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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. I think this is the second try, the first one vanished. Ohio Riders is much more than a motorcycle club.
  2. Sounds legit, if you're a spin doctor.
  3. Pardon me, but whatever happened to walking around/behind your vehicle first, to check for obstructions? Has the entire world gone clueless? Or just lazy? Or are we simply "entitled" to just jump into a "deadly device" and drive away?
  4. Indictment today, grand jury later. Total of 83 devices found in van, 25 of which were large. Supposedly the remainder were initiator type devices. Depending on what type, some of this stuff can be unstable.
  5. I've walking into showrooms with intentions of paying cash for a new bike and never got approached. Multiple times. I just walk away. It's either fate or I'm guilty of dressing down. I did not know I needed to dress up to buy a motorcycle. Come to think of it, I used to get yelled at for "selling motorcycles" when I worked at the Honda shop. I wasn't a salesman, it wasn't my job.
  6. Mag, I was more or less meaning an air filter for a car or truck. I wouldn't bother with it on a bike. A water separator on the ram air intake should do the job. They are necessary on aircraft, and almost always work.
  7. Start downshifting till applied torque is greater than applied resistance. And ride it out. Should be pavement under the water, until it erodes away. I do remember one bike (not mine) that went down on on it's side in water, and the uneven cooling shock to the air cooled engine caused it to crack the cylinder, head, whatever. It was dead. I ran into a river running across the freeway in someplace like Missouri, I think. With a heavily loaded van. Water was deep and swift, but it drove through it. You just can't see that stuff ahead of you. What you can see is people's brake lights suddenly coming on off in the distance, and then they disappear from view. A good reason to have an air filter, it keeps the water out of the cylinders. But with a wet air filter, it won't run or start. A good reason to keep a spare air filter in the trunk. Having done that, I will tell you that the water can be very cold when you get out to fix it. After your engine quits running in deep water.
  8. Maybe a reason to practice riding through water, heh? I used to do it, it's really rather fun till it gets up to your airbox/throttle bodies. Most bikes throw enough wake to prevent that. If they stay moving.
  9. Helmet is indeed only one factor of several. Helmet Medical Insurance Sober Those three seem to keep most people alive, for whatever reasons. Add in that a huge percentage of injuries/deaths/crashes tend to be large displacement: greater than 1200cc. edit: So if helmets are mandatory, and health insurance is mandatory, that leaves sober to become mandatory with outlawed bikes over a certain displacement or weight or something. Then the regulations can go off and worry about something else instead. Like clueless drivers in general of all types. note: I don't wear a bicycle helmet. I just don't relate to that. Learn to fall without hurting yourself.
  10. btw, just exactly where does a tripod get mounted on that...
  11. Just a gimmick. Some one will buy anything. I'd rather have one of these dual 10/22 kits. http://www.sportsmansguide.com/net/cb/10-22-crank-operated-gatling-gun-kit-2-tone.aspx?a=1104846
  12. I saw one article that explained he was most recently sent to a unit for medical separation (medical discharge, unwanted by service, probably mental). At that time his job was as a groundskeeper (picking up trash). so yes, to go from intel to "I'm in trouble", he must have really messed something up. In this world, he was no doubt on a watch list or two, and those lists are forever.
  13. I saw it. First question, where was he going? And was it something simple (over-reaction) or something serious? And who snitched...
  14. I've had friends hustle, but eventually you get your clock cleaned one way or the other. Also knew a girl that could clean my clock, your clock, the clock on the wall, the clock out on the car's dash...etc All she ever played was the table at home when she was a kid. At one time I could run a table occasionally, but it's been a long time. That hustler friend taught me a bit. The girl didn't teach me squat.
  15. Wait till it's warm, swear you'll have free food and drinks, and maybe hundreds of us will show up. On Hondas, preferably... hey, at least we'll know where the shop is located. Yeah, I already know where it is. Heard good things about this one.
  16. I'll go out on a limb here, and predict little or no change in the number of firearms. It will however, make many of them legal to own. What will be interesting is any changes in quantity and rate of crimes committed.
  17. Unbelievable. If I remember right we were supposed to knock out 25 pull ups in boot camp before we left. I've seen the USMC and Army booth setups and have wanted to try it. I weigh 30 pounds more than back in boot camp.
  18. Now that issues with chemical weapons has settled down... A proxy war has developed between Iran and Saudi Arabia. It's in the news, but not making major headlines. And the way it's playing out, it should be. It appears to be developing into a serious war for control of a major portion of the Middle East. Iran is in with Shiite control or influence over the major capital areas of Damascus in Syria, Baghdad in Iraq, and Beruit in Lebanon. Saudi Arabia is in with Sunni control or influence over Syrian rebels, and Al-Qaeda groups of each area. Western Iraq Sunni groups have also thrown in for now. Draw lines between (edit to be accurate: Aleppo, Mosul and Bagdad), and this is roughly the area of contention.The Sunni groups have some sort of control over everything in between the three cities, and are moving on the capitals themselves. But... there's serious in-fighting in Syria between the rebel and Al-Qaeda factions. This happened after a rebel comeback against the Syrian Army into Aleppo. And Lebanon, of course, is no pushover with Hezbollah there. And the most recent event is a Sunni rebel/Al-Qaeda move on Baghdad, after defeating the Iraqi Army and capturing to some extent the cities of Fallujah and Ramadi. This happened after the Iraqi Army made a move Westward toward the Syrian border to eliminate the threat. It didn't work. Heavy weapons and personal weapons were abandoned in the retreat to Bagdad and undoubtedly captured. The odd part, is that the US is supporting the Iraqi Army with weaponry and technology, and Iran is supporting with Iranian backed militia groups located in Iraq. To some extent, we're in this together. Their objective is to create a new Sunni state in this area. The major faction fighting that has declared this goal, is the ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham). Some unknown percentage of this group is Al-Qaeda. And the strange part, on any given day, it's not clear if the ISIS is supporting and fighting for the Syrian rebels, or Assad's Syrian Army. The result is two (or more) fighting groups with unclear objectives, that are both equally dangerous to other countries in the area. It's become difficult to see which one should be supported or suppressed. edit: Al Jazeera calls ISIS by the name ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) ergo al-Sham probably = Levant
  19. Packed size 9 x 21 inches not bad at all for packed size not happening with that price though
  20. Just looked something up. CLP from SafariLand no longer has teflon in it. The NATO and mil-spec are no longer displayed. I'll have to dig out both some old and new and check to see. Current suppliers of mil-spec (maybe): G96 Synthetic CLP Mpro7 LPX Slip 2000 Weaponshield CLP edit: apparently Mobil 1 5-20w works about as good. Rust test article: http://www.thegunzone.com/rust.html edit: hrmm, just read that graphite grease can corrode aluminum. Guess I'll stop doing that. I think I've only used it on steel parts. I'll have to check and see if what I'm using actually has graphite in it.
  21. I use break-free and a mil-spec graphite grease on new stuff. Seems to make them happier. Friction of the slide on the frame could have caused the malfunctions. But it generally requires a heat build-up for that to happen. That's where I use the mil-spec grease, on the rail surfaces. Probably totally un-necessary, any lube "should" work.
  22. As long as there are some areas that have more votes cast then there are voters, I think I'll go with voter fraud. Also, any large voting district that claims 100% vote one way or the other. Not too believable.
  23. The large contributors are college/universities, brokers, banks, and physicians. Interesting.
  24. Rode in a TransAm that had the reverse, the radials were in front. At 50-60 it wouldn't stay on the roadway. Like a bucking bronco.
  25. And one of my own, hand on top of helmet with two fingers up. I use first finger and little finger. Means big animal spotted on road ahead. Usually meant to signal deer sighted. Where there is one, there is usually a bunch. Also means I'm going to slow the heck down real fast.
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