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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Agreed. And yes, I have a kid in school. Our town has brand new schools and a perfectly good building (that received millions of upgrades just a few years ago) sitting vacant because it wasn't up to their standards and they constantly cry that they don't have operating monies. Don't care. Learn how to operate on a budget like the rest of us have.

    Its NOT about the childrens.

    I didn't know you lived in Marysville. JK. We have the exact same scenario. They built a brand new school south of Marysville to replace an older building in town. They never actually closed the old building, still use it for some orientation and testing. Now they are crying the blues because their transportation costs have sky rocketed because the new school is farther away plus the fact that they are paying operating costs for 2 buildings instead of one. IMO, a district should not build new buildings unless they need it for capacity reasons or their is an environmental issue that can impacts the kids health (example: Marion, OH elementary school built on a toxic dump and numerous kids got cancer). The argument that these districts need to "keep up with the Jones" is complete bullshit and one of the fundamental issues that is fucking up this country. But so is the fact that schools don't teach they just prep you to take a stupid fucking test.

  2. Most school adminsitrations should be fired. They need to run the districts like a business rather than an entitlement with no oversight or accountabilty for making bad decisions. Schools do not need to look like Junior College campuses with elaborate interiors and amenities out the ass. School Adminstrators shouldn't be paid like they are the leaders of the free world with with perks to match(example: Marysville's superintendant is retired, hired back as a contractor and we (tax payers) are paying for his kids college education (as a perk in his contract). We also pay our crossing guards $21/hour, what a fucking joke. All these districts know who to do is wield the "if you don't pass this levy" sword and most people cower in fear. My kids are just starting out in school and I no problem paying a few hundred dollars so they can particpate in extra curricular activities, but quit you fucking complaining and do your job with some level of competency and common sense. Rant over.......

  3. 3.5 weeks out from what should be another great weekend. Who's going and if you are staying in Indy where at? Hopefully we can get an OR group together and have some fun.

    We'll be riding over Friday morning (weather permitting)

    Seats are in the SW Vista top row

    Staying at the Westin downtown Indy.

    If you're looking for a place to crash, we can have a bed rolled in and split the cost 3 ways. PM if interested.

  4. Oh man. I kinda want this thing. That's just screaming "turbo me you lazy bastard!!"

    I don't know how much longer I can deny the screaming. :lol:


    If you do that you'll have to change your name to Optimus. Those twins make it look like it's right out of the Transformer movies. That has got to be a kick in the shorts to ride.

  5. That was a lot of fun. Thanks everyone for coming out, and thanks Jagr for putting together!!!

    +1. Good to meet some members I haven't had the chance to talk to before and to catch up with some I haven't seen in a while. I want to know how #1 sammich maker got a test rider on LeNko's Beemer, all 30' feet of a test ride. :)

  6. Sorry folks but I have to back out of this. I am an ass for setting it up and the backing out. My weekends in August have all been booked in the past 2 weeks. I have my sons birthday party, a end of summer family vaca and I forgot the Dublin Irish Festival is the first weekend. If someone from central Ohio wants to take over in my place please feel free and let em know. If you want to take the route I planned, I could scout it out if I have to go to Detroit for work next week. Again I'm sorry for f'ing this up.

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