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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. You made me think about peeing... In Europe, where houses can be up to 600 years old, indoor plumbing is a home improvement. Not that they would use it, it seems they prefer peeing on the street. In Asia, peeing in the street is the first choice, and sewage often runs above ground in a covered vented gutter. If they even bother with that at all. And which often collapses when stepped on. So no one ever steps on that damn gutter stone. So are they greener?
  2. btw, the same scientists that claim global warming, were claiming global ice age not long ago. The global ice age is indeed late in getting here. Since they are mostly academics in universities, they require funding to survive. There is no funding for investigating global ice age, only global warming... edit: If the planet is warming, and an ice age is coming... we should just consider ourselves darn lucky...
  3. harhar... it's that bent up tail on your bike... youse a stunter now...
  4. I can put the catalogs on a CD for the ether impaired... edit: my bike has the dual filament in front and rear, both turn and running...
  5. well, we owned that place. There is hardly anyone there. We stayed about an hour and left. I'm home, most everyone else went for a ride. Now you know.
  6. I'm bored. I'm going over now. Eat, drink and be merry. I still don't need to be bribed. Note: I did not say "be Mary"... I won't be in drag...
  7. Lockhart Phillips sells a ton of turn signals. Some are original replacements. Some will replace originals. Some are just special. They have both single and dual filament bulb types. The dual filament is for having both turn and running lights. You would have to run some extra wiring for the running lights. http://www.lockhartphillipsusa.com/ Somewhere on that website you can download the catalogs.
  8. It's because the positive side is the one that wants to throw sparks. Also, if you disconnect the positive side first, a short circuit might be made to the chassis, which is still hooked up. Disconnecting the ground first prevents that. A hissing battery is venting gases. Either through the vent, or through a crack. (hydrogen gases, no sparks or flames around that please) I don't know why. A battery can hiss for a lot of reasons. It should probably not hiss. Certainly not with the engine not running. Check battery voltage for 13.8v to 14.5v Charge it or have a load test done if in doubt. edit: checking the polarity. It would not have charged up backwards when adding the acid. But check and make sure that the new battery is the same as the old one. I mean are the positive and negative terminals on the correct sides. I've been given batteries that look the same, but the terminals are reversed.
  9. I'll be going. I can be early. I don't need to be bribed.
  10. Pretty much right on the money. Congress apparently has vested interests in keeping the status quo. SNAFU It's even been alleged that members of congress are paid by drug cartels to keep it the way it is now.
  11. Much of the data used so far is way off base. It is actually the amount of cloud cover that regulates the temperatures. And oddly, it is the presence of cosmic rays striking the upper atmosphere, that causes the cloud cover to increase or decrease. And double oddly, it is the Van Allen belt that magnetically regulates the number of cosmic rays that get through to the upper atmosphere. AND TRIPLE ODDLY, it is the effects of the sun on our Van Allen Belt that regulates the magnetic effects of the Van Allen Belt on the cosmic rays that impact the upper atmosphere, and increase or decrease the amount of cloud cover to raise or lower the surface temperatures. Whew... And yeah, limited data on the other planets say that surface temperatures are increasing on all the planets.
  12. I believe that the ice melting at the North pole produces cold air and water that has to go somewhere. So it feels cooler now. Sort of like opening the ice box door and wondering why it doesn't feel hot any more.
  13. A quick look shows that the choices are: 1. gel cell like the DieHard 2. Japanese battery like the Yuasa 3. Chinese battery with many names but a copy of the Yuasa It looks like the CCA rating for all is the same. edit: I looked, and I think gel cell batteries are a bum deal. The Diehard in particular is generic sized, and would probably fit poorly in a motorcycle. All the others,are AGM-SLA:An Absorbent Glass Mat - sealed maintenance free battery that is "non-spillable" and shipped fully charged, ready to install & ride. Anything less, like an ordinary lead acid liquid battery, sealed or not, is not what you want. Old technology AGM batteries are close to equivalent to the gel cell batteries. Yuasa, Motocross, Westco, and Power-Sonic are all AGM-SLA. And others, dunno which ones.
  14. The two major differences in batteries is the CCA - cold cranking amps rating and whether it's a gel cell type. Cheap batteries mostly don't last as long as expensive batteries, but it's not always true. Your motorcycle will want and need a minimum CCA rated battery. It's ok to get more, it will last longer before recharging, etc. Yuasa has become the defacto standard, and IMHO one of the best around. A gell cell battery like a Diehard is a decent option. People who buy them, like them. I have nothing against buying a low cost battery, if it's got the needed CCA rating or better. I tend to go up a bit over the minimum rating required. The question is will a low cost battery hold up long enough to make it price effective. And long enough means how long will you keep the bike. I'll try a gell cell for my next battery, I've never tried one before. http://www.webbikeworld.com/motorcycle-battery/ edit: let's change amp hour to CCA (cold cranking amps)
  15. The Cosh guys said it wasn't a road anymore. It's a trap! Portions were literary destroyed last Winter along the river or creek banks.
  16. Only one nut/stud would have hit and cut at a time. Not all would be the same height or width. One had to be taller/wider than the others, until it wore down. You can see one at the bottom of the pic that is completely worn away. Might even have sheared the nut/stud off. I wonder how long it took to do all that. All in one day?
  17. I remember you mentioned that. All I can find real quick is an older copy of a plugin called Recomposit 1.9 ..... dunno
  18. Now that's art... dude, you're hired...
  19. lol... ewww Just to be annoying, I'll admit I am not using PhotoChop, I'm using an experimental beta program written by nerds at MIT.
  20. That original thing about the chain changing tightness when the axle was torqued. I think I remember finding out that a thrust washer was missing. Either that, or I put one in there anyway. I guessed that without it was warping the swingarm when torquing. Yeah, had to over torque to keep the axle from moving forward. Worked better when it had all the parts it needed.
  21. This is funny... I tried searching the netz for 256 zone info... and the search engines are over whelmed with info about the new 256 zone TLL digital sensors. Can't get past it yet. (Which is even funnier, when I think of mil-spec hi-res digital reconnaissance and targeting systems I worked with decades before commercial digital cameras.) For info on 256 zone B&W photography, I have to suggest books from the library on basic or advanced photography. And preferably an old book, that might still have that information in it. I had no idea that 256 zone photography information had been discarded, but I get that impression. Regardless, the science is based on 256 zone sensing and manipulation. Photoshop uses 256 zone algorithms also.
  22. ^^ Look! File corruption in only 3 years? Cosmic Rays ate my server!
  23. Graduate level photography? 500 and 600 level courses? The professor was world famous and hammered us with 256 zone... We're talking about something I did (gets calculator) 37 years ago. He had so much practice, he could just look and point right at a single missing grey, I swear. But actually we were such newbs, the errors were easy for him to see. He amused me. He demanded we all shoot nudes. Pretty much that is no longer politically correct.
  24. yeah, noticed that after I posted... Those monitor temps? We still keep some old IBM 21 inch monitors alive at work. Pretty hard to beat those for viewing true color balance. But basically, nobody cares anymore.
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