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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. spider the entire website down to your hard drive, lol
  2. 1 lb 12 oz (815 g), 10 ounces more - 1.5" thick, the one you have is 2.5" thick. That's nice. yours says 9" x 4" rolled up, mine says 11" × 4.8" - but mine is thick plastic, it's not going to leak easily. I let it un-roll inside the compression bag, and squish the tent, air pillow, and whatever inside the center.
  3. Check this one out. This thing kicks ass. It will drain itself to charge up a phone or tablet. Solar recharge (or USB recharge), and the one I have has two extra solar panels that plug in the side. I've used it for quick charging my phone. And twice used it to force a charge on the phone when it didn't want to charge. I've seen these hanging in the sun on the back of combat packs. edit: batteries like this should be full charged and full depleted at least once when you first get it. ReVIVE Solar ReStore XL 4000mAh Solar Charger Power Bank
  4. Atlantic coast in New Jersey was like that back in the 80s. Insurance went way up, so the damaged property sat abandoned for years. Couldn't sell it, and couldn't fix it. Still had to pay it off. 80% of the world's population lives within something like 60 to 62 miles of the coastline. When the oceans eventually rise, this won't be much fun.
  5. too late. Already have a new surplus mil spec coyote thermarest self inflating. (edit: cost more than I thought, it was 129.00 new.) Wasn't easy to find though. edit: Mine will not pack small (11" × 4.8"), it will fold over once and roll up tight, but not squish. It's in a small mil spec compression bag with tent and pillow. Sleeping bag goes in another mil spec compression bag. The heavy one straps on the bottom of the pack, and the light one straps on the top.
  6. The pelican case from twisted throttle is 120 bucks each. The larger Duratool 22-14355 is the same size and only 36 bucks. Good deal. I can use two of the bigger one. edit: yeah, I bought two to try out. I have a pair of top load Pelican 1430s, but they are small and don't like the quick release slides of the sw-motech racks. I'll put the slides on the big boxes, and bolt the little ones direct. I doubt I'll switch back and forth very much.
  7. They never had parts in-stock for a 919. They had to order it for me. It was quicker and cheaper to buy it on-line. All the shops are like that for a 919. Too bad though, we do need a Honda shop in the area.
  8. GMO hybridizing is one thing. Altering crops so they glow in the dark and can be picked at night is another. There should be rational limits. If we're not careful, we wind up with crops that pick and harvest themselves. Kinda creepy.
  9. Spent some brain cells thinking outside the box. I see teams of actuaries making sure profit is maintained. There is no way the quantity and quality of insurance company actuaries will fail at the task and opportunity. 1. Any decisions from DC is not going to compete with the collective skill level of the insurance industry. 2. Cancelling coverage in entire states while the opportunity is there to excuse it. "Didn't meet the requirements." 3. Dumping entire groups if "pre-existing conditions" dominate the group. Big winner, let some other company deal with it. 4. Raising rates at a time when everyone will be switching for mandatory one reason or another. A no brainer. 5. In other words... "It's a trap!". Some of these are coming out in the news if you dig around and look carefully. Feel free to add more.
  10. Thursday morning: Gander Mountain in store stock 22LR - roughly 5 cents/rd Federal 40gr RN high velocity in 50 round blue box CCI 38gr high velocity in 100 round red plastic box 5 box limit on 22LR some 38 special Remington 50rd about 24 bucks
  11. It does say that the all nylon device is intended only to get to the nearest plowed road. It didn't say that for the half zip half chain. Nylon has the tensile strength, but not the abrasion resistance.
  12. Be also aware, that generations of "normal" selective breeding has put most crops into a very dangerous position of having very little protection because of their lack of diversity, if something attacks the crops. Most of them are so similar, that the majority could be lost in one season. Corn is a major example, since corn crops lack diversity more than most other crops. And following seasons might not be much better. GMO could avoid, or quickly be modified to avoid. Call it insurance against calamity and starvation.
  13. Yup, Mags is correct. Humans have modified food (plants and animals) from day one through selective breeding. GMO just does it faster. Personally, I think food modified for mechanical collection and processing is not very tasty. The same would be true for GMOs as well, if that was the target. Heirloom food is much harder to produce, collect and process, but tastes much better. Yes, some hybrids are also of value.
  14. Same here, corporate group plans have been good and managed to maintain some sanity. What didn't get mentioned is that although the cost changed little, a number of other changes were introduced to maintain a profit. Those will cost the individual in a variety of ways. Again, some will gain from those changes, and some will lose. Mostly lose.
  15. No. There are no comparable plans. That's not how it works. There is "before" and "after". From now on, everything costs more. It has to, to pay for the overall cost of universal health care. It already has, will continue, and will increase. On top of what was steady increases anyway. It's not magic, some one somewhere has to pay for it, and it can't be done with just "young people who never bought insurance before". Call it sticker shock, it is the reality of what it is. The odd part is so many people that honestly thought it was free, or cheaper, or the same. Better or not isn't an issue yet, that plays out later, when it's seen whether it is truly better care or not. Personally I think the next effect will be a middle class panic about cash flow. Resulting in a drop in consumer spending. Expect a slowdown in GNP and a drop in the stock market, which is peaking anyway. Possibly another mini "recession".
  16. Yes, big fan of leaf blowers to clean out gutters. It's so quick. I don't mind climbing up on the roof.
  17. Here is where I say "what goes up, must come down". Currently Democrats are not in favor of ObamaCare by a 2 to 1 ratio. Remainder undecided. Among Republicans, well, you know... something like 95%+ against. Congress is currently drafting revisions to correct. Good luck to them, even with decent bipartisan support. Attempts will be made to allow people to "keep their existing", not pay penalties for the first year, extend enrollment periods, etc. Fancy footwork quickly being applied, this will effect votes in the next elections. Worst news recently, is that several top-of-the-line hospitals (as well as many others) have discovered that they can only accept one or two or three insurance companies, per ObamaCare. They are furious, and litigation is expected. edit: Yes, if you are a Democrat and support ObamaCare, you are currently in a serious minority. Every which way you want to measure it.
  18. You can also get veteran ID added to your driver's license. Not sure of the details, but it's added on for free, I guess.
  19. Somewhat new, is an Ohio military veteran ID card. This one is for Franklin County veterans. Those of us who aren't active, and that didn't retire from the military, have nothing till we hit age 65 and maybe get a VA card. This might fill the gap a little. A copy of the DD214 is stored for you, and a photo ID is issued. http://www.franklincountyohio.gov/recorder/services/veteran-services.cfm They are on site for two days here at work, and I'll probably bring in documents tomorrow and get one.
  20. Change horses. Mall shooting in New Jersey in progress: Shots fired at New Jersey mall
  21. Yeah, I remember when there was no basic test for depth perception. Even then, without depth perception, people would not elect to drive where possible. Too risky. Times change, people risk everything.
  22. I have several mapping apps on my Droid that will record position, time, road speed, etc. I often find one of them on after a reboot, and I forgot they would start up that way. Road speed typically averages less than what you thought you might have been doing. edit: if doing 20 over, it will clearly show over the limit though.
  23. Simple answer. Half the people on the roadway don't have 20/20 vision. Or worse, barely acceptable vision. Also throw in a good percent poor depth perception. Now toss in people that don't wear their glasses when they should. So.... entirely possible that a person "did not see the motorcycle". Just realize where that responsibility actually resides. A forgotten percentage. Similar to percent without insurance, or without driver's license, or intoxicated.
  24. This just in, a man is scuba gear spotted, all fish tanks are to be locked down and fish shall hold their breath for the duration.
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