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Everything posted by SWing'R

  1. Yes. You get to write off the interest and property tax paid.
  2. I file my own using turbotax software but my taxes are a breeze. If I had anything difficult I'd find myself a good local tax guy.
  3. Important to note that open carry ON a bike is only legal if you have your CHL. I've seen people use a holster on their leg, like a thigh holster.
  4. 46 - Backspin... old school hip hop. The good stuff.
  5. 103 - thank me later I like 103 better than 102
  6. You have to learn to just blow somethings off. With CCW gaining so much popularity it's easy to get yourself killed overreacting.
  7. Make sense to me. But who's gonna pay their electric bill??
  8. Did anybody else get a letter back from their representative? I got a letter via snail mail today from Rep Cheryl Grossman.
  9. Again with the making shit up. Heres a better idea, since you and MT need to make shit up to get your stupid points across you two can STFU. I never fucking said anybody was fucking dangerous for speeding, speed all you fucking want I don't care. What I did say was if you can't get to where you are going by doing the speed limit then you should have fucking left earlier. And how do you figure I consider myself a badass? Dude I'm a 5'5' 195lbs 45yr old married man who's been riding about 5 years, I'll be the first to admit I'm far from a badass. But at least I'm still taller than MT. So as for keeping this thread alive til tomorrow like the person above was hoping for, nope sorry. Done. When every other person commenting is just making shit up as they go along, I'm done entertaining. Done.
  10. Hmmm, where did I say I regulate anyone else's speed? Now everybody is just making shit up
  11. Not saying that at all. Simply said... "I DIDN'T FUCKING WRECK" Is that clear enough that you can understand it? Or should I spell it out for you... I-D-I-D-N-'-T F-U-C-K-I-N-G W-R-E-C-K - better? Not a back peddle, it was years ago. Laws and regulations change.
  12. I've often wondered if that would work lol, you could always shit yourself if it didn't and say "see, told you so"
  13. For the record... I've not left the house today! It wasn't me
  14. Funny I never seem to have a problem finding people to ride with. The people that don't want to ride with me, are the ones I don't want to ride with anyway, so no harm there. And of course MT always tell the truth right? Where'd you hear that? On the internet? lol Riding over your head is NOT having a wreck. MT claims I have wrecked. That is simply not true. You show me ONE person on this forum that is not guilty of riding over their head, especially on a group ride. It happens to everyone at some point. I have not wrecked. I have not been down. Those are the facts. I've already explained in a couple previous posts that the information I am referring to was read by me in the Ohio BMV digest, a much older one than the current one, the information has obviously been amended and removed as I myself can not find it.
  15. I don't doubt it. Ironically the majority of cars speeding on the highway seem to be from Michigan. Just a personal observation. Maybe they're just in a hurry to get out of Ohio lol??
  16. Welcome fellow yamahaian?? Yamahaite? LOL. I got a yama too
  17. Damn wish I had some cheerios, totally skipped breakfast this morning.
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