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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. This one was a large ride last year. About 200 motorcycles or more. Last year it ran down through Lancaster, and then East, through several small towns. All on back roads, with stops in various places. Police escorts and road guards were provided, along with a recovery vehicle and trailer. official website http://www.myspace.com/officermcdowellpokerrun http://www.motorcyclemonster.com/events/Officer-Terry-McDowell-Memorial-2009-08-29-Whitehall-OH.html oh yeah, the band, the food, and stuff at the end were pretty good also.
  2. Somebody tell Lance not to sign anything. Not now, not for a long time. Some hack lawyer from the insurance company will try to get him to sign stuff. No, don't do it.
  3. Central Ohio area 24 hour weather forecast for Saturday daylight: 14% chance of rain with an average of zero inches of rain during the day and evening. 29% with a trace of rain after midnight. Winds 5 to 10 mph S/SSW gusting to 5 to 10 mph. Cloud cover 35 to 45% Temperatures 62F low and 84F high, and apparent temperatures the same. Relative humidity 84% falling to 53% at 5pm.
  4. ah yes, but the designer type... will take something apart, and put it back together better than it ever was before.
  5. keep it simple. If the bike went down and under, and then flipped up when wedged, it would tip the car like a lever. Besides, I remember a Pontiac that would flip on its side if you yanked the steering wheel too fast...
  6. If you're spotted with a six-pack in each hand, helmet on, ready to ride, that might happen...
  7. yeah, she's 29 and he's 12... she's a cradle robber, yup...
  8. I thought the best vodka came from vodka trees along the Crimean Sea...
  9. The gas station at route 37 & route 62 in downtown Johnstown. Twenty minutes after we leave Iron Pony. We should call you when we leave. We often stop there for fuel or snacks or water or something. This is a lazy day. We aren't riding fast, unless I tow one of the cruisers.
  10. So far, an early bird group will probably meet and depart from Iron Pony at 8am or a little after. Early birds are attempting to eat all the pancakes before anyone else can get there. I haven't heard of anyone else's time schedules. I'm guessing four to eight early birds. I'm wondering when Ben/Carie want to depart. I like early starts, if for no other reason, just to see who is capable of an early morning start. Besides, the cruisers need the extra time to get there. ha.
  11. I just bought two more cameras, Apparently I collect them. You are welcome to use one, have one, destroy yet another, whatever you want. I found a bargain. They are blue, as if that makes much difference. (errr, I wouldn't be caught with a pink one)

  12. awwww, Friday is my last day off before losing the four ten-hour workweek, AND the boss asked me to work overtime on that Friday. FML on the other hand, I'll have all this money... I work too much...
  13. I hear it might be a closer to a 4 hour ride. Jagr was right, probably a lot of stops.
  14. There is a virtual 3D lego application you can download for free. Kinda fun to play with when bored. Also, there is a huge lego contest in town at least once a year. Sort of like a science fair. Build wild mechs. I'll try to remember to let you know when it is on.
  15. correct pressure = sticker pressure x ((bike weight + your weight + luggage) / maximum load rating) In other words, about a 25% reduction in tire pressure for an average guy riding solo on a 400 to 500 pound bike. That's 25% less than the maximum pressure shown on the bike sticker or in the bike manual. Not the maximum pressure shown on the tire. Round up for the front tire and down for the back. If you ride double, use the maximum pressures shown on the tire sticker. (or in the manual) Never have less than 26psi in any tire. All pressure checks are done on cold tires that haven't been rode on.
  16. It's probably part of the deal on the automotive bailout. All about trying to increase income for the manufacturers by influencing sales of new vehicles. As usual, there will be side effects that aren't so hot for the average Joe. A certain percentage of the population will need to get used to walking. Primarily because there really isn't any decent mass transit.
  17. The small imbedded photos get bigger when you click on them or hover over them with the cursor. edit: ok, skip the hover part... the small ones get bigger when you click on them... That's what she said...
  18. Me too... Actually, I didn't know it got out of EF, I wonder if it was me saying "dyke".Maybe I should have said "butch", not much better though. (sorry, dyke is a noun in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, I'm going to use it.) edit: dyke, a variant of dike: 1: an artificial watercourse : 2: a: a bank usually of earth constructed to control or confine water b: a barrier preventing passage especially of something undesirable
  19. I'm blaming it on you, who accidentally pwn'd the CEs, while getting the EEs, causing a defensive measure by the CEs in return... (who all really hate math, and just look things up in books...)
  20. But wait, there's more... MEs do up automotive to a typical x2 safety factor. Aviation, doesn't like excess weight, and does it up around x1.2 to x1.4, except for really critical areas (wing spar) and that might be x2. Redundant in aircraft? Youbetchya, most stuff is triple redundant, and some double failure monitored. One system down means go home. Two systems down means land immediately. There's just no place to pull over if something breaks down. Beefier no, stronger, yes. Using exotic alloys and materials. Automotive would do that also, but no one would be able to afford it.
  21. oh no you didn't... I don't even have to look. I already thought of that dyke gear... It wasn't a pleasant image... On the other hand, guess how military pilots pee in flight...
  22. So buy the bike already... this Summer is wasting away :(

  23. Close call between the two, but I'll stick with pee standing up. I'm recommending the ladies stick with the bewbs.
  24. everything is engineered at one time or another, and who said you could change your name back?
  25. I bet it would too, you might even be able to program it to "tickle".
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