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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Exactly! You figure the bikes cost about the same to build, but one will sell for $24,000 and one for $9,000.

    But you're right about the dealership and service separation. Had they run it more like Saturn; we might not be having this discussion.

    The V-Rod in a sport bike frame would be amazing. That might be my next project

    Even though the money would go back to the same big pot at the end of the day, it is all about ego, vanity and the old school Harley image. IMO, these 3 items will be then end of or severely weaken Harley at some point. The market is changing and Harley isn't keeping up. Even though they are making money, I'm sure their annual financial report is a pretty good read to see where the money is truly coming from.

  2. I've seen Feb/2011 a few times. Not sure if that is true.

    Interviews with Geoff May and Erik Buell have already hinted at a limited production run of street legal 2011 1190Rs.

    I wonder if the non-complete does end in 6 months if BRP will be backing EB. Seems like it would make sense. BRP would save money over what they were offering HD for the Buell brand, they have the solid relationship with ROTAX to develop a new engine platform. Most of all they are a progressive company that is willing to take risks.

  3. From what I read, HD bought MV to access their European Dealer Network. I believe they were counting on the XR1200 (initially only a Euro bike) being a hit. It's been a flop.

    So...they incurred $125 million is costs to close Buell, plus they decided to forgo the $$ from BRP who was trying to buy Buell. Then they sell MV for $1 and are still keeping some of MV's debt. During this time, they borrowed $500 million from the US gov't & then more money from Warren Buffet. Like monkeys fucking a football. WOW!!!

    I didn't know BRP was trying to buy Buell. That would have been a great fit. BRP is a great company IMO. I've been buying there products for 10 years and never had an issue with a dealer or product.

  4. If you want to see the hot chicks'a go to the Hard Rock or Palm's. I always stay at the Paris or Treasure Island. They also have a tram that runs the length of the strip. I believe it just opened last year and actually runs behind all of the hotels. The buffet at the Bellagio is excellent but pricey.

  5. You have horses!?!? Why am I just now learning about this.

    A man has to keep some things a secret. Sam has his sheep and I have my horses. :)

    Actually my wife has had horses her whole life and I am nearing the end of 4 years of work to get her horse home for her. We hope to have everything done by the weekend after Labor Day. We'll have 2 or 3 horses and room to board 2 or 3 others.

  6. Make sure you mount the t stat opposite side or as far away from the strip htr. I'm guessing no windows ? If there are, do not mount in direct sunlight either

    Thanks. I knew about that part but appreciate the input just the same.

  7. I am in the process of finishing 2 rooms in my horse barn, 1 as a feed storage room and 1 as a tack room. I am going to install electric baseboard heaters in each room. My question is what size do I go with, 6' or 8'? After much searching of the net there appears to be a formula to determine the size and I can't find it. Room details are below.

    Room #1

    12' x 12'

    9 ' drop ceiling with batting above

    2 inside walls, 2 outside walls

    inside walls have R-19 batting, outside walls have 1 1/2" polystyrene

    1 door to the outside, 1 door into the barn aisle and 1 window

    Room #2

    12' x 12'

    9 ' drop ceiling with batting above

    3 inside walls, 1 outside wall

    inside walls have R-19 batting, outside walls have 1 1/2" polystyrene

    1 door into the barn aisle

  8. I've given up attempting to decipher and navigate through the Catholic church's laws, edicts, and holy memos. Mary Magdalene was a prostitute for 1400 years until she wasn't. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Magdalene#Identification_as_a_prostitute) Blaspheming results in stoning to death (so much for freedom of speech). (Leviticus 24:16) Incest is good (Genesis 19:32-36), unless it's not (Leviticus 20:11, Leviticus 20:12).

    Having experienced being raised in a Catholic family and going to a Catholic HS. I spent more than a few hours in the principles office for sharing my views on some of the finer points of the Catholic religion with the priests who tought our religion classes. Free thought or personal interpretation was not well received. I personally love the chapter of the Catholic church know as the Crusades, sending children to fight their battles. Sounds familiar to some of the issues in the Middle East but is never mentioned. Oh well, all religions are flawed and corrupt in some way. Best to find are use your personal moral compass.

  9. 600 deaths! That's high no matter how you look at it and the season's only half over. RIP Rider

    +1. I had pick my jaw up off the floor after reading that figure. I thought it had been a better year than last. It seemed like we were losin more last year.

    The damn forest rats are already out in force. Harvest should be a real treat this year.

    RIP rider.

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