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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Snowboarding is fun, pknpk has a great beginner program, but I prefer snowmobiles.

    They can be had pretty cheap, too. I paid 400 for my 340 2 stroke, and it'll do 70 no problem.

    +1. Winter = snowmobiling. Banging through the trails and ditches at an agressive pace or blasting across a lake or river at 120+ mph is hard to beat. Winter is what you make of it. Spend some money on some decent winter outdoor clothes and have some fun. Winter has been my favorite season since I was a kid.

  2. I was sitting in my office getting ready for our yearly United Way kick-off presentation and turned the TV on to see what was going on. They were talking about a small plane hitting the first tower. When they showed the close-up I looked at my boss and said there was no way a private plane made a hole that big. Just as I finished saying that I caught a glimps of the second plane just before it hit. I was at a complete loss for words at what I had just witnessed. After A few minutes, of digesting what was going on, I called my wife and then my Mom to let them know what was going on.

    The rest of that day I watched was what was happening and did absolutely nothing for work.

  3. I can't believe they are doing this, unless they feel that some gave incorrect or fail to give the proper care for the injuries he had while they were pulling him off the track. I followed the Senna case pretty closely back in the day. The Italian prosicutors were hell bent on sending the 3 folks from Williams to prison for Senna's death. They will dig and dig, putting the marshalls through he'll the whole time.

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