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Everything posted by swingset

  1. If the cop is laying down, this is not an issue.
  2. So you think cops will just be rounding up and stopping all brown skinned people to find illegals? You really think that's the outcome of this? Talk about hysteria and fear. And yes, I read the entire bill. Border patrol and ICE are already given this same power, Federally, why aren't you concerned about their potential for abuse? They have no more ability to see "illegal" than you or I or an Arizona cop, so why do you think this will go so badly? It's going to work like this, when cops have to respond to something and interact with someone and something about that person suggests they are not a citizen (there are a litany of clues beyond skin color, if you think about it for 10 seconds), they'll ask that the person about their citizenship....same as an ICE officer can and will do now should they let's say stop by a farm employing migrant workers. That sounds just traumatic for the poor hispanic people. Imagine, being questioned about something you can easily disprove in 2 seconds with ID. How, again, are their civil rights being violated by AZ police, but not by ICE officials? Keep playing that race card tho, it makes taking a stand much easier.
  3. Where did I say that genocide by anyone was acceptable or even rationalized? Wow, talk about putting words in someone's mouth. My only point, if you were clever enough to infer it, is that there are almost no large groups of people who are immune from misdeeds, horrible acts, or violence & aggression. Playing whitey off as the evil, in all things, is myopic and infantile. I also made the point that the natives that were driven off lands had taken those lands from others. Wrong is wrong, you don't get a pass because the people you violated are the same color....well, I guess Al Sharpton disagrees. Genocide is always wrong, whether Tonto did it or Adolph. Being an illegal alien is always illegal, whether you're from Toronto or Juarez. Neither is something we as a country should tolerate & condone, unless your sliding liberal situational ethics are looking for votes.
  4. What are your rights if you resemble someone that just knocked over a bank? Do you have the right to be stopped and questioned? Is this a violation of your civil rights? Nope...only if you're unreasonably treated, detained, arrested, etc. Same with illegals. If a cop has reason to believe someone might be an illegal, for whatever reason, he can ask and the citizen is not being violated by questioning, only by unreasonable treatment thereafter. Nothing about this law is very much different than the powers already given to ICE or border enforcement folks. If you stroll across the desert near the border, even as a US citizen, lilly white in all your honkey-glory, you will STILL be stopped and questioned. It would not be a violation of your civil rights then, either.
  5. Fixt. Of course, if we hadn't been so lax and utterly asleep at the wheel concerning illegal immigration, this drastic measure wouldn't have come to pass. Guess there's two groups to blame: Federal government, derelict in its protection of our borders. Illegals who screw it up for honest Americans. Or, we can just continue to blame whitey. That seems to work too.
  6. I don't recall that many groups of immigrants, even the Irish who were considered dogs and lower than low, just showed up without papers and waded ashore. Why even have borders, if you don't respect them, enforce them, or only choose to enforce immigration against some people? Come to think of it, why don't we enforce our borders like Mexico does to its southern border? Try to cross there illegally, and see what happens. Guess those Mexicans are xenophobes, fear mongers, or some shit.
  7. I'm with you, more hardworking people are a good thing, no matter their color. I'm pro immigration. Let's just make sure they're not hopping a fence and immigrate legally. When you start your existence in a new country by usurping its laws, and jumping ahead of the hardworking people who do it the right way, you're not really much of an American, are you?
  8. Good poster, especially considering the specific Apache pictured in it had displaced tribes throughout their existence. It's ok if you conquer and steal lands, driving the inhabitants off, providing you're not a honkey. Most Apache tribes also practiced raiding as a regular way of life - you know, banding together, going to someone else's place, and stealing all the shit you could lay your hands on. Guess if you hang a dreamcatcher on your camaro rear-view, you're more in touch with the earth and shit.
  9. There are no native americans, everyone on this continent immigrated here, including the tribes of brown skinned folks who got here first. They also dabbled in genocide, slavery, and warfare against each other, so we didn't invent that either.
  10. The only sporty I'd really consider is the XR1200.
  11. I love my DL1000, I don't know anyone who's owned one that didn't love it. Dunno if you've considered the DL650 Strom, also a great bike that's a little better off the slab. Here's a great deal on one: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/mcy/1663899677.html
  12. Yup, you've got to get East or south of Columbus before you're going to hit good roads. Fire up Google Maps and look for curvy roads, if it's 3-digits and looks like a snake, go ride it.
  13. PANTS ARE SOLD. Cleaning out some unused gear, I wore these exactly two times for a track day and they've been in the closet since then (like Tom Cruise). Size Large, waist is 34, regular length. They fit me great and I'm a 34/32 normally. Velcro/puck knees, mesh lined, full & jacket waist zip, really nice pants they're comfy and built really well just not my thing. Great condition, no tears scuffs, like new. $50, I'm in Central Ohio will meet up or can ship if need be. PM or email me if you're interested.
  14. Hehe....not surprising! I have to work a lot of nights, so bike nights during the weeks seldom work out for me, but if I get one off I'll check it out. A bunch of the ADV folks meet up at The Depot in Dresden, which has a Sunday bike night. It's small, usually less than 50 people there last year (which I actually like). We mostly just go there cause the food and outdoor patio is nice, and the riding around that area is so good.
  15. You had me at FREE. How do you like your Vee, btw?
  16. Amsoil cured my male pattern baldness, and I have more energy and stamina.
  17. I'm well aware of the Hatcher studies. What the fuck does that have to do with your "one shot-one kill" nonsense? His is a theoretical study of POTENTIAL lethality, not what you claimed and what you argued. Get back to me when you can bolster your own idiotic ramblings....cause Hatcher's study does nothing of the sort.
  18. Glad you're ok, sorry about the bike tho. Easily replaced, unlike your organs! I fucking hate deer.
  19. +1 on the Vstrom, best all around bike there is for the $$. Comfortable and will do everything.
  20. Sounds cool. Agree with Meefzah too, some of the coolest forgotten places are on gravel or require it to see them...a dual sport or the ability to get off the slab would make it more fun, but I'm probably biased.
  21. It's not really authentic anything. But when you're high, it's manna from heaven.
  22. I hated the Tim Burton Batman, much preferred the new remake and I'll still go down as a Heath Ledger fan even tho he got cornholed by that Gyllenhall guy. (that was for Punk)
  23. Will there be any ranchero music at this ride? I loves me some clappy, brittle accordion in every song. If so, count me in.
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