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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. wtf... riding side by side in formation is an advanced skill. That's a collision waiting to happen.
  2. sounds more like the shift linkage just got loose, and needed re-adjusted and tightened.
  3. Also, leaning over on to the side of the tire, effectively reduces the speed of the motorcycle. It's the smaller circumference at the side of the tire. Some throttle input is needed just to keep from slowing down.
  4. ummm, actually all turns are initiated by a counter-steer. Except maybe those wobble turns at low speed, like barely moving. On some bikes the counter-steer is so brief, it's just not visible or recognizable. If you don't believe in counter-steer, try turning with one hand, and see whether you pull or push to turn. The main reason is that the counter-steer can be initiated with a shift in body weight. Although there are studies done that dispute the use of body mass to do anything much at all in turning. Those studies took the clip-ons off and mounted them to the frame. Most riders could not turn without extreme effort. And the turns were shallow and difficult with body mass only. I disagree with some of that study, it seems to me that riding with no hands, and steering with body mass only, pretty much makes a solid point for the case. Best done on a bicycle, which weighs a lot less.
  5. of course it's doable. It's called ethyl alcohol... hootch, shine, bug juice, and you can drink it too...
  6. ReconRat


    IDK, most scooters I see downtown look more like they are trying to figure out how to lock the doors... maybe it's the black on black motorcycle... But I'll wave at some for fun.
  7. only if you know how to turn feed grain into motorcycle fuel
  8. Check her Amazon dot com "wish list". You did look for that, right? lol...
  9. lol, apocalyptic survival = fast horse and good rifle
  10. The original use of the name engineer, was those ancient mil spec dudes that tunneled under the enemy's castle walls and planted explosives to bring the walls down. So yes, engineers blow things up. Demolition is an equal part to construction. Which is the other thing engineers do. I have a couple of Army engineer construction manuals, and they basically describe how to build anything with sand bags, trees, and rope. Which is pretty cool, actually.
  11. hey hey hey, the tongue is a legitimate tool of foreplay. Don't knock it. (hetro preferred, tyvm) Not too sure about the eyeball thing though... btw, feel free to use 4 syllable words or more, but no points given here...
  12. Should we pull John in as an honorary wannabe? CompSci type, of course... BTW, in the beginning, CompSci did not have a math requirement at OSU. So many people were trying to have it as a major, that they added 4 years of math, essentially equal to the math something like an engineer or math major would have to take. That got rid of most of those trying to have CompSci as a major. And @ Art, I loved chemistry, even if I took the advanced set of chemistry classes. But I remember organic chemistry was very difficult. And I still have every Robert Heinlein book ever released in English... including one bootleg.
  13. As you can see, the enginerds forgot to mention hookers and STDs in each post. Oh well....
  14. I bumped into the thing about the computer virus on JRM's page. I know that virus. Wasn't easy to clear, but it can be done. Triple scans in safe mode followed by triple scans in regular bootup. Details if you need them. It was Mundo/Virtumonde virus.

  15. Where's Brian when we need him, or Schmuckingham. I don't know which gear they pull in for a single gear. But that's what it looked like at the Dyno days. It sounded like they upshifted a few times, and then pulled in a single gear from a low RPM to create the data.
  16. Googled some dyno charts, and the RPM vs Time shifting charts look something like the first chart. The second chart looks like two pulls in a single gear. Really smoothed data. The third chart shown looks like two pulls, one with a hit on the NOS?
  17. Roller shaft bearing repeatedly seizing on the dyno? Or otherwise intermittent interruption of the power data. As in some sort of mechanical or electrical failure of the dyno readings. edit: it does look like it's shifting gears...
  18. I could say something here, but it would probably come out geeky... ok, here goes... flip - extrovert... ok, maybe not... flop - introvert...
  19. Not me, I started bikes when dreaming of being a Naval Aviator. I wanted to be a fighter jock, US Navy preferably. They turned me down when I tried to enlisted. Eyesight not perfect enough. That's the extrovert part speaking. So it's the other way around, I wanted to be an engineer because it would let me understand motorcycles, automotive, and aviation. That's the introvert part speaking.
  20. SAEM = Socially Awkward Engineers on Motorcycles? Is this a new social club? Are we allowed to do wheelies? I won't join unless I can keep my little wheelies... or maybe that should be SAE MC... (geek j/k)
  21. make it seven... I am ex-aerospace engineer, and may go back eventually. Socially awkward? Yeah, on and off again. Learned to live with it. A fine combination of introvert and extrovert. Turn it on and turn it off. It's a Zen thing...
  22. inter-state wire fraud = federal charges... plus any local charges of theft by deception.
  23. 10 of the best pics I took: Slideshow: http://s388.photobucket.com/albums/oo323/ReconRat_album/12jul09%20Meet/?albumview=slideshow Album: http://s388.photobucket.com/albums/oo323/ReconRat_album/12jul09%20Meet/?albumview=grid
  24. I never check off "actual" anyway. There's always something that makes the mileage off. Broken speedo cables, wrong size tires, gearing changes, and now speedo healers. Using and abusing are two different things. If anything is done with intent to deceive, that would be wrong. I've found and replaced car transmission speedometer cable gears that were not correct from the factory. They are supposed to match the car and rear end differential. You never know.
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