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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. I think it's going to turn out that Adam was mentally disabled with Aspergers syndrome (a form of autism). Not sure where ok and where not, but many states consider that a reason not to issue permit. Apparently it also prevents entry into the military. edit: oh great. News is saying his girlfriend and another friend are missing in New Jersey. edit: so far never happened. Nothing was found anywhere in New Jersey related.
  2. They are pretty firm on his brother found in Hoboken = 29 edit: never happened. Nothing was found anywhere in New Jersey related.
  3. She should switch to the 3 month pack if her doctor will do it.
  4. They say one of his brothers found dead in New Jersey. (CNN)
  5. I looked up some numbers. Although it's high in the US compared to the rest of North and South America, Europe is nearly as high as the Americas, and Asia is higher in number of incidents. Oceania is the highest, but not sure what all countries that would be. (Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, etc) To be fair, the records for Europe go back many more years. But to point out the obvious, those records go back to before there were firearms. Crazy people are an on going factor in society. The question would be, why do we have an excess of them here in the USA. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rampage_killers
  6. The news is as confused by reports as everyone else. One source saying children not shot but injured by flying glass. It does appear to be clear that the teachers/staff were caught in one room for an administrator's meeting.
  7. Fringe news is saying this is his FaceBook page: http://www.facebook.com/rlanza?ref=ts&fref=ts edit: Fringe news is wrong, this is his older brother Ryan. No FaceBook found for the younger brother Adam. And yes, they are saying they found his Mother dead. edit: Ryan Lanza, 24, brother of gunman Adam Lanza, 20, tells authorities that his younger brother is autistic, or has Asperger syndrome and a "personality disorder."
  8. Sheepskin is a classic solution... all furry and everything. I'm sure it will look ridiculous but comfy.
  9. Dang dude, let the wife pick one. Let her call it hers. But yeah, the MSF course first. A free chance to try out some bikes. She needs to try out shifting anyway. Maybe ok with that, maybe not. Need to find out.
  10. Now 27-29 deaths, 18 are children? It's bad when the police officer tells everyone to run.
  11. dog eats baby gate. Pukes massive all over house. News at 11. Seriously, even guys get the "stay the F away from me" once or twice a year. When guys get it. Believe me. Everyone.stay.the.F.away. Unfortunately, people have the weirdest habit of seeing something is wrong, and getting right on up in your face and not letting it go. Even pushing it to see where and when you'll go post apocalyptic nuke on them.
  12. I've even seen a couple of bright ones from inside the house. I could see them through the blinds, shoot across the sky.
  13. Some of them are showing up in Internet Explorer but not FireFox, for me. Dunno... pib
  14. lol, no clue... other than somebody had a lot of time to perfect the skill and techniques. edit: for all we know these jokers could have been carving rock with their version of a laser. I doubt if any trace of something like that would be ever found.
  15. This is part of the events of the end of the Pleistocene age. Which was the end of a long ice age. Geological evidence from around the world points toward there having been a lot of tsunami type tidal waves, that rolled over many parts of the world. Not all of the world, but a bunch. It also marked the end of the Neanderthal, and the Cro-Magnon species, that weren't seen later than that. Major extinction of species occurred at this same era of time. There is also found in those layers of geological deposits, a bunch of ash, unknown red mineral deposits, meteor/meteorite type material, and lots of animals and plants torn from the earth and wadded up by those large flows of water where they didn't belong. Along with large areas completely buried under sand and debris. Locations of events are scattered all over, but Northern China/Asia, and Alaska are well known in archeology and geology. Both adjacent to the Pacific. No one knows, but a best guess is that the Earth had a hit from an asteroid or comet, or a close pass through the atmosphere without actually hitting, from an extremely large one. The result was smoke, ash, geological movement (earthquakes), walls of water (floods), and an extended period of rain world wide. I'm sure there were rather extensive temperature fluctuations also, but have not ever seen data about that. The overall effect was that the temperatures went up quickly. Another best guess is that events were extreme at the beginning, settled into 40 days and nights of trauma, and lasted for over a year. The ice of that ice age was nearly completely destroyed. edit: There is an extremely large impact crater under the ocean North of Australia that might explain it all, but no one knows yet how old it is.
  16. I updated Google Maps on Droid, for the off-line maps function. Awesome.
  17. It has normal protection also. It's normal helmets that fail in low speed impacts. Resulting in concussion. This is supposed to do both. Note that it's a dirt bike helmet. 6D Advanced Impact Defense http://www.6dhelmets.com/
  18. 6D helmets, with low speed impact protection. Little shock absorbers that distribute the impact around the helmet. Dual-Layer Motorcycle Helmet Is the Next Great Brain Bucket http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/autopia/2012/12/6D-Helmet-660x572.jpg
  19. every one going crazy? *insert X-Files music here*
  20. The size of the pipe is often reported wrong in the news. so it remains to be determined. Similar to the "pipe size reported wrong" in that other thread going on here. But not related...
  21. The roots of trade unions is in Socialism. Particularly the founders that immigrated from Europe.
  22. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_s http://www.earlyamerica.com/earlyamerica/howto.html http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/101/why-did-18th-century-writers-use-f-inftead-of-s About 25,270,000,000 results(1.08 seconds)
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