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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. This guy doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. And he's running a motorcycle safety website. I wonder if he's ever tried it. Reminds me of the skit on The Simpsons where the SUVs try to make it around a freeway corner and they all scream and fall over. link: Speed Does NOT provide stability the directional stability that is claimed does exist, but it isn't much more than the rear wheel following the front wheel. Which is good, of course. An easy way to defeat the claim of this being the primary cause of stability, is to question why stability works when going over a jump, in the air, and no longer in contact with the ground. I think he's ignoring what direction the front wheel is aimed at when the weight is transferred forward under hard braking. That would fall down if not in the line of momentum and motion. Aim correctly and lock the rear wheel and a rear skid would result with risk of low or high side fall. But it's not mandatory. Advanced riders know how to use a rear wheel skid to change direction quickly. Granted, not always successfully. Ok, how does he explain the new generation of urban motorcycles that have a pair of gyroscopes in their belly? They stand up on their own and move with no help. Some of us have seen the videos of the gyro bike bouncing off a collision and never falling down.I'm not going to fault him for championing motorcycle safety, he's put in a lot of effort. But the physics of his analysis of dynamics leaves some room for work.
  2. *laughs* the Tactical Machining forum mentioned they notified bulk retailers not to jack prices up, or they would cease supplying them as a source. Good to hear. And found this little blurb:
  3. A debt increase during and after a war is expected. We used to be smart enough to pay it off.
  4. Wired.com: Looney Gas and Lead Poisoning: A Short, Sad History
  5. Found one type at Brownells. I guess they are expecting a shipment in January. Milled forging. Looks like it says TM stamped/milled logo on it. Whatever that is. They are taking pre-orders. 94.99 http://www.brownells.com/rifle-parts/receiver-amp-action-parts/receivers/lower-receivers/ar-15-stripped-lower-receiver-prod55099.aspx edit: TM is Tactical Machining Their lowers start at 109 on their website and are out of stock currently.
  6. cheaperthandirt will try to get back on line with firearms sales on Tuesday Jan8. With whatever they can put up on line for stock.
  7. Sorry Jen, I hope the little one will be ok.
  8. He may have mailed it to the Arkansas legislature, but nothing along those lines has been introduced by the legislature. Nothing found regarding firearms or registration etc.
  9. Voodoo Economics Might as well put the fraken' trillion dollar coin on a fraken' pedestal, and dance a fraken' dance around it in fraken' glory. Give me a fraken' break.
  10. When some people heard of the trick plan, they did indeed suggest minting several of them for multiple trillions of dollars of debt relief. It's up to the president, I guess. I don't think anything has come up in congress. Be right back, I'll take a look. edit: nope, no bills or resolutions introduced for platinum or trillion.
  11. Have you actually looked the frame over carefully for cracks or broken/loose frame members? All the motor mounts? Everything connecting the front wheel to the rear wheel. Weight transfer will make a frame problem clunk pretty loudly, or a strong feeling of instability. edit: a problem with carbs or injectors was a secondary choice.
  12. Wut? It's that pesky debt ceiling again. We're up against it without spending cuts or enough increases in revenue. And we've reached the limit of printing new paper money and coinage to dilute the debt owed. So somebody finds a loophole, we're allowed to mint no limit on platinum coins. Ergo, the trillion dollar coin. It never goes into circulation, it gets held at the mint (or treasury). But it would technically push the debt ceiling off by one trillion dollars. Which of course, we'd be fools to go and spend our way back up to that same debt ceiling again, but you know that is what would happen. What the Hell is wrong with people? Google news: one trillion dollar coin
  13. The freakonomics article is old enough the link to the data study is invalid. Here's a copy of that Donohue-Levitt hypothesis. And here's the wiki, listing a couple of rebuttals. And a list of traits and theories that associate with criminal behavior.
  14. Benzine? Liver damage, leukemia, cancer, CDC toxicology of benzene Getting gasoline on bare skin isn't a good idea.
  15. oops, some of the manufacturers are now no longer taking orders. Gone. Supply depleted and long back order wait.
  16. In the real world (law), no. In the fantasy world (policy), yes. Budget and debt (and revenues) are wildly different when viewed by law vs policy. Law is what is actually going to happen, per laws enacted. Policy is the expectation of what might happen, per guessing and wishful thinking.
  17. Don't buy a lot of +P ammo. It's going to kick like crazy with those. Use both hands.
  18. Those vents in the back help a lot. The ones I have flow a lot of air through. Probably good for riding position if it's cut low in the back. Sometimes having an extra one a size larger can work with extra layers for different temperatures.
  19. Hows that working out for you? The next county said no. Sheriff says inmates have guards home addresses. Politicians plan new laws against the newspaper. Newspaper hires security force, cause unknown. Reuters: Politicians condemn New York newspaper that published gun owner map Time: Newspaper Hires Armed Security Guards After Backlash Over Gun-Owner Map
  20. Lowes has a bunch of hard core odor remover cleaners, but this little bottle of concentrate will knock out everything. Won't be able to smell anything. Just one drop is enough. http://www.amazon.com/Wrap-On-Company-71000-Bottle/dp/B0017GTPTS Ace hardware stores probably have it somewhere. Amazon has it cheap. It's concentrated spearmint or peppermint oils? I think? Dunno, it works.
  21. soap good anti bacterial bad that will just make germs super stronger and try to kill you
  22. Actually, at least 9 house resolutions (HJR1, HJR2, HJR6, HJR11) asking for a balanced budget were introduced on the first day, and all show 32% chance of getting past committee, and 22% chance of passing house vote. I haven't checked them all. edit: err, govtrack.us website just went down. I didn't do it, don't look at me. edit: Found 9 house resolutions. Most are introduced by Republicans. One asks for balanced budget in constitution. 0% chance. One asks for ratification of budget by a number of states. 0% chance. And one from a Democrat actually asked for an increase in debt limit if revenues go down...
  23. Here's a clue for them; try looking on CraigsList.
  24. I thought that was only possible if it made it to the Senate. Not sure. edit: Executive orders are of various types and a rather grey area of law. Basic interpretation is "...but it vests the power to execute the instructions of Congress, which has the exclusive power to make laws;..." (Article Two Section 1 Clause 1 of the United States Constitution)
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