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Everything posted by swingset

  1. Capacity and still retaining a manageable grip size for smaller hands plays a huge roll in that too....among agencies that standardize a handgun. 10mm for me, if I had monkey paws and could hide a hog-leg in my pants.
  2. No, I'm not. Nothing you said refutes a single thing I did, and I'll be happy to see a single "one shot one kill" study. I've been studying this stuff for a long time, so if something got by me over the years and there is controlled testing between calibers on human subjects, I'd just love to see the data produced from it. By all means give me some links or references.
  3. There are no "one shot one kill" studies. Too much variable in real-world gun fights, for all the reasons I mentioned. There are some very good studies on terminal ballistics, the FBI's being the baseline, but you can't quantify the effects of one bullet over another merely by caliber when there are so many different loadings, weapons, victims, and physical differences at play. Most any .380 to the heart at close range will kill you, right now. So will a .45, so will a .22lr, so will a .338 Lapua. The differences between LOADINGS, in controlled ballistic testings can be studied and the statistical data on deaths compared, but correlation does not equal causation, but there's no hard data to show that .380 bullets are less lethal than 9mm in real world cases. A shitty 9mm loading is inferior to a good .380, and vice versa. If you want to recommend a larger, better expanding bullet I'll agree with you every time, but you can't paint with a broad brush where calibers are concerned. There are some very good .380 loadings, and they will kill you with one shot, every time if that shot is in the right place. Likewise, there are other shots that aren't perfect that may kill you, may not, and a better loading in another caliber may make the difference. Hydraulic shock, tumbling, fragmentation, and a whole slew of other variables come into play.
  4. Nice. He gave you an honest answer, then explained it rationally without hostility (even tho you insulted him). Even if you don't agree with his reasons, you choose to come back with more venom...and employ the ignore? http://books.google.com/books?id=UhTCKXkWLs8C&dq=Dale+Carnegie&printsec=frontcover&source=an&hl=en&ei=SDesS7ikEsK78ga23o2kDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CBwQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=&f=false Might wanna peruse that.
  5. I live out near Newark, and the Goodwill out here is worth hitting if you're in the area....they seem to get a ton of jeans & men's stuff. Nabbed a bunch of Dickie's carpenter pants last time I was there.
  6. Good pistol, I carry an M&P Compact too.
  7. Do these one-shoot one kill rates factor shot placement? Load variety? Physiology of the wound victim? Shot distance? Where would these empirical statistical studies be?
  8. M&P for me, thanks. I have abandoned all others for the line I like it so much. Just under 10k in the full size 9mm and no failures yet. 5k on the 40 and the same story. The 9compact has about 2k, no issues.
  9. I'd start that path south at Rushville.
  10. swingset

    stupid cagers

    There's a reason I avoid riding in the city.
  11. Fwiw, tannerite is fairly easy to make. Aluminum powder + ammonium nitrate. Has to be the right consistency so you have to grind it (blender for each component...don't wanna blend it together!), there's instructions out there but IIRC it's 5% aluminum powder. We mixed a boatload up for the Knob Creek ARFcom shoot and it works like the cat's ass. Cheap too, but you have to be careful obviously...it's not like whipping up popcorn!
  12. She's almost Joe Biden stupid. Almost.
  13. Yup, he goes up Northridge road, that's where I see him.
  14. Is the BMW guy on a 650GS with a hi-viz jacket? That fucker passes me north of Johnstown and never waves. I flip him off now.
  15. I work nights, so every day is riding....commuting or not.
  16. Next up is a covered bridge that has been retired, after being rebuilt and re-routed. It's next to Rock Mill, and was made famous by being featured in the last scenes in the 1985 movie "Mischief", which featured Kelly Preston's first nude scenes...yum. With these clues, you should be easily able to find it.
  17. Shit, just rode by there about 2 hours ago. This one's in my back yard.
  18. I miss having cruisers and sport-bike guys both give me the "holy shit, what an ugly bike" look on the Vstrom. hehe. Never gets old.
  19. I went and rode some dirt & backroads today...had a ball, most were melted off but a few still were snow.
  20. No questions, I wasn't emotionally invested enough to plumb the interweb to prove a point that doesn't change the nature of the criticism. Why does this make her hypocritical or somehow lacking because her family chose the closest medical care when she was very young? It's not like she had a choice in the matter, or that her present opinion of socialized medicine is diminished because she was closer to Canada than to similar US care at the time. First of all, no Republican, and certainly not Palin, is suggesting that the solution to expensive American healthcare costs is to prevent Americans from going to Canada to get care. So, on its face, there's no hypocrisy to this...even if we ignored the obvious details: she was a child and it was an emergency. Second, she noted the irony of the situation - that she had to cross over to get health care and that's why we even know about it - her admission of the fact that in their remote geography it was easier to go into Canada. She ain't my horse, I wouldn't vote for her for beauty queen, but this is a retarded criticism.
  21. What's to discuss? Her family went to the closest doctor when she was a child, which happened to be in Canada. I don't know when she was there, but I don't think single-payer medicine was even around back then. Why would that be hypocritical? I'm not a Palin fan, but this seems like a retarded stretch.
  22. Blow dryer is all you need. Razor's easy to fuck up and hit the paint/finish. Just get the residue warm and your fingernail will scrape it off gently. Then Goo-Gone what's left-over.
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