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Everything posted by cmh_sprint

  1. I just registered and it shows the draft at 3 p.m. EST on the 4th. I agree, the draft should be after the preseason.
  2. mmmmmm...Edmund Fitzgerald, that is all. Now back to our regularly scheduled thread.
  3. This is s good excuse to get on my bike for the first time in 2 months. I'll be there around 1:30.
  4. LoLo represents all things that are completely fucked about women. Smoking hot and knows it, poses for sexy, suggestive photos but claims the high moral ground when it comes to sex. Headcase 101.
  5. Rep for you! (if the site rules would let me, that is) BTW, Josh is good people.
  6. That would be my situation.
  7. Me, since my suspension needs an upgrade.
  8. Ahh yes, the old it too hot for gear. The squidworth comment was spot on.
  9. Hope this goes well. I was reading about it in the paper today. Pretty amazing delivery method.
  10. To bad the one in Marysville didn't last. It seemed to get good marks from people who ate there.
  11. Wow, big move. No matter what everyone else says you're a good egg Tim.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHydZPFlf2g
  13. Congrats. Beautiful bike!
  14. I loves me some Vodka. Always have a bottle of Belvedere in the freezer and blue cheese stuffed olives in the fridge.
  15. Happy Birthday! Now go rip up and down the street to celebrate!
  16. My buddy has one of these. He calls it his West Highland terrorist.
  17. Anyone have any experience with their ammo? I found some 7.35 they made on Graf & Sons for $23/box.
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