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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Got a tint ticket last week. In my 41 years on earth, and probably 25 tickets before i was even 18, I've never gotten a tint ticket. I drove a Beemer w 5% tint all around for years. Never a peep from popo. But at 41 years old, driving a respectable late model grand Prix, I get a tint ticket. (5% all around w tinted tails and reverse bar too). He actually

    Pulled out a tint meter. Never even knew it existed. (showed mine at 8%) I AM happy he didnt give me a ticket for the 80 mph he clocked me at though:)

    Where did you get popped?

  2. I am looking to see if anyone has any contacts at a lumber yard /saw mill. I need to purchase the following lumber in dried white oak and want to see of anyone has contacts.

    2x4x8 - (1)

    2x4x12 - (1)

    2x6x8 - (2)

    2x6x10 - (2)

    2x6x12 - (21)

    2x8x8 - (26)

    2x8x10 - (22)

    2x8x12 - (41)

    2x10x12 - (2)

  3. " troopers suspect someone intentionally put the objects in northbound lanes of state Route 225 near Paris."

    cinder blocks and logs... over the top of a hill where it would be too late to see it...


    fucking psychotic people. Never been in this area but looking at a satellite photo, my bet is on a pissed off farmer or kids hiding in the woods watching people fuck up their cars. It won't take them long to find the responsible party in either case. People that do stupid shit like this usually aren't smart enough to either a) keep their mouths shut or b) cover their tracks well enough.

  4. Installed an update for my finger print reader and of course it fucked it up. My password appears to not be what i recall it being. Can anyone help with a recommendation on a safe bootable program that will allow me to reset my password.

  5. Story on the price is its a HUD house that they were asking 57k for but got in contract for 43k. The house got broke into and they stole the copper piping and broke two windows, they were responsible for fixing since the house description didn't have that listed. They wouldn't pay so I ended the contract and a month later came back on the market for 25k because it was close to the deadline for hid to sell so I offered 22k. They said no they want 25k but after I said it was my final offer they accepted it. Cheap fix, already replaced windows, piping, hot water tank, fixed electrical its now livable.

    The house isn't a bad place mostly old people. My girlfriend lived down the street in high school.

    Nice grab! Congrats and enjoy!

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