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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Forget 254 mph, that's mach 0.35
  2. If you missed the news this weekend, a military style attack was caught on various government computers around the world. One source said 1300 infected, but not all compromised yet. China is supposedly the source. I've seen a change in recent attacks that appeared to be aimed at military type users. Meant to infect the computer with a silent control/theft of info. It's CyberWar. Or practice for it. It's all about money or power...
  3. I lived down there for a few years. It was always interesting to mistake a rat for a cat because of it's size. And yes, if you get too close, they jump at your face (or other places).
  4. Rats is what you get when you remove the cats... Some hardware stores will loan or rent out small animal traps. There are some on craigslist, but people ask too much for them. Harbor freight is cheaper.
  5. That's the first time I've heard anyone mention Honda East of Toledo. They have the lowest prices on Hondas in the state of Ohio. Anyone ever bought from there? Any experience with them? Sam? (Honda of Marysville prices are very close to that, and is a lot closer to Columbus. People speak well of Marysville Honda.)
  6. I use metric feeler gauges. As well as SAE. And you can double the feelers and use two at the same time, to get other gap measurements. The important part is to develop a feel for the right amount of drag on the feeler gauge. If you drag it too tight or too loose, it will be a false reading by a small amount. And keep them clean, wipe them off each time you use it. We don't want grit in the engine. Grit bad.
  7. New Albany Shooting Range‎ - more info » 10299 Johnstown Rd, New Albany, OH‎ - (614) 939-4867 http://www.nasr.com/ Powder Room Gun Shop & Target Range‎ - more info » 2470 Powell Rd, Powell, OH‎ - (614) 846-3396 http://www.powderrm.com/ Black Wing Shooting Center 3722 Marysville Rd Delaware, OH 43015 (740) 363-7555‎ blackwingsc.com I pulled these from google maps; put in your location, and then enter "shooting ranges". All that are around the area will show up. Ohio Dept of Natural Resources list of parks with shooting ranges: http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Home/wild_resourcessubhomepage/shooting_infolandingpage/shooting_ranges_default/tabid/17601/Default.aspx The range at Delaware Reservoir is probably the closest.
  8. There are a couple of private indoor/outdoor, and one or two public ranges not too far away. Full auto or ammo types may be limited. Fees at almost all to use facility. For maximum full auto try the Ohio BulletFest: http://www.bulletfest.net/
  9. People go into shock easily. And just seeing something like that will do it. And then that adrenaline hits, and most people just shake. A few kick it up and make a move, but very few. Plus you're going up against some one who is obviously willing to kill. That's a bit of a challenge for most people. And indeed, if you over do it, you can wind up with similar charges. Fast thinking people would run over, grab the kid, and run like Hell.
  10. Right now the fuel is still formulated for winter use, it will change up soon. Or already has changed. That should change the MPG. And air filter. Springtime is dirty time on the roads, and the air filter gets hit hard.
  11. Ha, I started writing a really long thing here, but forget it. Basically exhaust design is way more complicated than what it appears to be. It involves every portion of the flow path, from in to out. Major changes require other major changes to match. It will vary depending on the results desired. Best bet is to find a setup that worked for some one else, and copy it. And the stock exhaust on most motorcycles is extremely well designed for general use.
  12. Very cool, add these two scans from the 1000rr.net forum: http://www.1000rr.us/multimedia/setup1.jpg http://www.1000rr.us/multimedia/setup2.jpg and this spreadsheet from rc51.org http://www.rc51.org/host/RC51setupsheet.xls
  13. I gave up, it's cold and there is still ice out there this morning. Outside the city is worse. Going to do some yard work, if it ever warms up even a little today. Still plan on Moose fish fry later.
  14. +1 perfect, gotta love Harbor Freight
  15. Going for a long ride Friday (yes, it's a recon), but should roll back in at the right time. Now if I can remember to stop there... edit: NOT going for a ride, the dang roads are frozen in spots out there
  16. I think she needs another yellow Suzuki, same as the one she had. I like those. Besides, they are easy to find used.
  17. Yeah, I like Kevlar, but even I have not taken the time to purchase a pair or two. tsk tsk shame on me
  18. Micro Adrenaline is still a current model right hand sells new at a discount for 270 left hand sells new at a discount for 380 both without all the options and case etc
  19. And what is the model number, it should be on there with the serial number.
  20. I dunno, "cleaning the crabs" kinda scares me...
  21. There is no Moon. It's all a lie, and I'm not telling you what they did with all that money. Calculator? In high school they brought in the experimental calculator from Battelle Memorial Institute, here in Columbus. It was the size of a shopping cart and used vacuum tubes.
  22. okayyyy, I was gonna, but... I don't think anyone would relate... like, I was in Junior High when tennis shoes were invented, first worn on the street as fashion... geez, thanks for making an old dude feel old... On the other hand, I remember when the first man stepped on the Moon. Really cool.
  23. Place your bets... That's a lot of oil, very different... Sorry Jason, I'm going with blown head gasket, and/or possibly intake valve not opening properly. I think the piston is pulling oil out of the oil passage near the cylinder bore. The oil there is under pressure, which makes it want to enter the combustion chamber even more. Hondas used to have problems with busted head gaskets like that. Maybe a slim chance it jumped timing or something (causing pistons to pull vacuum before the intake valves are ready). But you might have noticed a drastic shift in performance with that. Here's hoping it's something weird and simple to fix. (and cheap) That can be found with a compression check. Easy enough to do.
  24. I just checked the sportrider numbers for the VFR, and I'm surprised. I would have thought the 919 a bunch faster, but it's only a little faster. Only experience I can directly compare to, is that it holds it's own with an RC51. I can close it up quick out of the turns, but the RC51 will pull away at higher rpms. This would be with both bikes flat out WOT. The 919 does seem to have a top end that is reached rather quickly. Approx 145mph. Never had the guts yet to look down to check real close. Just really quick peeks at the speedo. I mean I almost got blown off a Kawasaki at 140+ once, and I don't intend to repeat that stunt. It's a great story though.
  25. Casper said she's fine. I'm not so sure the bike is too happy yet. I would fix it up, but it might not be looking that way.
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