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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. This was in my new copy of CycleWorld. $142 in tickets and misc stuff for $95.


    code: CW10GP


    3 day ticket in SW Vista

    1 program

    1 IMS cinch bag

    Free motorcycle parking

    track lap on your bike

    10% discount at IMS retail locations

  2. FIFY

    note to self marriage to a controlling or insecure person = bye bye bikes

    It's all about being selective and not settling. I've bought more toys since I've been married than I did before. My wife could care less as long as the funds are there. To many people feel a need to conform to a "soul mate" to be happy. I should know, it took me a marriage and an engagement to a psycho before marrying my current wife to figure that out.

  3. I'm sorry to hear you're in such pain!

    Do you need Jim and I's help? You know we're local. Don't hesitate to ask!!!!!!!!

    Same here brotha. I live in the ville and will help if you need anything. Take care of yourself!

  4. I have a room booked at the Ramada about 15 west of the track if anyone is looking for a room. The rate is $80/ night. I was able to get a room downtown a few months ago that me and a buddy are splitting. I'm also open if anyone wants to crash on the floor or have them bring in a roll away bed to cut costs for all involved.

    I just got my tickets in the mail this weekend and starting to excited about going.

  5. As did I Sprintman. I was just trying to raz Sam. :D

    I know your just showing Sam some good ole' OR love. I'm sure he would have much rather been hustling it but he hung with a guy he never met or road with before which speaks volumes.

    I would love to get out more. This year has been a complete bust, less than 1k miles. Between my 3 and 5 year old sons and trying to finish our horse farm my seat time has been pretty much limited to my work commute.

  6. Boo!! The Big' date=' Bad Oil Company!! I want quality oil and fuel from safe rigs and lines. I want union workers to give it to me and they'd better have top-notch benefits and pension plans. I want my local station to have my choice of 3-4 different octanes available to me on my whim.

    "WTF?? Why are these crooked oil companies charging me so much??"[/quote']

    Not even close to my point or any sort of implied meaning. I posted this because this pisses me off. I spend a lot of my vacation time in Michigan and in today's day and age there is no reason for this. For there to have been 850K gallons pumped into the river that pipe had to be a full flow for close to 2.5 hours. In actuallity it was most likely a longer period of time. This wasn't a break in the middle of know where but at a pumping station. No alarms, no monitors that noticed lower pressure on the downline leg of this pipeline? That is my point.

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