Congrats, that's a great bike to get your sea legs...agile, good usable power, good brakes (the most important thing a new rider needs, IMHO) and reliable. Everything you need. Here's swingset's foolproof guide to new riders: 1. Take the BRC, and any other courses you can afford. You'll learn a lot and will enjoy it. 2. Buy good gear, don't leave it at home. Pavement fucking hurts. 3. Ride the living shit out of the bike for several thousand miles, away from traffic and by yourself until you're very comfortable handling, stopping and bailing yourself out of trouble. The things that will bite you are traffic & overcooking turns, statistically. 4. Stay out of big group rides until you're really good, then avoid big group rides. 5. Find riding partners that respect your abilities and ride your own ride. Oh, and pics of that new bike, pronto!