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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. So I'm gonna pose this question. How would you like the Police to react when they get calls of a person waving a gun at people in a park? Police now have to be trained for active shooter situations. When they receive the call of a person with a gun, they roll in hot. Expecting there to be an active shooter. When they roll up on that person with the gun, toy or not (because the caller didn't specify) they identify the threat. Then stop that threat when that person reaches for his weapon. That is what they have been trained to do. Stop the threat with the information they have been given. Now lets change the parmeters a bit. Cops get the call of a gunman in the park. They roll up, shout at the person to place there hands in the air. The officers don't react when a gun is pulled from the waistband (toy or not). That person then proceeds to fire off a few rounds before being stopped by the police. One of those rounds finds it's way to a baby carriage, and kills an infant. So my question stands. How exactly would you like the police to react in these situations, given the information that is provided? You can't expect common people who wear a badge to know every detail of every situation that they drive into. You are expecting these people to make life or death decisions in an instant. Then crucifying them if they do something that you are opposed to. You cannot have it both ways! Shoot to stop the threat, they are murderers! Wait 2 seconds and that gunman gets off a shot, and shoots an innocent, they are inept at their jobs, and should be burned at the stake.
  2. The case itself is waterproof. I beleive they all have the same 2 cases in the box. One being waterproof, and one not. As far as video quality. I think the white edition shoots 720p @ 20fps. Pretty standard stuff. So it should shoot pretty good video. The all come with a curved mount, and a flat mount. Curved usually works well for helmets. This is off the topof my head without any current research. I have a Hero 3 black edition.
  3. Wow! Snarky assholes. I have an aunt that works at that facility in Granville. I doubt she had anywhere close to the education or smarts that you have.
  4. Downloaded. Maybe I will grab some useful crap while im out today.
  5. hrrmmmm looks interesting... might get it when I get home
  6. Cdubyah

    Lunch this week?

    been a long day. Actual reading of the thread eludes me...
  7. Cdubyah

    Lunch this week?

    So no decision made yet on location?
  8. I'm gonna rock this bitch all winter hopefully. Or until it drives me crazy eough to trim it down. Strangely enough, it was the wife's idea. Fortunately, I don't have a patchy white trash beard. Unfortunately, it doesn't grow very fast. Patience is not my strong suite either. My week 4 probably looks like day 2 for the rest of you. The thing I can't stand is neck hair. So I'm trimming that up for a nice looking thick chin strap. I also piined this thread to the top of the Time Wasters sub-forum.
  9. Apparently they listened. I was there yesterday, and the heat was running full blast right above the shooting box. To top it off the wall where I normally hang my coast had a fresh layer of wet paint. SO i was shoointg with a fall jacket, and heat blowing in my face. All kinds of fat kid hatred right there...
  10. To hell with the Hilliard Gun world. That place is laughable at best. Stop in and judge for yourself. LEPD is where I go to shoot. Nice range setup, prices are ok for time. Firearm prices are stupid. If Woodbury in Jeffersonville is like Coshocton, ammo will be stupid steep, and firearms will be at msrp. I've heard the new Vances store is nice as well. Blackwing is probably the best, but really really far out of the way.
  11. The first couple of years I sed old carpet remnints. I haven't put anything under for a couple years now. Haven't had any issues.
  12. This fills in what the video does not. Captain road rage did not give him an appropriate amount of time to merge back. It's one thing to camp, or impede. It's a whole nother thing to not have a chance to move. Again, no fault with Scruit.
  13. 1. I see he is passing the traffic two lanes to his right. 2. I will agree 2 sec follow distance, which is a safe distance to follow. I never said he was camping in the laft lane. I said from the video the immediate right lane looked open. Apparently enough so that the truck aka Captain Road Rage, following passed in it, then cut back over. I also said, I was not there and cannot speculate. I'm speaking about what I see in the video. I never said it was Scruits fault either. Nor do I find him at fault. That was captain road rage all the way, without question.
  14. http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4511 - Operation of motor vehicle 4511.25 Lanes of travel upon roadways of sufficient width. I'm not a lawyer, so I don't read law that well. Interpret what you will from that. You are correct about the speed limit for all lanes of traffic. The concept of lanes of traffic is simple. Stay to the right, pass on the left. When people start weaving in an out of traffic because they are impatient, they cause accidnets with innocent motorists.
  15. While I agree that you were keeping up with traffic, the far left lane is not for cruising at highway speed, it's for passing slower traffic. You had a clear lane to your right, and faster traffic behind you. You could have moved to the immediate lane to your right. I wasn't there, so I don't know what was in that lane. I'm making that assumption based on your video. With that said, that dumbass, who was probably pissed you were camping in the left lane, merged into your lane at his front of his rear door on his crew cab. His dumbass fault. He either has really, really bad depth perception, or it was retalitory. He was probably cited for unassured clear distance. Again, his fault not yours. I would imagine, that he expected you to brake when he began to merge. It does not look like you reduced speed or braked until you were clear of his truck at about the the 6.5 second mark of your video.That being said, accidents happen fast, and reaction times vary. I do not fault you for that. It does not look like you sped up either, with malicious intent.
  16. Hrmmm... I like it. Be more inerested to see it in person.
  17. Probably a rightly ya fucking weirdo left hander
  18. I got married last October. Best thing I ever did. We set a budget, and managed to stay under it. From my experience, stay small. Stand your ground with your soon to be inlaws. Because they are going to want to invite every effing person from their big ass family your soon to be spouse hasn't seen since she was 10. My wife and I saved for 2 years. We paid for everything out of our own pockets. Had the wedding we wanted, came out in the black on the budget. It's not hard, but you have to stand your ground. I had many a arguement with my MIL. The most expensive bits. Photographer - paid the most for, disappointed the most in. Caterer - Most places in columbus are around $23/plate. We found a hometown caterer, better food and half the cost. Booze - can't save a whole lot, unless you buy dirty cheap Stay away from Metro areas when planning. One place in Columbus wanted $13k to have the ceremony, 4 hrs of reception time, and beer and wine. That did not include food, decorations, invites, cake, dress, tux. My advice is to stay close to your hometown roots. It's soo much cheaper. Destination weddings can be cheap, or expensive. My wifes cousin did a destination wedding to the Florida keys and spent more money than we did having a traditional wedding. As far as churches go. Find churches that you like. Then call them to see if you would be able to have your wedding at there location. Most of them will charge you a fee. Or require you to use their pastor. Or your pastor talks to their pastor to make sure you won't be sacraficing any goats at the alter. We are weslyan, and were married in a methodist church. Do what you want, and spend what you want. Don't let anyone else tell you what you need to spend, or where you need to spend it.
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