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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Not catholic, dated one, but not a devote. I'm slow in more ways than one....you have to explain these things to me.
  2. Yes it can be very very frustrating. The spawn killing really pisses me off. You can spwn right next to an enemy, while they are trying to capture a flag and instantly die. Have you tried Air Superiority yet? You have to fight over planes, because they only spawn so often. So it can be a little dull if you don't get one.
  3. Battlefield 1943, CoD 4&5 GT as stated below
  4. They don't sell them. They are free.
  5. Lets hope the weathermen are wrong for this weeks forecast.
  6. I use JVC Marshmellows. Work really well, noise canceling, and they fit well under my helmet.
  7. The prestige edition will cost $150.
  8. Anyone else heard about the prestige edition? I know Schmuck will enjoy this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMSS12iY1X0 SWEET!!!!
  9. wonder if we will be ostracized to the front again...
  10. Did you stop by Sharky's while on Ocean Isle?
  11. Bret I use Audacity. Then text the files via email to my phone. Works really well, and it's pretty simple.
  12. mmmmm Crystal Skull Vodka.
  13. You sir are getting the insurance pole of satifaction. Mine was high, but never really that bad. Shop around a bit. Then tell your insurance company you are finding better rates elsewere. see if they drop it then. Also could be high becasue you are a new policy holder. Have you always used that company? Has it always been in your name? Different companies do things differently. Just look around, and get the hell out of where you are.
  14. Gotcha covered Cleave! Happy Birthday buddy!
  15. Ok now I understand this post. It took a minute, and some photo disection.
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