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Everything posted by swingset

  1. Send me a review! Seriously, you can leave a voicemail, or do via email if ya like. I don't have any experience with them other than seeing them online, but I'd love to hear about them.
  2. swingset

    New Toy

    CBR rider? Ahem...
  3. It's true of every motorcycle podcast, so much of what we do is subjective. But, if people expound on their experience it helps to put in context. If I suggest gear, and can detail how I ride, the conditions and my expectations it's a good review. If I say "I didn't like this" with no qualifier, it's a worthless review. But hopefully that's a small part of the show, more of what I plan on doing is talking about the tangible things, rides, destinations, experiences, what works, what doesn't. We'll see how it shakes out.
  4. You can snag them off my site if ya like, righty-clicky-savey.
  5. 2nd show is live and ready for your listening pleasure! Starting to sound like a real show now, some gear reviews, questions from listeners, and a ride report. http://localnumber69.com/dualsportpodcast/2010/12/12/show-number-2/
  6. Buy a dual sport. $22 for some ice studs, and winter is actually fun. If you can't live in the sun, make winter your bitch.
  7. I'm kind of screwed on Itunes. I submitted it, but it's in limbo. No confirmation, no rejection, nothing. You can't really change or even access a page or "account" to check the status, reject, retry or anything. Much like Apple's myriad of other "so simple it doesn't work" solutions, you will have to pray that it shows up on your apple device. The easiest solution is just to download the .mp3 from my page, and add it to your itunes program locally. Beyond that, my hands are tied.
  8. I'm torn on this. One one hand, I hate Itunes with the burning white passion of a thousand suns so fuck them. On the other, people want it on Itunes. I'll double-triple-super-check my RSS. Other than that, from what I've learned, I can't do anything to expedite it. Lots of people submit their casts and Itunes inexplicably just sends it to the dark corner of Steve Jobs' (also known as Master Control Program) collection of lost software. I ran the .xml through a checker, verified just fine, but if they don't approve it (and there's no earthly reason they shouldn't), it just never shows up.
  9. I rode on the snow today...in 14 degree weather...because I'm better than most of you. Just laying it out there. I didn't fall over, either. Ok, that's a lie. Maybe 3 times, tops.
  10. There's always community access TV...but I have a face made for radio.
  11. Wow, this thread turned into a bunch of chest-beating, didn't it? This is what happens when it's too snowy to ride your Busa to Quaker Steak.
  12. I've started a podcast devoted to dual sport and adventure riding, noticed there were none that really focused on it so I remedied that! The show will focus on all things dual sport and adventure, bikes, trips, gear, interviews with riders, reviews, news, etc. Anyway, it's my first epi. so consider this a test flight but more shows are on the way, with interesting content on the line. It's for sure a collaborative medium, so feel free to throw ideas, comments and questions my way. It can't be too bad, it's free! The Dual Sport Podcast You can listen online or download it there, and it will be available on Itunes in a day or so (just search for Dual Sport Podcast). You can find the show on Facebook too.
  13. Isn't that why we all started riding?
  14. Nice! Good article. My wife and I eat at the Warehouse & Lock 27 a lot...taking 541 from Martinsburg is always a fun ride. Uncorked which is caddy-corner to the Warehouse is a great little place too, with good eats and good prices, and the Medberry Market across the street has some awesome foods if you like to cook or want some unique food items.
  15. Beautiful bike. Not even close to what I'm into or would own, but it's a looker.
  16. Call up the SE .pdf and look at the accidents and fatalities....given that the SE is where a LOT of riding goes on. Pretty apparent that being in Columbus traffic is hazardous to your health. All goes back to Hurt....cages turning into you and failure to negotiate turns does us in. Eliminate tangling with a mess of cages and you've effectively doubled your chances. Take a few track days, and you're way ahead of the bell curve IMHO. I'd like to see the overlay with alcohol involved, no helmets, and suspended or no licenses...would be even more revealing, I'd bet.
  17. Heated grips! You can do them as cheap as $20 if you put the under-grip models on, or something like the Oxford Heaterz for around $70 for an all-in-one solution. They are the tits, don't eat much power, and are unobtrusive. I've never found any glove solution that compares...unless it's heated.
  18. swingset

    Got a deal!!!

    Congrats, great bike!
  19. There's a cure for that. Don't.
  20. I didn't buy a heated vest for nothing.
  21. I'd venture a guess that the people who ride with fashion in mind have their bikes parked all winter, and the people who design and ride with all-weather gear put looks last.
  22. swingset

    Tool Tubes

    Those are JATO tubes to help you gain momentum from a dead stop. That's what I tell everyone who asks what those things are attached to my panniers.
  23. Triumph sure seems to have this one figured out...middleweight, good useable power out of a proven motor, all the bells and whistles, ABS, street/dirt models, and pricing it well under BMW. I hope it's as nice in person as it is on paper, and someone buys one and keeps it well-farkled and maintained...cause my cheap ass is buying a used one in a few years when I kill this Vstrom.
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