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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. I got them on the second 919 I bought. Small, and the directional thingie is supposed to keep the bike from spinning if it goes down. No clue, dunno anyone with them that had to use them.
  2. Sell the apes and cables. The extended cables are probably worth a lot. Hopefully stock cables will fit up on the new bars.
  3. In Cleveland, Pro Mobile or R & H Collectibles from the 3M website
  4. Make sure your kids grow up smart, they will perhaps be traveling to the stars.
  5. Actually yes, a person's word is their contract. Based on historical reference, and the first laws ever written. Unfortunately it tends to only apply to business people making transactions. Always look on the bright side. You now have a cruiser to ride about and look for a sport bike. And there are a lot of people selling out from under their payments, so it won't take too long to find something worthy. Just don't go out and spend the cash on hookers and blow.
  6. There are extremes on both ends of the scale. And I'm sure there is always a better way. PETA is a domestic hate-crime terrorist group, subject to constant surveillance and investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. http://www.fbi.gov/
  7. Oh, missed this. I got up at 5am and chased raccoons around the backyard. In the rain.
  8. durrrr, got me, I've been had...
  9. Wait, some of that's old news. Latest theories are that dark matter forces regular matter to stay put much longer than expected. Even expansion of the Universe is being questioned now. And even newer - energy and matter appears to be streaming into our universe just as fast as anything is fading away down the black holes. Way out on the edges of the Universe where it can barely be seen. Nobody yet knows where that stuff is going, or what it is doing here. Or where it is coming from. Sun will still die though, that part is quite correct...
  10. I'm pretty sure that's Teddy Roosevelt
  11. That looks like the Cheetah kit on a VW? Dunno, there used to be some fantastic kits for VW chassis. Not even sure if it's VW, but I'm guessing.
  12. Yeah, lol... safe at 25mph. I jumped off the side of a moving jeep at about 25mph, when I was a kid. I thought feet would get moving. I thought wrong. Feet went clip clip spat. I got two steps and flipped over on my back. In between the pavement tried to crush my skull when I flipped over. I quick threw my forearm up to block it. Had a nice 4"x6" road rash scar on the arm for a couple of years.
  13. Shouldn't be surprised. It's ok to be surprised anyway, but... It should always be expected...
  14. One in Newark also, on Thursday night. Crashed while passing. Now in hospital. Newark Advocate
  15. yeah, the bike instructors used to say slow down. I say increase that gap in front, if you have to stop the car behind you first. You need more room to do that. Same in a car/truck.
  16. Setting a flat plate of metal or glass on the matching flat parts of the forks, can determine if they are parallel and straight. Another weird way I've tried, is to get a long straight rod, and run it up and down the two fork tubes, and watch the end of the rod. It can make it easier to see if it's twisted up. But the Mark One eyeball works pretty well. I agree that loosening and bouncing the front end will pretty much line things up again.
  17. Good God Sir, did you have to quote the entire thing, lol. blah blah blah try them first blah blah blah lol
  18. Good advice from everyone. Be aware that any round fired that misses, can go out through the wall of your house, through the entire neighbor's house if it's lucky, and even enter a third house before stopping. It happened here in my neighborhood. It wasn't me. It was only a 22cal, and it was lucky. Not only the sound of a magnum revolver can be overwhelming, but the flash in a dark room might blind you from firing again real soon. But it does the same for your opponent. The sound of a shotgun loading is said to make half the opponents run, and the other half freeze. But that is for LEOs, I have no idea what happens at home. If I lived in a neighborhood where firefights were common, I think I'd move. You can always come back to visit a firefight. Target identification is as important as anything else. It's often in the dark. That's why everyone is saying a flashlight or two is just as important. You must identify what you are shooting at. That requires bravery, quickness, and intent to defend quickly. That means practice moving around in your own dark house. Find the places that provide cover from being visible, and hopefully cover from return fire. Sounds extreme, but it's necessary to survive. This part has to be thought out ahead of time. There will be other things happening to distract. Vocally challenging the intruder to stop, surrender, or run is probably necessary if you can't make a positive visual identification. Sometimes they tell you to go back to the bedroom and let them take your stuff, that's identification. Consider motion detection lights that spotlight your entryways or windows when something moves. Or gives a silent alarm, so you can move into position beforehand, and watch the fool with confidence. I like revolvers. They are stupid proof, I don't have to be awake to use one. I tend to think that 5 or 6 rounds are enough, but I'd be wrong. The best world is to have a revolver and a large capacity semi-auto. And I suppose three hands to hold them and the flashlight. Practice. I don't like magnum revolvers. They really aren't for a one handed grip on most people. I can do it, but the muzzle tends to jump and shoot high, missing the target. It requires concentration and lots of practice. But most magnums can be loaded with less powerful rounds, making them easily controllable. Then I like them a lot, the extra weight makes them extremely controllable. I'd stick with what is known to work. 38cal and 357cal revolvers, and 9mm, 40cal, and 45acp semi-autos. And practice often. Just be aware that any shot can leave the area and go down the street, through the wall, etc. Shotguns with birdshot will not go very far, but can still go through the first nearby walls and wood that it finds. And there really isn't anything wrong with a shotgun. A short 20 gauge or 16 gauge shotgun, instead of a 12 gauge, is a lot easier to control, and would work extremely well. And the kids can be taught on a 20 gauge. I really don't like just the pistol grip on a shotgun, but it does work better inside the house. It's just harder to aim. Practice. If you can't turn around in a hallway while holding a full length rifle or shotgun, without hitting the wall, it's a problem. Get with someone, and try various pistols and revolvers (and shotguns) till you find what you like and want. Rent them at firing ranges if you have to. And have fun, if you don't like doing this, it won't work out as well.
  19. Exactly. I've messed around with shot from short barrels before, including handloads. Not impressed. Velocities drop fast when fired. At two to four feet it can be interesting, but still not impressive. Only the three 000 pellets in the .410 shotshell would be worth anything.
  20. I block all ads, flash, scripts, crap, and anything new anyone comes up with that annoys me with funky ads and other items that waste time and resources. And I mean gone. Run on demand only. so I don't care...
  21. ok, but I'll try to leave these around for a while. I'll probably need some of them. There's usually more somewhere anyway.

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