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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Newark restaurants on Google Maps: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=restaurant&sll=40.072555,-82.428703&sspn=0.132411,0.220757&g=newark,+oh&ie=UTF8&z=12
  2. Regardless of male or female, please remember that at times, half of the drivers are medicated or intoxicated, and the other half are blind/poor vision. We can get stats to prove it...
  3. ummm, I don't think I've ever posted it, but last year I watched an old guy get on the freeway and slow motion drift over two lanes. Right across my front wheel, about 2 or 3 foot clearance. He never looked, and never saw me, and never looked at me in the rear view mirror after. Of course, the current standard by idiots everywhere in rush hour, is to hit the gas and jerk the vehicle over two or three lanes without looking too well. I expect them to do that, by judging the velocity and intent of their vehicle, and get out of the way just before it happens. And yeah, I had at least one of those this year.
  4. Wait... do I sense a Ninja Edit? I swear that said 164/35 first time around...
  5. The only other guess, is that his rear sprocket was larger, and the rear rim got swapped by accident with another identical rim that had a stock sprocket. Odds of that?... edit: and somewhere some other guy is wondering why his chain is way shorter...
  6. I was gonna say turn the rear wheel GENTLY. oops... I'd just get it over with and take the front sprocket cover off and look. It's not like I haven't knocked the chain off the front sprocket before. Oddly, one of my bikes would tighten the chain more, when I tightened the axle. That made it fun to guess how much slack to leave before torquing the axle.
  7. What Kawi said. It does sound like the chain is off the front sprocket. Don't start the engine yet. It ain't right.
  8. Also this on that same page: One injured in motorcycle accident on route 541 http://www.whiznews.com/article.php?articleId=26749
  9. I've been buying all my tires from the Pony. I got no problem with that.
  10. ReconRat

    919 Chain

    So I ran out of chain adjustment on the 919. It's a factory problem, it didn't have much adjustment in the beginning. But later model 919s have 112 link instead of the 114 link originally used. And I don't see where any of the other parts changed. So since it was slapping around like MJ's chain, I took 2 links out and put it back on. Works fine that way, with lots of adjustment left. Yeah, I eyeballed as many of the o-rings as I could without yanking it off the primary sprocket. Plus I've got a new chain waiting, and you all convinced me to buy new sprockets to go with it. Why I had to do this outside, in the heat of the afternoon, I'll never know. Test drive to Hooters East for a club sammich - done.
  11. wait, I'm not sure that makes sense, contrary as it is... One of the rules of fever is: Mild or moderate fever (~102F) after a medical procedure, call the physician immediately (within an hour). so pretty much re-visiting the ER was the correct thing to do.
  12. From what I know... most of the disposable income is teenagers up through college age kids around age 26. This group spends around 80% of the money in the USA. So that is who would buy something like this, or reject it out of hand and send it on it's way to Odd Lots.
  13. nerd is a language, among other things. Some of us speak it. Even an extreme motorcycle mechanic or racer is might qualify. Some of the best enginerds I've seen were farmboys (and gals) that just know how things work. I'm in, I think...
  14. ReconRat

    Flat Tire

    Always look at the bright side on things. A flat in the garage is way better than out on the road. Which is way better than a flat while moving. Which is way better than a flat while knee dragging... And a rear flat is always better than a front flat. And Qualifiers get worn fast also. I'm trying RoadSmarts, dunno yet. All the premium tires are good. Some last longer than others. You'll have to pick one for your riding style.
  15. As my sister would say... "That gal gotz ovaries..."
  16. Glad you're back intact, Michele. Take it easy for a while, heh? We want you healthy again. Yes, we missed you. Kidney and blood infections are not a joke, so I'm really glad you had the smarts to go to the ER, and not just go home and try to sleep.
  17. Ah yes, the old Stanley 1034 23/8w dual filament bulb. Stanley was the Japanese equivalent of GE/Sylvania back-in-the-day. Cars and motorcycles haven't used those since back in the mid 80s. That would be why it was hard to find and out of stock. Probably no one in town stocks them anymore. They are still made, and cost like 21 cents in bulk, two bucks for one, but probably now only easily found in China. I think GE still makes them, but not sure about Sylvania. Might have found one in a salvage yard for free. It's also a tail light bulb in many bikes. And I know GM/GMC used them in some turn signals. Dennis Kirk (1.99) and Amazon (10 for 11.95) and AceHardwareOutlet (not GE, 10 for 4.69) list them. I might have to stock some of these for my old bikes... http://www.amazon.com/GE-Lighting-Automotive-Signal-Miniature/dp/B001UM1HVI/ http://www.denniskirk.com/jsp/product_catalog/Product.jsp?skuId=22271&store=&catId=&productId=p22271&leafCatId=&mmyId= http://www.acehardwareoutlet.com/(ooab5e45xmmv5045lkz5tf55)/productdetails.aspx?sku=2147012552&source=GoogleBase Next time maybe try a boat shop. They are still used on boats? And I recommend replacing bulbs in pairs, both left and right. note: there are also halogen replacements, but at a 50watt draw, it would beat up the electrical system on most old bikes. I'd only use it for a tail light.
  18. actually, the websites say that the RC stuff is Nitro fuel proof. Dunno.
  19. rly? On one hand I can see how that can happen (literally), on the other hand, it's like how could you miss a tight ass turn right after a tight ass turn. (gravel *cough*) And you are right, it's so tight a semi or trailer would have to use the entire road and berm to get around it. And is probably why there is always gravel kicked up. And I see in the pics that Mandie got the orange popsicle. Whodathunk!
  20. ReconRat


    Maps in user album Most are long day trips I've got more, I'll add them I like how you've added food fuel and photo stops I'll work on that http://www.ohio-riders.com/album.php?albumid=139
  21. hahahaha, how many people got that... welp, I'll get my camera now...
  22. large scale RC aircraft has stuff like that.. 1/4 scale RC aircraft are... one fourth real life size scale. look through the stuff from Major Decals http://www.majordecals.com/ Same stuff on this website has descriptions of size: 1/4 scale "stars n bars" is 12 or 14 inches wide http://www3.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/wti0097p?FVSEARCH=&CATEGORY=&MANUFACTURER=MAJ&submit=Submit+AdvancedSearch
  23. hey Kim, I don't think you've done a proper intro yet. Start one on the intro threads http://www.ohio-riders.com/forumdisplay.php?f=38 so everyone can say hello. k?

  24. ReconRat

    QSL tonight?

    It's later, here's pics... SlideShow: http://s388.photobucket.com/albums/oo323/ReconRat_album/QSnL/?albumview=slideshow Album: http://s388.photobucket.com/albums/oo323/ReconRat_album/QSnL/ Say Cheese Back At Ya Triumph T100 Victory Motor Boat Where's My Bike?
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