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Everything posted by Lost1888

  1. I would also be willing to help if I can.
  2. I thought about the Garage also but isn't it basically street parking? I can't remember a lot when I was there last year.
  3. This is what I'm understanding. I'll know whats going on with me after I talk to my wife. Oct. 10 Kosmo Likwid Timothus Johnny Lost1888 (verified) Jbctown Neohiofan (per tires) Scottb Oct.17 (Date canceled!!!!) Bad324 Timothus Kosmo Johnny Lost1888 (verified) So far this is what I'm looking at for attendance. Correct me if I'm wrong! I also posted this up at Ride Ohio and Svrider. There are a couple guys I ride with pretty often who might be interested. Hope no one cares.
  4. I don't see why this ride couldn't be done twice, once this year and again next year. Fall this year for the leaves changing and again next spring for the winter melt to really get the effects of the waterfalls. Like I said earlier after the 20th. I will be most likely done riding for the season due to shoulder surgery. Someone else could set up a route and take this into the end of October or November. I just won't be there no matter what. Then it would have to be a last minute decision due to the unpredictability of the Autumn weather.
  5. The only thing going to stop me from riding is shoulder surgery on Oct. 20. Fall is the best time to ride IMO.
  6. Valley Villa? Don't they close soon? There is also the Popcorn shop in Chagrin we will be stopping at anyways to see the falls. Also the ice cream shop at the end of the park next to Tinkers creek down the road from Bridalveil falls.
  7. Start saying when you all want to do this. I'm going to check with my wife on her schedule.
  8. Next year will most likely be best for me also due to I'm getting surgery on my shoulder Oct.20. But if anyone want to go before my surgery I might be able to make it. Like always if the wife's not working or a Sunday ride since she rarely works on Sunday. I'm sure I will see some of the sights this year no matter what because it's my home turf. I might even be out this evening covering about half the route just because it's where I ride. At least we could get some ideas flowing on what, where, when and how.
  9. Here is a draft map I made a couple minutes ago. The map is fighting me between B,C and D to get the road I want. Either way it gives you an idea of what I'm thinking and the overall route to check out and give opinions. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Nelson+Ledge+Rd&daddr=Main+Market+Rd%2FUS-422+to:Main+Market+Rd%2FUS-422+to:Main+Market+Rd%2FUS-422+to:Rapids+Rd+to:Bass+Lake+Rd+to:Woodiebrook+Rd+to:Woodiebrook+Rd+to:Thwing+Rd+to:Sperry+Rd+to:OH-174%2FRiver+Rd+to:41.458502,-81.406807+to:41.431077,-81.392004+to:Chagrin+River+Rd+to:41.421997,-81.420699+to:Hawthorn+Pkwy+to:Hawthorn+Pkwy+to:Hawthorn+Pkwy+to:Gorge+Pkwy+to:Gorge+Pkwy+to:Tinkers+Creek+Rd+to:Riverview+Rd+to:Riverview+Rd+to:Riverview+Rd+to:Stanford+Rd&geocode=FWigdgIdzXAr-w%3BFW5FdwIdKroq-w%3BFTl4dwIdtwkq-w%3BFX-DdwIdWW0p-w%3BFVLLeAIdRq4p-w%3BFcHWeAIdj-ko-w%3BFXExegIdwc0o-w%3BFSoxegIdnpoo-w%3BFXlOegIdah8o-w%3BFYIAewIdjnwn-w%3BFYh9egIdpK4l-w%3BFUabeAIdqdQl-w%3BFSUweAIdfA4m-w%3BFTQveAIdvqQl-w%3BFa0MeAIdZZ4l-w%3BFSRxdwId6q4k-w%3BFaV2dwId3yAk-w%3BFYZ3dwIdg_0j-w%3BFbxcdwId018j-w%3BFR1TdwIdkz8j-w%3BFT06dwIdrN8i-w%3BFYubdgId4vEi-w%3BFd5PdgIdfhMj-w%3BFc3kdQIdvlIj-w%3BFe_SdQIdQtIj-w&hl=en&mra=ls&via=1,2,3,5,6,7,8,13,15,16,17,18,20,21,22,23&dirflg=h&sll=41.589192,-81.402168&sspn=0.018392,0.031972&ie=UTF8&ll=41.51886,-81.415558&spn=0.589173,1.023102&t=h&z=10
  10. Ride will be happening on October 10th. Meeting at Nelson Ledges on Nelson Ledge rd. off Rt.422 Meeting time will be at 9:00am leaving promptly at 10:00am If you want pics at this location please show up early so we can leave at 10:00. Who should be attending. Kosmo Likwid Timothus Johnny Lost1888 (verified) Jbctown Neohiofan (per tires) Scottb jgrOhio (rideohio member) Danimal (rideohio member, perspective) Passinthru (rideohio member, perspective) Likwid's friend. From the Covered bridge thread there is interest in exploring some waterfalls in the N.E. What's everyone's thoughts on trying to do it this year or next year? Places they would like to see and stop at- Brandywine Falls Bridalveil Falls Chagrin Falls Squires Castle Sulfur Springs Possibly??? Tinkers Creek Nelson Ledges Holden Arboretum (Private park with a public road. It's a nice place to ride through.) Paine Falls I have some good routes to all of these places. Some of the roads are very much residential but scenic. Depending on the size of the group we can stick to state routes or back roads. It's up to the group as a whole!!! Discuss......
  11. I don't see why it couldn't be done this year. We should get some good enough weather to make it possible. I'll make a new thread. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?p=343559#post343559
  12. Nope, I don't know anyone in the restaurant/ bar profession. Just thought it was a good location:confused:
  13. You might want to try the Winking Lizard in Peninsula also.
  14. Brandywine Falls- Chagrin Falls has three in town-
  15. A Polo field that actually still gets used on a regular basis. I've lived in the Chagrin area for basiclly all my life. So if you need more places I can think of plenty. Nelson ledges, Sulfur Springs, Squires Castle, Lunch at Mary Yoders in Middlefield, Holden Arboretum, Paine Falls, I'm sure I can think of other stops if need be.
  16. Great pics everyone, glad you all had a good time and the weather worked out for you. Sucks I had to miss it.
  17. Let me talk to the boy tomorrow and I'm sure the cost of shipping won't be an issue as long as you don't have a problem with shipping it. Thanks!
  18. My 13 yr old could use the Cornet. He's in band and plays a loaner trumpet. I don't know if he could use the Cornet at home for practice or not since I know next to nothing about band instruments. The other problem would be coming to get it. Casper if you could let me know what you think of it for a practice instrument and if you would consider sending it up. Thanks, Mike
  19. I use Plexus on both my mirrored and clear shields for my Scorpion 700.
  20. If all he rides is straights then he should like this ride. It is mostly farm land out that way.
  21. It's funny how everyone I have talked to has a different location they call the Grand Canyon of Pa. I'm guessing the lookout you stopped at is north of where I was at 2 weeks ago. One of these days I hope to make it to the actual Grand Canyon of the east at Letchworth State Park in N.Y. http://nysparks.state.ny.us/parks/79/details.aspx
  22. I'm also not going to be able to make it. My wife has to work.
  23. Yes there is some nice riding over that way. Glad you enjoyed yourselves. Now post up some pictures!
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