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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. I think attention span is good for only like 5 or 6 lines of text and then... zoned...
  2. ReconRat


    http://www.ohio-riders.net/faq.php?faq=vb3_user_profile#faq_vb3_other_settings http://www.ohio-riders.net/faq.php?faq=vb3_user_profile#faq_vb3_profile_custom
  3. If you want cheap, try camping gear. 15-20 bucks for new. Otherwise I'd try yard sales and craigslist. http://www.sportsmansguide.com/net/cb/cb.aspx?a=189397
  4. You do know those require seasoning? A break-in sequence? Or a recovery program if abused? And require special care? It's like a life long commitment. You and your cast iron frying pan. Just sayin...
  5. Doesn't your insurance have a one ticket forgiveness? Some do, some don't. I'm sure anybody else would consider factoring it into a quote though. Jon, points stay on BMV driving record for two years in Ohio. In terms of adding them up to a point of taking the license away. And also, if you are in court, and the judge looks at your record up there on the bench, that record shows everything you've ever done, no exceptions. All of it. That's my understanding... edit: insurance companies keep them for three? Those dastards...
  6. I happen to hate riding into the blinding sun on a motorcycle. I've started carrying a pair of Polaroid type shades to kill the glare, if I need them. So far I've not bought other visors, I'm still wearing shades under a clear visor. But the shades are annoying, eventually they hurt your ears, from wearing them under a helmet. (edit: oh yeah, Polaroid under a plastic visor will throw all sorts of shimmery colors at your eyeballs, you'd think you were tripping or something. It's a bit distracting sometimes.) Back-in-the-day I used to have clear, medium smoke, and yellow. I tried blue, but immediately threw it out, when I found out it makes red lights look black. You just can't see red traffic lights, or tail lights or brake lights. But it was really bad for traffic lights. Last thing I want to do is blow through a red light. Seemed rather dangerous to me, so I tossed it, I wouldn't even give it to someone else.
  7. I just ran mine on the free link, no citations. Although they don't say "no citations". Just none listed. We need someone to run the free link who has a citation show up, so we can know that it really works for that. Volunteers? At least I have a license on record, and the motorcycle endorsement. Never hurts to check, heh?
  8. note: tickets from out of state or small towns or townships etc may not ever make it to your record. Everything is supposed to be automated now, but not every little place got the gear to do that yet. And they actually have to do it, sometimes they don't. I've had some never show up. (actually, had lots never show up on record).
  9. You can look up your own driving record on the Ohio BMV website. Let me see if I can find the link... edit: well, I thought you could get it right on screen, but this link says they mail it, or you get it at the Deputy Registrar. http://bmv.ohio.gov/driver_license/abst.htm I think other outfits can also do the search, and one of them might show it right on screen. I'm pretty sure employers do it that way. One was telling me that yesterday. WAIT, THERE'S MORE... I found it, un-official record from BMV (on -screen), and/or change of driver's license info page: https://www.dps.state.oh.us/netsys/netdb/ENGLISH/MMENU.asp (This one is a free search)
  10. Voice of experience, it's ponytail, and it goes inside the back of the jacket. I never found another way. Well ok, I got my hair cut short, after graduating. That works also.
  11. I reckon I might not forget, I'm kinda bad about that.... I'm not out riding today, but it will be above freezing when it's time to eat. I think I'll ride on over. Fish fry, ummmm.... yummy. Anybody else? come on... Make it happen... you know you want it...
  12. I'm a fairly careful defensive rider, but already in a week or two I've had several flirts with fenders. Enough to remind me that cagers either just don't give a damn, or just don't see us. It won't get any better in the years ahead.
  13. I actually had a St Bernard pull up along side at 40mph and open his mouth at my leg. I'm looking at my speedo, I mean dogs can't run that fast. When he quit barking and went to bite, I decided it was time to go away.
  14. I don't like passing cars. Not anymore. Sure, I've passed a lot of them. But there's a long list of compelling reasons as to why it's risky on a motorcycle.
  15. "starts a small fire" coupon...
  16. ReconRat


    lol, you were in Pennsylvania or New Jersey then, I think it's the Scioto. There's another nice road along the Big Darby Creek, between Plain City and Milford Center. Middleburg-Plain City Road. Going West out of Plain City on 161, take a right just after that sweeping overpass. Ride to Milford and back again. (Or vice versa, but the start of the road is hard to find in Milford Center. It's the road the high school is on, turn at the Marathon gas station.) Nice little ride. My shortcut to the West side of Marysville from Columbus. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=marysville,+oh&daddr=white+sulphur,+oh+to:OH-257%2FRiverside+Dr+to:plain+city,+oh+to:milford+center,+oh+to:marysville,+oh&geocode=%3B%3BFca5ZAIddqsL-w%3B%3B%3B&hl=en&mra=mr&mrcr=0&via=2&rtol=0,1,2,3,4,5&dirflg=ht&sll=40.31409,-83.206158&sspn=0.06597,0.11055&ie=UTF8&ll=40.201428,-83.266068&spn=0.264321,0.4422&z=11
  17. I feel for you. I had a Pontiac dealership do a clutch and pressure plate, and when the parts came out AGAIN to fix the clutch, I could clearly see the original work had not been done. (original damaged pressure plate gouged the new clutch surface.) I was so mad, I didn't dare go back there. I don't know what it is, or why it has to be this way, but when I ask a place for work and play dumb, they often try to jerk me around. Then I tell them how it works, and what I know. That really pisses them off, to be caught in a batch of lies. I've found GM brake jobs without the little pad anti-rattle tabs bent down. Duh. I've found 10 spark plug wires under a hood after a tune up. Duh. I've had to show the mechanic which way ball joints go in the control arm. Duh. I've had mechanics swear they can do an alignment, when there was no alignment gear in the shop... Duh. I've found Cadillac fuel injectors completely disconnected from a car purchased from a used car lot. Yeah, it ran that way, sort of... That one went back with a word from the Attorney General. Messing with emissions is a big no-no. Duh. I had a co-worker drop a car off to be checked out, and they disassembled the engine for her. The Attorney General shut the place down after I called. No charge. Duh. Long list, it never ends, buyer beware...
  18. Somebody got a master key set for buicks, no doubt.
  19. I ride C-bus to Marysville for work stuff sometimes, and know a few back roads to get there. Some are quite scenic and nice. There are other roads back there marked as scenic routes, that I haven't messed with yet. The roads are mostly all flat and straight, but you take what you can get.
  20. Opposite side of view point: I taught classes for 3 years. I had a Russian immigrant in one of the hydraulics classes. He froze up on a final. He was the last one to leave, and was still struggling. I went over and took the exam, looked at it, and went right down the page and read him each question, and waited for his answer. I marked it right there. He knew his stuff, most Russians do. He just froze up, forgot how to read English, whatever. What else would I do? If something ain't right, fix it. On the other hand, it's amazing how many people (students) can't or won't read and/or write. How they can go through life that way, is beyond me.
  21. Most schools recognize unwarranted difficulties in test taking for some individuals. Some people just freeze up and do terrible. Usually that can be determined and identified in individuals. Unfortunately the only response by most schools seems to be allowing the test taker to take the exam in a different environment. I once froze up for an electronics exam. My mind completely blank. I spent 80% of the exam time unfreezing. I sat there and stared at it. It was so bad, the professor came over and asked what was wrong. I figured out each answer in my head, and suddenly wrote them all down rapid pace, and turned it in. Got most right. Told the prof about it, no clue what happened. It never happened again.
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