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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZmDWltBziM&feature=related
  2. Why do I think of the Village People when you said that... I could rock a vest in the body armor style, like this: I could see it over long sleeve black Draggin' Kevlar knit armor, with black gloves. For casual riding. I'm a trend setter here... Biker's Den
  3. dang it! quit talking about beer and motorcycles! You'all making me want to drink and ride... Already went to the beer dock this morning without a helmet. It was nice, I got to actually hear the motorcycle, to see what it was up to. Note: my transmission clunks loudly when shifting cold, and can be heard about a block away...
  4. I can do that, if you wish. I got those computer programs that change the voice. Tonight should be interesting. Fast moving storms fully capable of heavy rain, flooding, possible large hail, and tornados. 68% change of 0.48 to 0.67 inches of rain average. With local storms capable of producing 1 to 3 inches of rain in a short length of time. With locally higher amounts of rain in some areas. If anyone is out after dark tonight, watch out for flooding and fast moving water in low lying areas.
  5. The lead elements of the storm system from the West have burned off. New ones will take their place. Impossible to predict where and when. Except for Northern Ohio, which is getting slammed. Interestingly, major storms formed up after leaving the Columbus area, and have slammed everything to the East of Columbus, and are leaving the state. So oddly, it's been rather clear with little rain in Columbus so far. I've been out doing misc shopping on the bike. Just not going far from home. Mostly because the tail pipe tried to fall off the Jeep...
  6. I've lost more friends than I care to try and count. It's a sadness that changes to an acceptance, reluctantly.
  7. Everyone is thinking this is a thread by one of us, and we're getting rick-rolled. I don't know... But not to be mean, I'll say hello, and ask which school, Catherine?
  8. Hell I didn't even see the Facebook link, I just went and found it with her name. I've seen a car do something like this. My opinion is that the guy I saw, hit a crack pipe and passed out and woke up a few seconds later, someplace where he didn't want to be (crashing). I say this because I saw him light it, and run off the road.
  9. Honestly, the biggest threat to survival right now, is a collapse of the food supply system we all take for granted. If the economy ever really failed, we probably wouldn't see food in the groceries for a few weeks. A supply of canned food in the house is a very good idea. I keep enough for 30 days, not fancy, just enough to survive.
  10. Image comes to mind of ChevySoldier humping through the woods with a 40 gallon water heater strapped to his back... You still have two or more levels of bug out to deal with. Is it bug out to a public shelter in less than three days? Or is it end of the world, head for the hills and survive on nature forever. Plan for the three day, it's the most likely to happen. Have plans to forage for the rest if necessary. Ammo (and weapons) can be buried outdoors in ammo cans or sealed plastic pipe and recovered later when you need more.You can keep the firing pins or seers with you, not with the weapon. Kerosene, like diesel fuel, is lightly refined and has an approximately 5-to-10 year shelf life if stored properly. Water is good till it goes bad. (you could always boil it.) It's possible for bugs/bacteria to overwhelm the basic chlorine in water from the tap. But it's usually good when sealed. Once it's opened, use it up. Almost all advice from everywhere, is no more than a five year shelf life for everything. Replace it with new every five years. Learn how to recognize edible plants. Learn how to make a bow and arrows.
  11. Occasional thunder storms this afternoon. Heavy rain tonight. A break in the cloud cover around noon, will allow heat from the sun to cause some storms to form up that weren't there before. I'm guessing most will be mid to late afternoon, from the winds aloft from the West. Ground winds will be from the South-West. Radar shows a large storm system approaching from the West, but guessing it can't get here before 5 or 6pm. edit: And if you haven't looked at the radar yet, the area north of I-70 is getting hammered.
  12. They were fighting in public. Both might be arrested or detained for that, pending further charges. I think I would have quietly gotten the license plate number and physical descriptions, and called it in. Then step in if you wish, but be aware that once you are also fighting, you might also be arrested or detained. And with the CCW, that won't be appropriate. When in doubt, ask the dispatcher what to do. Most likely answer is to step back and be a witness. Your new CCW obligations are to stay out of trouble. Either leave, or call for backup. Or better yet, leave and call for backup. You can watch from across the street. You never know, she might have started it, and can kick his ass on a good day. edit: ask me sometime for stories of what happens when you decide to intervene. Anything can happen, of course. It's even possible for the gal or both to attack you, and quite common. Bad situations, it's a domestic fight/assault in public.
  13. Apparently many people don't know how to sober up before riding. Which is understandable. After getting drunk, a new decision is made that it can be done anyway. It's not like people who own motorcycles don't drink. But it's evident that most people sober up before riding. I'm pretty sure some of us are still drunk the next morning when we get up and ride. So I guess I'm going to say I'm against bad decisions. If you are the type of person that makes bad decisions when drinking, stay at home to drink.
  14. It's the most popular flag of the Confederate forces following the civil war, but it's not the original confederate flag, nor is it originally a flag of the Confederate Army. It bears resemblance to a Confederate Naval Jack, and most commonly is seen as the battle flag of the Army of Virginia. (A battle flag identifies a particular unit on the battlefield.) In other words, it's not actually a flag representing all of the Confederate States. If some one put up this First Confederate flag, people would just think it was something American and historical. Well, it is... And a note: There is absolutely nothing wrong with displaying a military unit's battle flags and colors at a memorial or location of a historical battle. It represents and honors the men and women that fought, regardless of which side they fought on. First Confederate flag (five to thirteen stars) Second Confederate flag Third Confederate flag Battle flag of the Confederacy Sovereignty or Secession Flag The Second Confederate Navy Jack, 1863–1865 Which is now The "Confederate Flag", a rectangular variant of the Battle Flag.
  15. Get some books from the library on edible plants in Ohio. People can survive on plants quite well, as long as it isn't Winter. Pick one of the books that you like and buy a copy. If it's Winter, you'll learn to hunt small animals while hungry.
  16. Story time... one of my friends got his parents gas masks. And they were basically confused as to why he would do that. They lived over by Dayton, between the I-70 freeway and the East-West railroad tracks. In one months time, there were 3 industrial accidents, that caused major chemical spills and evacuations in their area. They called back and said come over and show us how to use these gas masks... Bug out bags shouldn't be any heavier than what can be carried in a decent march out of trouble. Worst case is on foot. Opinions vary a lot, but you know it's going to be food, water, air, and shelter, for minimum survival. When people go hiking, I try to convince them to have a mini bug out. What you carry on a web belt, should also allow you to survive, if you have to drop your backpack and run. That's what you do if you're unlucky, and a bear chases you. The bear will stop and check out the pack. Hopefully... There's lots of lists on the internet, but you can imagine the basics. You have to decide how long the "bug out" will last. 3 days to 2 weeks is practical. It's a whole new world if it goes beyond that. <deleted list> dang it, you changed your post I'll look the list over... edit: there's way too much stuff on that list. You'd be dropping it on the way. It really has to be a minimum amount of stuff. this should all go on individual backpacks web belts should be separate and still allow survival Combat loads are very similar. Except there's no radio. I'm sure I'd think of more if I started looking around on the internet.
  17. Although kinda crossing the eyes works for some pics and some people, this one protrudes out when I do that. (And my eyes get stuck, ouch.) Try focusing the other way, a "thousand yard stare". It should reverse and be a hole instead.
  18. That one little thunderstorm is destined to hit Columbus. Although it appears to be only the South part of Columbus. With the storms growing suddenly today, I'll wait and see. I might ride out to the Hooters East for a bit later on. Or possibly ride to Hilliard after that storm passes... edit: another one is forming up behind it, near Dayton, with a path that will probably hit Columbus more centered.
  19. you know they were all too busy texting and missed it...
  20. Does the police report say "non-resident"? Does that mean from out of state, or out of country? FaceBook
  21. yeah... well, I had my fun hacking servers... and it rained two or three times downtown. A real light rain, big drops, kinda nice...
  22. reminds me of Alpha squirrels... who go around biting off the nutz of all the other male squirrels...
  23. bump... anyone? It's peek a boo with T-storms tonight, but nothing serious showing on radar yet...
  24. I'm making the attempt. So ignoring serious local disasters, I should be there. Besides, I already know where the stupid parking garage is located... You know.... there was a time when the bikes could pull up out front on High St and park in a row right in front of a place. Those days are gone....
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