian efforts". Iran threatens "military retaliation against Persian Gulf and Mediterranean shipping for any interference with the vessels Iran is sending to the Gaza Strip". opinion: joint ventures are seldom coordinated very well. It takes practice that Turkey and Iran probably don't have. Hezbollah is also part of this brewing disaster. The Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon are currently extremely heavily armed with weaponry from Syria. They want to fight, and will very likely attack at the wrong time. Beginning with an artillery barrage of hundreds or thousands of missiles launched. Which might be before anything actually happens with the Iranian and Turkish ships. If they do, it would be a declaration of war that the Turkish and Iranian ships would get dragged into. There is even the possibility that Hamas in Gaza could launch an attack that would start events.
  2. ok, forgot the quote... Ha! technically there is a law against keeping anything that you find. (Not surprised, there is after all, nearly a law against everything.) The only place I know where it is strictly enforced, is in Japan. Where they probably would never do that in the first place. They would try to find the owner.Doesn't work in the USA, if you find a 20 dollar bill on the ground and say something, 20 people will say "Oh yeah, that's mine...".
  3. I dunno, how about the other 300 items on the hazardous environment list that the feds put out every year. Over 180 of the items are more serious than smoking. It's stuff we run into every day, but it's not newsworthy. It will still harm or kill people.
  4. ha, in even if it rains.. but I have to remember not to forget, tricky sometimes...
  5. There used to be a guy on the East side of C-bus that would try to tag cars and bikes behind him by doing a sudden stop. He eventually did that to the wrong person, and he got arrested. I guess he was charged with "being a nut case". Supposedly he really didn't like tailgaters, but his interpretation of tailgater seemed to be "anyone behind him that he could slam the brakes and piss off".
  6. An estimated one trillion USD worth of minerals discovered in Afghanistan. This will eventually make Afghanistan a neo Saudi Arabia. This would take the combined efforts of all the world's major countries to develop. China really needs the copper, and is already cornering the mining deals and market for that. The USA wants the lithium for the electric car batteries we don't have yet. (There isn't much lithium in the entire world...) Yes, somebody will think this is worth fighting for, and the Taliban might just crank it up... There are rumors that the Taliban might just be winning in certain areas of Afghanistan... Apparently somebody is giving them MANPAD weaponry. (man-portable air-defense systems) That would be shoulder launched surface to air missiles used to attack aircraft. And there are rumors that the Taliban are being secretly directed by the Pakistani military. Here's now it works... Pakistan is a underdeveloped country unless some other country pumps a lot of money into it. The USA did for a while, and Pakistan was a boom town. That stopped, until the Afghanistan war started, and then the money flowed in again. So, nobody in Pakistan wants that money to stop. Therefore, nobody in Pakistan wants the Afghanistan war to end. Therefore, they are making sure it doesn't....
  7. Nothing in the news yet, but a Goldwing crashed last Thursday. Motorcycle Crashes, Rolls; Driver Killed In Crash On U.S. 23 Columbus Dispatch
  8. It makes good survival food. In a can. It will still be Spam decades from now. And it is better fried...
  9. I can presumably do 39.5 mph max... Not that I would ever ever do that... on each cylinder...
  10. British newspapers are reporting that the USA has authorized the use of American Special Forces inside Iran, in preparation for an attack against Iran's nuclear facilities. Nobody has any clue what the CIA might be doing. Taliban troops are reportedly receiving training in remote areas of Iran. Osama bin Laden also is reportedly hiding in a remote city in Iran. Iran drops hints about starting two more secret nuclear plants. Saudi Arabia has again announced permission for Israel or USA to use Saudi airspace to fly attacks on Iran. (Saudi Arabia does not like Iran.) Permission to use airspace has been offered in various troubled times in the past. This offer supposedly made it into the British papers, but I can't find it. US politicians admit to having plans A, B, C, or D for Iran. They also estimate that Iran will be nuclear weapons enabled in one to three years. UN still arguing about investigating the first Gaza flotilla fiasco, and more or less ignoring everything else. Some American politicians currently saying it's too late to stop Iran from having nuclear weapons. USA is forward basing the necessary weaponry for use in Iran, at the airfield in Diego Garcia. Iran tests improved version of the Sejil-2 missile. 1200 mile range with greater accuracy. That puts American bases in range. Israel in range. South-East Europe in range. Iran rumored to be working on a trigger for a nuclear weapon in 2007. Iran ships bound for Gaza have unknown location and unknown ETA to do whatever. Same for the Turkish excursion to Gaza - part two. Turkey is forward basing even more troops of all types in Cyprus. Egypt pretty much drops most all inbound limitations at Gaza border crossings, mostly hoping to defuse the situation a bit. American aid and funding of the border barrier being built at the Egypt - Gaza border suddenly stops completely and all engineers have left. (Most didn't like it there anyway, they got shot at from the Gaza side frequently.) NATO is dead quiet about their renegade member Turkey. Bad news for NATO and European Nation. Technically this would have to be called an Euro civil war. Pakistan initially offers support of Turkey. India has no response. China, Russia, and India might be the only influence on Turkey and Iran. They also have the veto power in the UN security council. Edit: Turkey never joined the European Nation. They are still waiting. But now, Turkey is announcing they are officially not European. Arab nations, including Syria, mostly freaked by sudden alliance of Turkey and Iran. Since there is nothing they can do about it, most are hoping somebody else somewhere else will do something about it. I find it worthy to note that the US has forward bases in most of the ten or so countries bordering Iran. Turkmenistan (or did previously) Afghanistan Pakistan (secretly) Oman United Arab Emirates Saudi Arabia Kuwait Iraq Turkey not in Armenia (rumored to be trying to set something up) not in Azerbaijan (rumored to have tried but was refused) edit: US troops are there, moving supplies into Afghanistan.
  11. Years ago a bank nearby got tear gassed. It floated out of the building, down the creek bed/ditch, and settled on the lawns in the backyards. Where I found it when I mowed the lawn and cried with snot running out my nose...
  12. It is, but it's hard to generate any interest in anything with people lately. Hell, for ten bucks everyone should be doing a pull for fun. Who wants to ride up to Hoggy's on Tuesday night the 22nd?
  13. no, not really... when everyone else is running away from danger, someone has to be there saying "what? where's everyone going?" just sayin' remember, I don't have to be fast, just faster than one somebody else...
  14. I was thinking it had an oil sensor that wouldn't let it fire. But I couldn't find it in the service manual. Cars have them, not sure if many bikes do. It's a computer thing...
  15. IMHO: From what I've seen of racing where everyone is near the same, it's the state of tune for the conditions of temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure that result in actual gains in performance for any given day. Having said that, it isn't all that easy to do... And taking that dump might just be a good enough equivalent... (a racing vehicle should always be at or near the minimum weight allowed)
  16. Yeah, that's the typical reaction. Nothing has changed over the years. somebody suggested I didn't get a dose in there, I said let's go back in and find out. I had no takers on that...
  17. welcome, I remember Commandos... Have you ever had the header vibrate out, swing around, and point at your head while riding on the freeway? That's a Norton...
  18. That's called "bricking", start with no oil, jam the throttle wide open, and run...
  19. Welcome Cari the Rabid Badger with the pumpkin license
  20. I made a pair for a twin. Used them raw with no filter. The cylinders and pistons ate a lot of dirt and garbage... You have to hit some high rpms to get any advantage out of them. And it's mostly not noticeable compared to something like a cam swap. (Or valve work)
  21. It's a little strange, but the old CS gas didn't bother me in training. I could barely speak, but that's about all. I think it was from having 3 days of it during OSU riots. I got used to it... I do not however, want to experience any of the newer.
  22. NOAA weather says 26% chance of 0.01 inches of rain tonight... For the Hilliard-Columbus area: I say 30 minutes of rain starting 15 minutes from now, followed by another 30 minutes of rain about an hour later. Pretty much clear after that, maybe... edit: the second storm is listed as 100% chance of hail, 60% chance of severe hail. edit: first storm bringing .25" rain, second one bringing .50" of rain with winds. edit: second storm not as severe now, but is now larger: 60 minutes of rain, followed by a third storm forming up. Time for a computer game and a nap.... zzzzz Rome-Hilliard Road current ODOT webcam view: dang, they turned the camera... it's pointed West... Tomorrow, of course, it's going to rain cats and dogs...
  23. I will say this against the cager, changing lanes anywhere near an intersection, let alone from a dead stop, is risky and stupid and asking for a collision.
  24. Tail plastics are cheap... at least on a Honda they are... If that's the only thing wrong, it looks pretty decent to me...
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