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Everything posted by swingset

  1. Good for him, that's cool you'll have that to share with him!
  2. The Godz are Rock & Roll Machines, or some such shit. Yikes, brings back memories of Mad Dog 20/20, and driving drunk when it was still considered good recreation. Might be a good thing I work nights.
  3. I wish I had a piss-cup reservoir so I could get in on this. Oh well, mine just sits there and works.
  4. Ok, just to say I played... I have a 2003 DL1000 Vstrom. Likes: Affordable, for what you get there's not much else in the adventure-touring market that even comes close. It's cheap to maintain, cheap to insure, and without sacrificing much. Versatile. There's very very little I can't do with it. From 2-up touring to fire-roads, cruising with my Hardley-Able brother to blasting through twisties, I can hit every kind of road. Reliable, simple. Easy bike to own, maintain and very little issues. Vtwin torque, love it love it love it. It has decent power, but it puts it all right down where I want it to be. Comfortable. Dislikes: People think it's ugly. I love its utilitarian looks, but it's a bike famous for being ungainly. Plastic where there shouldn't be plastic. It could use less fairing and less stuff to snap, break or be in the way. Idle hammer, makes a disconcerting racket when sitting still, but not an issue. My few gripes are nothing to the likes, I love the bike and will ride the piss out of it until I can't keep it running any longer, however long that is. There's lots of bikes out there I like, but none I want to own in its place.
  5. 313 is a scenic road, not in great shape but a good ride.
  6. I'm betting it was the corner of Wood Rd. and 555. Lat: 39.513316 Long: -81.912497 That's blind and always littered with gravel from Wood Rd. dumping onto it. Collects a few riders every year.
  7. Rode 555 today, it was in decent shape, about as good as last fall. Some cinders here and there and some salt residue, but no worse than normal. I also veered off in Chesterhill and tried 377, haven't been on that road before but I really like it, makes a good alternative along that stretch. 676 was awful from 555 over to Churchtown - really tore up, but from there on in to Marietta was pretty good.
  8. I won't ride without full gear, no matter what....but I don't give a big fuck if anyone else does. If you're invincible and can deal with the ER scrub on your road rash, rock on tough guy. You won't get a lecture from me, just a disbelieving shrug at your stupidity.
  9. Oh yeah, I got a mouth full of Perry a few times too...fucking awful. My wife gets all bent out of shape when I throw my gear in the laundry room, smells like a pig walked in, took a dump, ate it, shit out again and then died. Oh well....it's free and fairly close.
  10. Where's your argument, or is this spew supposed to stand as your rebuttal? At least my opinion on constitutional rights is consistent with the men who were kind enough to pen them. No wonder your side in this issue seems to favor Phelps, or as you say blah blah blah. Nice talking with you.
  11. It's not just the speech, it's the audience that define constraints to that freedom. Does WBC's rights to use bombastic and provocative protests about a person's dead son supersede their right to bury him in peace? I might have the right to vocalize my anal-sex stories, but do I have the right to vocalize that across the street from a kindergarten playground with a bullhorn? What do you think the intent of the 1st amendment was, specifically? Frame every question of free speech in that framework, and issues like Phelps actions become a little clearer. He has the right to protest, to speak his mind, even to be controversial. Does he have the right to do all of that anywhere, any time, no matter the consequences? He's chosing his audience with the intent of being destructive - his issue is with the survivors of the fallen soldiers? No, not even by his own admission. It's with the soldiers and the government they serve. He should be protected to address the government, but not the parents of dead children during a funeral service. That's not a right, that's a grievous and hideous form of protest, and no founding father would have agreed with it. Not one.
  12. Sit on 'em, then sit some more, then sit some more. Then buy that Duc cause it's sexy.
  13. You got me there, it's a total character flaw. I have a compulsion. It's either post pics of my guns, or track you down and stuff my junk in your starfish. Just thank your stars I took the noble way out. Now, here's a picture of me shooting a gun.
  14. Honestly, I've been out there after heavy rains and after 2 weeks of no rain, and there's not much dif. The holes get as full as they get, the rest runs off, but the holes never dry out so it's kind of a self-leveling mud pit. I think the magic number is 3 or 4 good days of sunshine, from what I experienced. That said, I'm not going on the opening day...got other rides to do but I'll be down there this spring.
  15. I'll be on it Saturday...taking the wife to Marietta.
  16. Do the work yourself, it's fun, you get to know your bike and every bit of basic maintenance is easy.
  17. swingset

    mobile notary

    Because they're chained to the bed with a ball gag? Gotcha, I can dig it.
  18. swingset

    mobile notary

    Are you notarizing a dominatrix/submission agreement? If so, really, they're not legally binding anyway. Just establish a safe word, pay your money and hope for the best. BTDT. Just sayin.
  19. Once you get comfy on trips, that's the beauty of the game it takes you to all kinds of cool places and encourages you to explore and see more of your state. Of course, I'm known on the other site for being the laziest tagger in existence....so my advice pretty much sucks. I do ride long distances a lot tho, just an opportunist when it comes to tagging.
  20. Some of the ones I like (in addition to those mentioned) 541 536 206 715 374 56 (near Hocking Hills) 676 255 149 Some of the best I think are county or non-digit roads, but they're often not long or connected to much but great none the less. Oh, and road condition doesn't factor into my enjoyment...you sportbike guys demand perfection, I'm not so picky.
  21. Nice, I like we have movie tags!
  22. There's not much along 555, but at either end are some good stuff. I like to ride 555/676 into Marietta, there's two places I dig there, Las Trancas is a good mexican place with good food, and decent prices. http://local.yahoo.com/info-32729477-las-trancas-mexican-restaurant-marietta;_ylt=AsP25QLnEj5K6VgTPfBySayKNcIF;_ylv=3?viewtype=map The Galley downtown is a great place too, awesome sammiches. http://local.yahoo.com/info-15856452-the-galley-marietta;_ylt=AsP25QLnEj5K6VgTPfBySayKNcIF;_ylv=3?viewtype=map
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