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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. They said that. Apparently the girl stepped up right away so once the pizza was doled out all the kids were eating. Had he been sitting there with *nothing* then they;d have noticed.

    I'm not out for blood here - I just want to try to make sure it doesn't happen again. It's a simple breakdown of information flow that can be fixed by the changes they are making to their policies.

    I applaude your for handling this the way you did. Had then been me, the camp director would have been pissing like a puppy after i came unglued on them. The underly problem with this and the majority of issues any more is that people lack common fucking sense or are so affraid to step on foot outside of the process they are told for fear of being sued that they cannot function when a curve is thrown at them. The unfortunate thing is that probably isn't the first time nor will it be the last time. Lip service is great but in reality that's all it is. I wonder how many pieces of pizza were left over that the pizza nazi's ate for free. That little girl did an amazing thing and I hope her parents know that.

  2. Eggs on parachutes? Nice. I did an elementary school poroject like that once...

    You would definitely be cut off from the rest of the worl. You'd have to have your vehicles parked at the nearest other airport (no roads that I could see?) and it would royally suck to get to the airport and realize you left your car keys at home.

    I guess it would depend on how far you need to go. If it's a 5 min flight then whatever, no big. if it's an hour flight to the nearest airport (or a couple hours drive to the nearest civilization) then it would suck.

    There is a private airstrip on the grounds with several hangers.

  3. How are ya gonna get to packo$ on the east side since the Ash Street bridge came down...or was that Buckets St. Bridge? Is it like near Trilby and Tremainsville Road? Fun at nite by Cherry Street bridge...Anchor inn still there...I can still picture the muzzle flashes. Who'd admit to being from Toledo?

    HMMM..this good be fun...even if it on the east side (snark, snark).

    Still a Packos on Sylvania Ave?

    Yes slab and speed traps at Monroeville and Woodville.....could be fun.

    No need to cross the river to get there unless you are coming from north of Toledo. If you need to cross the river there is the new suspension bridge over 280 right by Packo's, the Hi Level Bridge just west of Downtown and the bridge over the river on 75. There is not a location on Sylvania Ave. The closest to Sylvania Ave is the Monroe St. just off 23 N.

    We might ride up....tho over 3 hrs to end up in the metropolis called Toledo is not on my bucket list....lol....based on google maps you might as well say southeast Michigan....lol

    So whats this joint we're supposed to meet up at??

    Also, anyone from down Circleville way contemplating joining in on the festivities?? I mapped it and the most direct rt is straight up 23.


    historic resturant in East Toledo made famous by Jamie Farr (Klinger in M.A.S.H.). May not know of this depending on your age.

    I have a back road route planned to avoid the main State Routes to make the trip as fun as possible. See link in original post.

    I might do this and then I'll have an excuss to go to Cabelas

    Excellent choice. The Dundee store is pretty nice and just over an hour away.

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