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Everything posted by Lost1888

  1. Mag's already answered this yesterday.
  2. Have a good time buttoning it all up. Just make sure you don't fall in. I would imagine it would be pretty cold.
  3. I wish! You should come out for the Saturday ride. I doubt you'll be on the boat. Or maybe you will?
  4. Yes for any forum that's not motorcycle related.
  5. I got a email notification the other day these gloves were on sale. Might be something for you to look at. I've heard when I was looking for gloves these were pretty good. http://www.newenough.com/closeouts/gloves/joe_rocket/phoenix_3_motorcycle_gloves.html
  6. Whenever New Enough has what I want on Close out or in the Bargain Basement. Usually get most of my gear or parts around tax time.
  7. Letter A on the map which is right here http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=41.328828,-81.038987&daddr=&hl=en&geocode=&mra=mi&mrsp=0&sz=18&sll=41.328773,-81.038933&sspn=0.002308,0.003996&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=18 It's a parking lot for the park across the street. The road is off 422.The park is a gorge/ cavern type area. It's pretty cool but takes some walking around to really explore it. So show up early if you want to have a walk around.
  8. IDK it keeps it bumped so nobody misses it. Plus I've never been to a demo. So it's nice to know if I ever go.
  9. Got ya!!! First Posted updated!!!!!
  10. If you want take them off tonight. Nikki's not working tomorrow so I could run them up to wherever to get your new rubber put on, if you already have the rubber and you could pay over the phone if need be. Let me know if I can help.
  11. You have 4 whole days. Shouldn't be a problem?
  12. I would think best meeting time would be 9 am. Where now that's all up to you guys.....
  13. We could run the route backwards if you all want. I really don't care. I don't see how it makes any difference where we start or stop. No matter what we're going to get there one way or the other. I'm not really going to be using a map since I am familiar with all the roads minus some of the Bedford stuff. Here's a revised route I just made up. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Nelson+Ledge+Rd&daddr=Rapids+Rd+to:Burton+Windsor+Rd+to:Concord+Hambden+Rd%2FOH-608+to:Girdled+Rd+to:Paine+Rd+to:Williams+Rd+to:Sperry+Rd+to:Sperry+Rd+to:Eagle+Mills+Rd+to:Eagle+Mills+Rd+to:grin:odd+Rd+to:OH-174%2FRiver+Rd+to:41.458824,-81.406893+to:N+Main+St+to:Chagrin+Blvd+to:Sulphur+Springs+Dr+to:Hawthorn+Pkwy+to:Cleveland+Metro+Pkwy+to:Gorge+Pkwy+to:Tinkers+Creek+Rd+to:Riverview+Rd+to:Riverview+Rd+to:Boston+Mills+Rd+W+to:Brandywine+Rd&geocode=FWGfdgIdmHEr-w%3BFWD7dwIdsHUp-w%3BFf4SeQIdun8q-w%3BFc6kewId3xEp-w%3BFQTPewIdtJ0p-w%3BFdSLfAIdc9kp-w%3BFUjZewIdjuAo-w%3BFW3VegIdaXYn-w%3BFQi8egIdRlYn-w%3BFfTUegId3i0m-w%3BFWHRegIdDg0m-w%3BFaCwegIdpgEm-w%3BFYh9egIdpK4l-w%3BFYiceAIdU9Ql-w%3BFToxeAIdaw4m-w%3BFcE2eAId5esl-w%3BFUMMeAIdwJ4l-w%3BFbx3dwIdobMk-w%3BFYFXdwIdz7Ej-w%3BFcFSdwIdfDwj-w%3BFVlEdwIdRvwi-w%3BFdHCdgId1d4i-w%3BFThUdgIdTA4j-w%3BFdCedQIdMn0j-w%3BFcjTdQIdjtUj-w&hl=en&mra=ls&via=1,2,3,4,6,7,9,10,11,15,17,18,20,21,22&dirflg=h&sll=41.277097,-81.575203&sspn=0.036961,0.063944&ie=UTF8&t=h&ll=41.474631,-81.261749&spn=0.589576,1.023102&z=10
  14. We should be fine. There are plenty of gas stations not to far from any given rd. Especially since the whole route might only be 100 miles. I will just ask who ever needs fuel along the way to speak up within 20 of running out. I would also suggest anyone who is going to need fuel to stop in Welshfield/ Parkman (I know there's a station in one of those towns along 422 but I rarely run 422 so I can't remember which one.) to fill up before coming to the Ledges. I will be stopping there myself. The other thing about ending in Bedford is all the freeway access for people to get home.
  15. I kind of figured we would start at the Ledges so anyone like Timothus coming from the east would ride out 422 kind of central location for everyone. Then we would follow the route I mapped out and possibly eat in Chagrin. There's Dave's Famous Subs, Joey's pizzeria, Yours Truly. It all depends on what everyone wants to do. The ledges is probably about 50-60 miles from me and if I go to Bedford I will ride River rd and the parks to get there. I guess I could scope it out along the way. Idk where do you guys want to start? I vote Ledges.
  16. I was just looking through some pics and realized you guys don't have any pictures in front of the Harperfield Cover bridge Mural. Looks like you guys parked right across from it. Another cool spot to get pics at Harperfield.
  17. Right hands sweeper going north before Hunting Valley? All I can think of are lefts after Cedar rd. The one left that is at the bottom of the cemetery is kind of tight and often has gravel from the trucks pulling horse trailers. The longer left sweeper before the tight left I just mentioned is nice. Some landscapers have been working on the private dr. right there where the road has a pull off and starts going right to the harder left, but they have been tracking some gravel and mud in the road and making it kind of treacherous. The other big hazard on River rd. is the bicyclists. Cops usually aren't to bad but there have been many times they follow me but never been pulled over. I really like that section of the Pkwy over in Bedford also but it can be pretty dirty with gravel and Park cops driving Chargers.
  18. I've been known to be that guy The spot I low sided 2 years ago that screwed my shoulder up is on Chagrin river just north of Wilson Mills. Here's a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGYmCZJ0hiI Chevellefan made of the section. I was headed south he is headed north. It's a fun road for sure but this ride will be a just a sight seeing type of ride. The other road I have worked into the route is Rapids rd. I've been known to be that guy there also. There is also some nice technical stuff in and around Paine Falls but I'm not planning on any spirited riding on this ride. Idk anyone's skill level and don't want to piss anyone off. If you live in the area and never explored any of these areas you will see some stuff you might like to come back to. They keep me entertained during the week
  19. My favorite section of Chagrin River south of Chagrin blvd. to the park. Holden Arboretum Tinkers Creek Near Paine Falls. A little more to tease everyone.
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