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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. First pic: That's nothin... That's Leroy Stealth, he does that all the time. He's good at it, heh? No, I didn't see him there either, and I was looking...
  2. One more thing, which doesn't apply to this, but I found it interesting. IE8 will open multiple instances of iexplore.exe in the task manager. One to start IE, and one for each tab running in the IE program. This works fine in Windows7, but rather nasty in XP. Use IE7 in XP. It also confuses the issue, because it looks like an infection. Thanks MicroSoft, for messing up again...
  3. Ummm, I've seen that happen. The multiple instances of IE running. I'll have to think and remember what I did to fix it... Actually, it doesn't matter what I did, it is an infection that tries to connect to multiple websites. I would scan with a variety of anti-virus scanners to get it fixed. All updated. With reboots between each. I'd then reboot into safe mode and run the same batch of scanners again. This will take a long time to run all of these, so don't rush it. I like to scan with Superantispyware, Spybot, and Malwarebytes. But the current set of "cure" is Superantispyware, Malwarebytes, combofix.exe, RootRepeal, and MGTools. Both Superantispyware and Malwarebytes can work surprisingly well. There are a lot more root infections nowdays, and they can be hard to find. Detailed instructions on getting ready and scanning can be found at: MajorGeeks Forum There is a list of free on-line or downloaded scanners on that website. Plenty to chose from, if the basic set doesn't get it. Beyond that, the fix gets really gritty and down into actually looking for details of the virus and removing it manually. And yes, removing IE and updating it to a newer IE is a good idea, since older versions have venerabilities. But the infection may not be in the IE itself. I simply use Firefox instead. All of this will take a while to do. And I've done it many times, to many computers. On rare occasions, I just give up and backup all the files, and start over with a format, install windows, update it, and re-install applications.
  4. lol dude, we work all day, so we won't see posts till we get home. And I ain't home yet, so I haven't seen this yet. See how it works? Boss wants me to work this weekend.... dunno...
  5. Rain was hard enough the Jeep might have been hydroplaning. The exit and entrance ramps were all sliding and slippery. Traffic on the freeway North bound was only doing 55mph. That's rare.
  6. I have an old long bow, I like them.
  7. WUT! I may be living in the past, but I wouldn't want to pay more than 8 or 9 bucks for a box of 9mm, and not much more for a box of .45acp. And I mean white box USA Winchester which is great cheap ammo. edit: ok, maybe 25% more because times are tough and metals are up in value... But 22 bucks? that's a rip off...
  8. Back from a quick trip in the Jeep to look. Nothing there to see. On the East side of 270 anyway. It is rather slippery out tonight. The Jeep rarely slips and slides and it was tonight.
  9. He lives on the West side, you think he was going to BWR? Oh, and it wasn't me...
  10. We had a fire drill today too!!! What are the odds with 28,000 students, that one is an asshole.
  11. I'm just a Navy brat, we like to move every 6 months whether we need to or not...
  12. Defiance, Ohio --> Bowling Green, Ohio --> Fort Wayne, Indiana --> Hutchinson, Kansas --> Corpus Cristi, Texas, --> Pensacola, Florida --> Green Cove Springs, Florida --> Tom's River, New Jersey --> Columbus, Ohio --> Columbus, Ohio --> Columbus, Ohio --> Ft Bragg, North Carolina --> Ft Knox, Kentucky --> Ft Benjamin Harrison, Indiana --> Torrance, California --> Chatan, Ryukyu Islands --> Kosa, Ryukyu Islands --> Columbus, Ohio --> Westerville, Oh -- Clintonville, Oh --> Columbus, Ohio --> Columbus, Ohio --> Westerville, Oh --> Fostoria, Oh --> Columbus, Oh --> Columbus, Oh --> Worthington, Oh --> Whitehall, Oh... What do you think? do I move around much?
  13. It's a Butt Minder... right? Ass Booster? I dunno...
  14. Cheaper by the case, never buy anything less than 1000 rounds at a time. edit: well, ok... the 200 round Belgian .308 NATO battle packs are ok...
  15. Mainstream news is picking up on the ammo shortage. Finally... America armed, but guns not necessarily loaded
  16. MAC has 3% to 6% of the US market share of computers. Lower in industry, and higher at home. Numbers vary according to whose lying statistics you look at. Apple currently tries to count the iPhone as an OSX operating system sold, and claims 10%. Canada shows 10%, one of the highest. China of course, can't make MAC clones, (no one can, it's not allowed), so they are nearly 0% MAC. These numbers do not count second hand or used computers (most are PCs), computers built from scratch (none are MAC), computers running Linux or other operating systems, or computers running bootleg operating systems (most are not MACs).
  17. The video editors at work use only Final Cut on MACs. With tons of add-ons and other stuff, of course. And I've seen plenty of MACs that wouldn't even let you start to install your software, because the system wasn't meeting the minimum specifications. I get the impression that MAC software pushes for yearly upgrades on software, and every other year for hardware. That's about twice as aggressive compared to the PC market place.
  18. I actually remember when most of the major MAC software manufacturers decided to stop writing software for the MACs, because the market just wasn't there for making any money. They were all switching to writing the same software for PCs. I remember the Graphic Arts department at school going into a panic at the thought of having to switch it all over to PCs. To fix this, Apple gave away computers to universities and schools, to get the market place back. (Example --> OSU flooded with free MACs) And I'm sure they wrote it all off as charitable donations. The result was students learning and growing up with MACs, not PCs. Ergo, they now prefer MACs. So in other words, Apple/MACs died after the LISA - Apple 3 fiasco, but in a remarkable recovery, managed to stay in the marketplace. But only because the MacIntosh was a very neat and functional computer. If they had goofed that one up, they would have been gone. In case you are wondering, schools that can't afford computers, which is just about all of them now, no longer have those MACs, they now have 2nd hand PCs, donated from other schools or purchased used in bulk. (parts are cheap and easy to find). So the next generation begins...
  19. Craigslist has FOUR PAGES!!! of Jeep Grand Cherokees for sale by the dealers... Tell me those weren't turned in as part of the program...
  20. Sounds like changing out a heater core...
  21. I cable mine to the front of my van, near the apartment, under a cover with an alarm, in light from the porch light, and with a motion alarm pointed at it that sounds off inside the apartment. The cats, dogs, and raccoons set the alarm off... Somebody yanked the cover back the first week I had it home, looking for something to steal. They got in the open neighbor's car and took miscellaneous stuff. But I live in a rough but decent area of duplexes where people don't mess around, mind their own business and watch out for each other. In a typical apartment complex, your results may vary... Where I live, someone fooling around at night is likely to be targeted with lasers from multiple directions...
  22. I have any MAC that is recycled from work. That would be one G5. vs more PCs than I can count and one Novell server. iPhones are very cool. But I don't have one. iPods suck, I use Sandisk Sansa Clips (4Gb, 8Gb 24Gb) I entered the computer world on Tandy TRS-80, Commodore 64 and Apple. Until Lisa (Apple 3) which was a total rip off piece of crap. And I never bought an Apple (MAC) again...
  23. Schrödinger's cat called, he wants his box back... Seriously, until a quantum computer is offered, I don't much care. I work with and use all of the above. I'll stick with the PC. But only because I build an image of the computer, and can replace it quickly from a server. So when it's attacked, I just start over. And the PCs are cheaper. Most of the guts of a MAC are the same as a PC now, just a different operating system. The MAC will keep you out of trouble way longer, without noticing any lack of being able to run software. With the exception of trying to download old MAC software that just isn't compatible. The future might be a bit different, I expect MACs to be attacked by trojans and viruses much more frequently. But the same is also true of PCs. Eventually there really won't be much difference between the two. So it's what everyone already said: PCs cost less MACs cost more PCs do more MACs need less work PCs are very popular MACs don't get attacked much yet If you just want to surf, write, print, play music and movies... Get the MAC if you don't mind paying the higher price. Be prepared for a higher cost of repair, and sometimes difficult to do. But that's also true of a PC at a lower price, if you are careful. And oh yeah, what Cypress said, your current laptop just needs a fresh start and maybe add some RAM memory...
  24. Yeah, it doesn't take very long to find and figure out an operator of a wrecked train, bus, or airplane was texting or phoning....
  25. I like to tell this story, so I'll tell it again. The first time I ever saw somebody use a cell phone in a car. I'm behind a BMW on I-670 freeway, in evening traffic. And I watched this happen. He dialed, put it to his ear, started talking and drove straight into a guard rail when the freeway turned and he didn't. He bounced off, and just kept going like nothing happened. I thought; this is our future...
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