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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Oopsie, I knew that was wrong when I posted. I confused it with the Chinese (Iran/Russian) Sunburn supersonic cruise missile under development.

    Supersonic at sea level is possible by managing the shock wave propagated. The drag is much lower that way. So far only the Russians (with India) and the Americans have made any advancement. USA working on a Mach 4+ sea level cruise missile. USA first flew a supersonic cruise missile in the late 1950s. Of the 14 common supersonic cruise missiles, 6 are Chinese.

    No fear then, the Standard Arm on board ship can defend against ballistic attack easily. But not high speed cruise missiles.

    Fastest cruise missile so far. Russian/Indian Brahmos(Sunburn):

    That launch sequence and target strike is damn impressive.

  2. No fear, actual real mechanical hardware. Mach 10 cruise missile, which is 7500 MPH. Surface radar might pick it up about 25 miles away, skimming the surface of the ocean for an attack on an aircraft carrier. That's only 12 seconds till it hits it's target. Really good human eyesight might see it at 2 miles, and that's less than one second from striking. And it wouldn't be alone, they would be launched in groups, and in probably three multiple waves of them.

    Serious weapon...

    edit: it's moving so fast it would try to glow bright red from heat. It would be like getting hit with a large meteorite. If it missed and hit the water, the shock wave in the water at that speed would be enough to sink most ships. (If it weighed at least 500 pounds.)

    It's a ballistic missile which means it would go into space and then drop on it target via maneuverable warheads, just like a nuke. 7500MPH at sea level would create so much heat and drag that it would have almost no range. If it is capable of doing what it is advertised to do, it is a serious weapon.

  3. Are you riding in?

    Jim and I are definitely riding there tomorrow.. possible on Saturday too. Either way we'll be there.

    Maybe we could carpool and DRINK on Saturday instead!

    We are planning on driving to have dinner at a friends house and then heading there. Let's meet up and have a few on Saturday.

  4. Late notice, I know. Since the weather is looking good for tomorrow I am planning on making a run to IP to get some new boots and thought I'd see if there was any interest in a lunch meet tomorrow somewhere on the NE or East side.

  5. I was watching CNN and they had a segment on the crash. The reporter noted that there was retardant all over the road, but the bus doesn't look like a short bus though.:dunno:

    That's funny shit right there.

    I'm going to go out on a limb and say the 2 fatalities are in the SUV turned matchbox car. :eek:

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