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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. No, it's more like waking up right when she's turning the key in the door lock. Over and over again...
  2. Never brake check some one back. A co-worker got into "dueling cars" back in the 90s. Result was two cars damaged front and rear, both drivers arrested and charged with reckless operation, and both cars impounded. Some other driver stayed clear and called it in. To me, brake checking is nothing more than a signal that the driver wants to fight. And no, the driver you encountered should not have a CCW.
  3. lol, twist me. I might be a one percenter. I don't use mil dot. I don't even use some of the more popular scopes. I don't use 223 or 308 (or 30-06) for long range. I don't use the currently popular styles or types or manufacturers of rifles. I'm really set up quite different than everyone else. SpeedyTriple, yes, I would go with a 30-06. With 308 a close second choice. Some rifles are just as accurate with the 308.
  4. freecreditreport dot com is the one that started charging me twice a month, and I never signed up. I'm probably not a big fan. They did give all the money back though.
  5. Episode 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pT79x4qM4FE Episode 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdisGiivP9c
  6. I suppose so. But I'll say an old Enfield 30-06 will out shoot just about anything.
  7. Know what? When I think about it, a mil dot would probably be easier for my old eyes to see. Same with the 30-30 reticule. I do think the mil-dot setup is over rated though. And if it's got a drop setup for 223 or 308 in it, that's worthless for another cartridge. I get the impression there is more than one type of mil dot. The ones made for military usage aren't quite right for hunting or target use. edit: and back on subject: I like 308 over 30-06, and like 300 win mag for anything greater.
  8. Mil dot is for mil targets. Enemy soldiers (or simulated) at generally 400 to 600 yards. If you got some, get a mil-dot reticule scope. Otherwise, get a decent hunting scope/reticule, or a target scope/reticule. I like http://www.opticsplanet.com/ edit: and there is an article there about mil-dot and why we don't need it. What You Need To Know About Rifle Scope Reticles edit edit: Try finding a mil-dot made for something other than 223 or 308. Won't happen.
  9. Now don't feel bad. Pilots are sometimes put in unmanned drones in order to flight test them. At which time it's a manned drone. But not a manned unmanned drone undrone.
  10. The SU-25 targeting display is optimized for attacking the ground. It's not capable of assisting in ballistic lead of a moving airborne target. It would probably have trouble with a moving ground target. Wrong tool for the job...
  11. Here's the latest rumor that is probably causing the alarm. It's hard to find a decent source, there's nothing in the news yet. http://marketdailynews.com/2012/11/07/senator-dianne-feinstein-moves-to-ban-all-assault-rifles-high-capacity-magazines-and-pistol-grips/
  12. Again, the list (in all it's variations) has been thrown around by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) continuously, since it's first introduction. There are rumors that she's brought it back, in this post election environment. Nothing in the news yet. Nothing introduced in Congress yet. Yes, the president has often said that he would consider it. In it's basic form, it's the return of the ban we had before, that expired. Apparently Feinstein cannot be voted out of office... Doesn't say much for that area of California. edit: What is happening, is new discussions with the United Nations, on control of weapons world wide. If ratified by the USA, it is possible to do anything regarding weapons, possibly without congressional approval. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/nov/8/gun-ban-back-on-obamas-agenda/
  13. I haven't seen many real bargains. Not for years. Used to be some good ones.
  14. This is part of the house legislation in 2009 when Democrats had power in both house and senate. The Democrats immediately lost majority seats in the house in the next election before action could be taken, and a good bit of it was because of this legislation. It was noticed, and it probably won't happen again till short memories try it again. Which isn't any time soon, unless those that try, want voted out of office again. Basically no representative will want to support the plan, for fear of being voted out of office. edit: And Todd is correct, it's usually ban on sale and production. Not current possession. Unless you live in DC, Cleveland, New York City or Chicago. Where local laws already exist. (Ok, maybe some stuff in California also.) edit edit: Oh gosh, those were all blue states/areas, would you look at that...
  15. This isn't the first time it's come up. They have to vote for it themselves. The last time, they turned it down. They didn't like the idea of paying federal taxes, I think. We'll see what happens this time.
  16. A little late to panic. Everything is out of stock or back ordered already. It will calm down and resupply soon enough.
  17. A lot of those were in Russia. I guess dash cams are popular there.
  18. listing batshit crazy I have known: the gal that chased people around the kitchen with a big butcher knife.... the guy that carried a hammer everywhere and pounded on stuff all the time... the gal that would curse like a salty sailor just before she woke up, but fine when awake... The guys that chased Venus (UFO) halfway across Indiana (didn't catch it)... the gal that had a brain one day out of sync... the boss that would flip flop decisions depending on odd or even day... more?
  19. always look on the bright side... All the batshit crazy people collect all the batshit for themselves. And the rest of us no longer have to deal with it for the most part.
  20. *cue the porno music* needed a little background ambiance
  21. did you see: http://buffalo.craigslist.org/mcy/3327302354.html http://norfolk.craigslist.org/mcy/3326936247.html http://southjersey.craigslist.org/mcy/3329970607.html http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/DUCATI-MONSTER-1100-EVO-/181016365535?forcev4exp=true At those price listings, the one you're looking at is a bargain.
  22. Web series and movie info: http://blastr.com/2012/11/release-date-epic-trailer.php Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qj50xJhWdcM
  23. muhahahahaha*chokes and falls on floor*
  24. Ignore it. Stuff like this goes on all the time. For every one you see, a bunch slip by unseen. Or in other words: don't rock the boat.
  25. I noticed that NATO style metal 5gal jerry cans are highly regarded. And very difficult to find new or even used. There's a few found recently as surplus, and for sale at places like cheaperthandirt. The imitation jerry cans in 1gal, 2gal, and 5gal are not quite the same design.
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