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Everything posted by cmh_sprint

  1. I've been on vacation all week and will be spending tomorrow enjoying the weather and my bike. I will most likely be heading to NWO. I'm looking for a good spot to stop for lunch. Suggestions would be appreciated.
  2. http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20110601/ts_yblog_thelookout/handcuffed-by-policy-fire-and-police-crews-watch-man-drown
  3. thanks for the new quote for my signature
  4. 1 down 3 to go!!!!! Helluva game by both teams. Looks like this should be a great series.
  5. Ran my '96 Trans Am without and currently do not have them on my Sonata Turbo. Paid 2 $80 fines on the TA. No plans on putting one on the Sonata.
  6. You're a lucky man Ryan! Awesome pictures and hope you enjoy mNy more rides with Dad and Grand Dad.
  7. Kawasaki, wiping out Communism 1 stunta at a time.
  8. Awesome, I'm dying to get out there and do some off the wall sledding.
  9. Welcome to OR. Screen name tied to Revelstoke , BC?
  10. Sucks for your buddy and your quoted statement is true.
  11. Sprint ST rider in Marysville here. Love my 1050.
  12. Bottles of Grey Goose FTW!!!!!!
  13. The same stuff that is happening at OSU, alledgedly happened at YSU while JT was there. He is not as clean as he wanted everyone to think. IMO there isn't a program out there that's isn't dirty to some degree. The Universities make too much money not to bend/break the rules to some extent.
  14. Expected. Thanks for the memories but bye!
  15. Purolator PureOne filter and Amsoil oil in the weight your manual calls for. Be forewarned you may have openEd Pandora's box. Oil threads are numerous and opinions twice as numerous. Have fun learning to work on your bike, it will make you a happier owner.
  16. Sorry to hear about this. Thoughs are with you.
  17. You don't like a lighthouse, you suck. LOL
  18. That's the OR spirit, kick 'em while their down.
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