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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Yes' date=' yes they are. And more stuff that you haven't found yet. Here's tonight and month of June: [b']Hooters of Hillard Hooters of East Main St
  2. I can kick these on in about 3 seconds. But... I think I'd rather see a flower, or a dog, or something all cutsie and stuff...
  3. Five Motorcycle Seat Comfort Pads Compared <-- link summary: Air, animal hide, foam, gel and wood compared. Sheepskin is pleasant, and would be nice with gel or memory foam or both. Wood beads second best to the airhawk, for only 15 bucks. (But not too good with skinny butt.) Airhawk is superior performance at premium price. Gel pads are worthy, if they fit correctly, but lack of air flow might cause hot spots (monkey butt). Regular foam is tall without much gain. opinion: I'm thinking of getting a sheepskin with gel and/or mem foam.
  4. It's that alien hole saw thing... they do that when no one is looking.
  5. I'll go with Blackrock Leather Conditioner. It can be found in horse tack shops, if no where else. A good quick substitute, is any mild soap. Just work a light lather over the entire jacket, gently scrubbing with a washcloth, and wipe it dry. The objective is to prevent the leather from drying out and cracking. Although I admit most people find a way to destroy a jacket long before that. A couple of my jackets are older than I am.
  6. Asoifsskali and Evindarholar are about equal distance (10 miles) to the SouthWest and South of the summit, but Evindarholar is closest to the actual eruption on the East side of the mountain. edit: ok ok, just the multiple choice cities.... Fjarðabyggð, is way over on the East coast. Kopavogur and Hafnarfjordur are suburbs to the SouthWest of Reykjavik. And Eyjafjallajökull is 50 miles EastSouthEast of Reykjavik. I have to give it to A.: Reykjavik
  7. ehhh, it's slip sliding, it won't be gone till more like 9:30pm. Flood warning for Franklin County. Tornado warning East of New Albany. Severe Thunderstorm warnings everywhere but showed up too late... edit: really sliding past, with more light rain forming up behind it. Maybe one more hour till it's gone. (10pm)
  8. You'all gonna get soaked, in the Polaris area. Starting about 7:45pm. It will probably be gone by 8:30pm. There is some lightning around the back side of the storm. edit: 7:38pm, severe now posted for the area South of I-70 through Columbus.
  9. kan haz I yur autographs? hahahaha -- > Happy Hop-a-long Holly ! (aka Hip Hop Holly)
  10. As any merchant knows, the appropriate response is to quickly start throwing things at them. I'm pretty sure an 4.7 ounce iPhone moving at 30mph really hurts.
  11. 2267.08 square feet under the rotors, with 60,500lbs load, would equal a downward pressure of about 26.6 pounds per square foot at the ground. Which is only a surface pressure increase of 0.185 psi. The maximum pressure differential in a tornado would be about +/- 10% of ambient, or +/- 1.47lbf. So this helicopter was about one eighth of a max tornado. Doesn't sound like much, but a little tornado could be about that much. (Note: this is enough force to knock a person down and send them tumbling.) Yes, Thank You multi presidential faults. This V-22 project started back in the mid 80s.
  12. argh... I do when my boss takes off and leaves me in charge... edit: note that I used to work 4 ten hour days and take Friday off. Till somebody got the bright idea to replace two full time with three part time. Guess who gets to do their work after they take off early every day?
  13. *calculates for two hour lunch, as most of them seem to be that*.... I'd get back a half hour before time to go home. Sounds good.
  14. point taken, but I mean I would have to go back to work... argh
  15. And the most excellent view, this one shows exactly what happened. Twin vortices are generated by the dual blades, and you can visibly see debris pushed out ahead of the winds generated. http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/05/31/new.york.fleetweek.accident/ click on the "click to play" or http://www.cnn.com/video/?/video/us/2010/05/31/aircraft.marine.mishap.cnn
  16. ok, another camera view, from people directly under the flight path http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXeIjMJe_JY
  17. nevermind, probably closed also ... there's so many places closing, someone might actually have to go look to see if anyplace chosen is still open. I suspect more places will close before June 30, the end of the fiscal year.
  18. What part of "you're standing too close" did these people not understand? As well as understanding the concept --> "it's time to run". People are stupid... what did they expect? This wasn't a little police chopper. quote the lady at the end... "we almost went over there." If everyone else including the police and firemen are behind you, you may be doing it wrong... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4iw2-n-Uzc&feature=player_embedded AP Associated Press
  19. Bunch of places closing this year. How about Don Patron III (ex Fiesta), the old Talita's in Clintonville. If it's Mexican to seek.
  20. Yeahhhh, I'd have to average 248mph to get there from work in the same length of time as Baja Sol.... I actually did the math...
  21. Yeah, those items I said... doesn't mean much to North Korea. They believe they can easily win over South Korea, and that's all that matters. They have come close to attacking several times in the past. It's easy to tell when, they always take all the civilians and put them in shelters. When they do that, it's danger time. And that USA oil need, too bad about the gulf rig blowout. There's enough oil there to last us 200 years. Not the "12 years till the world runs out". So the USA has basically 12 years to get it going. Yup, we'll pretty much be the new "owners" of the fuel supply everywhere. Not the Middle East and OPEC. That new gulf oil is certainly strategic, in what is is worth to whoever owns it. There are some crazy rumors about North Korea sank it. Claims of satellite reconnaissance seeing a submarine near the drilling platform. Nope, a torpedo or attack from divers would have sank it right away, which it didn't do. It caught fire and burned quite a long time. And then sank... Technically what happened is a gas blowout. The safety valves to prevent that failed. The gas is flammable, and flooded the area including the rooms with the winch and drill engines. Those inhaled the gases, which caused them to rev up and go boom. Which started a fire, in an area that was flooded with flammable gases.... oops... even bigger boom.
  22. Sorry, didn't mean to diss your one speed bike... I haven't been fortunate enough to own a bike with a hydraulic clutch. Must be nice... But I gots one on my Jeep.
  23. Meh, cables... they are finicky. My '02 clutch cable annoys me. But now that it is rather warm outside, it's not near as bad. It's probable in need of removal, cleaning, and fresh lube. The only reason I noticed it, was the clutch cable on the '07 is a lot smoother. Both bikes have too much throttle free play at shutoff. I need to fix that times two.
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