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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. For those going, who is riding and who is driving. Also, what hotels is everyone at? The forecast looks good so me and my buddy will be meeting at Bob Evans in Marysville (Rte. 33 & Rte. 36) at 8, Friday morning. We will be on the road riding over around 9. Anyone who is riding over is free to join us.

    Also, what hotels is everyone at? Possible meet up for Friday and Saturday nights activities. We are at the Westin Downtown. If workout needs a place to stay we should be able to have.rollaway bed put in our room. Looking forward to another great weekend.

  2. Tip his car over, and ask him how he likes it. It'd only take a few of us.

    The more the merrier. Sounds like a perfect OR.N community outreach opportunity.

    Sorry to hear about your bike. People do suck for the most part.

  3. I often hear this complaint, and it always ends up the result of user error.

    Where do you sit to read? Many people think its convenient to read while dropping the kids off at the pool, however you are in a forward leaning rest position. Its best to read in a recliner, but a soft couch will also do the job. This way you're leaning backwards and must lift your head and parts of your upper body up to read.

    Never read lying down.

    That's some funny shit. I too had the same problem in my younger days of reading Men's Health. Glad it was just me.

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