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cmh_sprint last won the day on February 16 2019

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About cmh_sprint

  • Birthday October 31

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    2006 Triumph Sprint ST, 2011 Suzuki King Quad 750

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  1. Man, this is going to end up like an epic version of West Side Story.
  2. Hi Mike. HJC RPHA 70ST Shuky (Silver/Black/Red) XXL please.
  3. Thank you. I completely forgot to update the post.
  4. I am quickly falling into those that want a new wing category. The ST is soon to be on her way to a new owner and the Mrs. really enjoyed the rides we did on the Multi last year. We've sat on a wing a few times and it feels so nice. She enjoys the Multi but really liked the extra room on the wing.
  5. Interested, if nothing else that to see some of the shady characters I haven't seen in some time.
  6. Welcome. Hope to see you on the road.
  7. they must have received some blowback, the article is no longer posted.
  8. New in box with tags attached Airhawk DS seat pad. Bought in 2016 and never used. $70 for Central Ohio peeps. Add shipping for those elsewhere. Venmo, Zelle or cash.
  9. Wait until the V4 Multistrada is released next year. Talk about sticker shock.
  10. cmh_sprint

    2019 Gap Trip.

    I’ll be in Franklin Saturday afternoon and rolling through the Dragon Sunday morning on our way home from HHI if anyone needs anything. Be safe and try to stay dry.
  11. ** Updated price does not include the extra set of OEM fairings** Time to say goodbye to my mistress of 12 years. 27,9xx miles OEM panniers GIVI tankbag Road 5's mounted last season (~ 1,500 miles on them) oil changed at the end of last season R&G Tidy Tail D&D aftermarket exhaust USB plug for phone or GPS Custom seat (Terry's Custom Seats) Upgraded Racetech fork internals New chain and sprockets (less than 3,500 miles) additional set of OEM front fairings (never mounted) OEM exhaust OEM seat
  12. Joe Rocket Atomic 5.0 womens Size L Road 5 120/70-17 & 190/55-17
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