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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. If you go looking on line, it appears they have another name: netbook. The smallest Acer is selling for 239 on line. Whole bunch for around 300. Here's 46 of the most popular: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=2034940772&bop=And&Order=REVIEWS Sort by number of reviews, and see that everyone is buying this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220441 Newegg don't sell junk. And they have a real tight warranty and exchange program. Always search amazon.com for cheaper or free shipping before you buy. And check WalMart and local sales, you never know. The 10 inch Acer with 160gb hd was 300 bucks somewhere locally, down from 350.
  2. I'm looking at them also. The DELL you're looking at has a regular laptop hard drive. It may or may not like riding on a motorcycle. A solid state hard drive (SSD) would probably like the road better. 399 is high, the Acer is selling for 300? Bunch of people getting the Acer. Asus and Lenovo(IBM) are also good name brands for notebooks. I know nothing about the DELL yet, it's too new. The Lenovo is a bit more (400-450), but rugged. Nobody I know has bought a Lenovo notebook yet. These notebooks can be noisy. The fan runs loud in them. No floppy, no CD/DVD. edit: Check with Casper, some of his co-workers have recently bought these notebooks.
  3. What part of "not showing your face" did he not understand? OSU High Street Fifth third Bank today... Rewards range from $200 to $2,000, based on the information given http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2009/02/27/bank27_ART_02-27-09_B3_GFD2838.html?sid=101
  4. Basic Vesrah is actually what Vesrah makes for the factory. In other words, basic Vesrah is OEM.
  5. Me too. But I use the Skull Candy ears or similar instead of earplugs. I found that they cut the noise by 70%-80%. I tried them on board the airline without tunes on, and was amazed. I will still wear them to cut noise, and hear music, gps or radio.
  6. what InyaAzz said... they are back to projecting power. Besides, they like Obama too... they just wanted to visit and see him. Give them a break, will ya?
  7. It appears that earplugs in both ears is a no-no by state law. So the key phrase is "“Earphones” does not include speakers or other listening devices that are built into protective headgear." Helmets with speakers in them appear to be allowed. The argument would be for headphones (earbuds) inside a helmet. It also does not appear to apply to two-way radios, phones, or GPS guidance equipment. By the way it is worded. Since that isn't technically "recorded information". Obviously it is out of date. To make things worse, many earbuds are now as good as earplugs.
  8. I've heard this one all my life. The Columbus patrolman I ride with said he didn't think it was illegal. I tried finding it in Ohio code and could not. Nothing at all, not for cars, motorcycles, planes, trains, boats, bicycles, nadda. Not even cell phone. I also checked that handy BMV book of rules. Nothing there either. I think where this comes from is some CITIES, or smaller jurisdictions may have laws regarding such things. Or it simply meets the qualifications for failing to yield to emergency vehicles or trains on tracks. Besides, how would deaf people be allowed to drive? edit: awwww crap.... found it... http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4511.84
  9. You know what? It is near impossible to pin a politician down on what they've said. And they would deny it anyway. After reading congressional records of endless blah blah blah, I retract any statements I made (see above) regarding evidence in congressional records. Politicians are slippery weasels and it won't be that easy. I will also agree that the fear factor is way too high. It only distracts from what actually does happen.
  10. You got me researching now... In Feb of 1995, the Daschle amendment for a BALANCED BUDGET AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION, did attempt to alter how changes could be made to the US constitution, which would in effect, allow Congress alone to decide what changes were to be made. The existing procedure requires the consent of three/fourths of the states of the union to ratify the change. Whether this was intentional or by ignorance/accident, is unclear. In Feb of 1995, HON. RICHARD H. BAKER speaking about BIG BROTHER AND THE SECOND AMENDMENT, quotes: Apparently it isn't Congress that has the power, it's the BATF.
  11. Got me now, I want to try the Vesrah SRJL 17.
  12. Interesting, but I doubt if the surface match is perfect when installed. 80% surface contact is considered "good enough" to get out on the track? I thought I read that somewhere. And you have to break them in to get that 80%? Asking I am, you guys know the track, I don't. From the Vesrah website, only the Vesrah RJL 006 says no bedding in required. edit: it was on the EBC website, they wanted 95% contact on race pads.
  13. Me too, actually. Finding some one in congress saying that no one should have firearms, on record, probably isn't difficult. Finding some one saying on record, that the constitution should be altered or removed would be difficult? Oops, me wrong, check it... They say it all the time... Putting only a few minutes on this, a search of the congressional record, of the latest volumes, from 1995 to 2009. I get 31 hits on the phrase "ban firearms". 12 positive hits. I get 29 hits on the phrase "remove firearms". 4 positive hits. I get 57 hits on the phrase "alter constitution". 38 positive hits. I get 200+ hits on the phrase "change constitution". 187+ are positive hits. I get 30 hits on the phrase "remove constitution". Only one is a positive hit. 17 hits minimum in each are false hits, i.e. query reports, how to search, etc. Junk. Apparently congress is constantly trying to change the constitution. No one would dare say get rid of the constitution out-right. All are sworn to uphold and protect the constitution. There is currently a Congressional argument regarding changing the constitution related to voting rights, statehood, representation(votes), etc, of the District of Columbia. There is currently a Congressional argument regarding the reinstating of the "assault weapons ban". This makes my head hurt, I'm stopping for now....
  14. MHO: Above all other considerations. There are individuals in government and power that have repeatedly expressed that the goal is to remove all firearms from the hands of the population. They represent groups of people with the same opinion. And they have action plans to do exactly that. They have not been successful. It has been recorded in the Congressional Record. It is fact. It also includes, if necessary, the alteration or removal of the U.S. constitution. The concept is absurd to most people. But the simple fact that many other countries have already done this or have proceeded on that track, makes it all the more probable that it will continue to be pursued. In this country, we have extremes on both sides of every issue, and the freedom to pursue our extremes. This, above all else, should not change.
  15. It would actually have to melt before it would burn, but yes, an acetylene torch would easily do that. I was hoping they meant a MAP gas torch or butane or propane torch.
  16. News for the younger ones. After a certain length of time, you will probably not recognize any of the old friends anymore. People change that much. The exceptions are: people that you have kept in contact with, and massive plastic surgery (face lifts).
  17. For a street bike I'd get the EBCs or OEM and put fresh ones on front and rear every year, in the Spring. (edit: Or the basic Vesrah or Galfer pads.) Maybe the rear can be replaced every other year. I go through brake pads and tires fast. Same on my cars, I put new brake pads on every two years (or after a certain number of miles), it's cheap (if you do it yourself) and beats damaging rotors and drums. Performance pads (or new pads) are only one part of an equation, if you need more braking power. The braided lines, disk, caliper, master cylinder and fluid should all be checked and repaired or improved for maximum performance. All brake pads and shoes require a break-in. There are lots of thoughts on how to do that. Each manufacturer is very specific about how they think it should be done. And each type of pad material has a somewhat different break-in. I know what works, but I don't know what works best yet. So each to his own. Just be aware that the brakes won't work very well right after installing them. Basically most pads need the heat to finish the "tempering" of the pad material. They also need to be "ground-down" until they have full contact with the rotor or drum. With some types, a layer of pad material has to be transfered onto the rotor. So a period of break-in is necessary till they are at least close to ready to perform.
  18. ReconRat


    watching tv, Battlestar Galactica Yup, cat is out of the bag. Starbuck = Kara 3, a Cylon.... whodathunk...
  19. The previous ban really didn't do much of squat. The one thing it did do was remove a batch of crappy dangerous to the user "saturday-night-specials". Good riddance. Unfortunately the result was bad guys having to buy better weapons.
  20. Yup, know the feeling. Those first few days you don't want to get off the bike. But it wipes you out and you don't get out the next day. I started with a 400 mile and a 450 mile ride last year, and my butt was sore from that. And it was a bit cold...
  21. Iron Pony has Repsol. It's a great bike oil for a lower price. It's not the best, but far above average. It's made in Spain and Argentina. There's an advanced search on the webpage to identify which oil to use for which bike. Oddly, it recommends synthetic Moto Off Road 4T 10w40, Moto Racing 4T 10w30, SuperSport 4T 10w50, or Repsol Moto Sintético 4T 10W40 for my bike. 10w40 is what Honda says to use. http://www.repsol.com/es_en/productos_y_servicios/productos/lubricantes/informacion_de_productos/marca_repsol/automocion/aceites_motocicletas/default.aspx edit: if it says JASO T-903:2006 MA or JASO T-903:2006 MA2 then it's made for motorcycles.
  22. and take the rodents out of the exhaust and intake... it happens...
  23. ReconRat

    SAME Cafe

    I'm glad you found and shared that. I read the entire thing. Ordinary people with a vision, we need more of that in the world.
  24. yeah, rat bikes, heh... Add one of my favorites: http://www.ratbike.org/photos2/y546suz.jpg
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