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Everything posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Fuck isn't that the same as dividing by zero. BBC America is playing the new BSG from the beginning starting in June.
  2. I was honored to be a part of this. RIP Garrett and my condolenses to his family and friends.
  3. How did this little piece of news get missed by this group. http://www.metro.co.uk/weird/862333-man-found-in-bra-and-knickers-with-dead-goat-high-on-bath-salts Looks like he kept the bra on for his mug shot
  4. Watch the stars under a rainbow flag, because everyone knows that a bachelor party without booze, woman and some form of gambling isn't a bachelor party, it's called a circle jerk. Baseball game and dinner?
  5. I love my Caberg, I just wish you could still get them in the States. Another vote for Nolans too. My snowmobile helmet is a Nolan rebranded as a BRP. Both have build sun visors, an absolute must for any helmet I will buy in the future.
  6. You silly silly boy. You expected a topic to not stray off the beaten path on a Friday night during prime drinking hours. I'm glad I didn't have a mouth full of coffe when I read your edit.
  7. +1000. I think we may have a new "that dude" in the making.
  8. I will be there if I can get our daycare lady to pick my youngest up from pre-school. I'll post an update Monday night.
  9. Based on his experiences posted in the Yuengling thread, I believe he is 20'ish.
  10. Same here. That is one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time.
  11. OP has about as much etiquette and discretion as a bull in a china shop based on the majority of his posts. Fits his age IMO. Comment is not meant as an attack just an observation of the age group. I was like that once but age is good for some things.
  12. 1) Great Lakes Christmas Ale 2) Sam Adams Noble Pils 3) Gusiness (alone or as a proper Irish Car Bomb)
  13. Here is a link to an Italian pilots rendering of the stealth Blackhawk as well as a link to his blog. He was a military pilot and has some good info IMO. http://cencio4.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/mh-x3.jpg http://cencio4.wordpress.com/
  14. MMMMMMMM.....I got hammered on a chocolate based stout at a micro brewery in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. One of the best beers I've ever had. You need to try the Yuengling Black & Tan, it's pretty good. Oh yea, bring on the Yuengling bitches!!!!!
  15. +1. Why try to strip down one of the most enjoyable things you can do to the science of why it works. Accept it and smile.
  16. Looks good, I like the colors. I did this in our half bath.
  17. Oh to see a picture of her from her meth-head days. Jbot gets my vote for best response.
  18. It's doesn't work with Mozilla. I get the same pop-up.
  19. Great news. Hopefully this means at a minimum they get another one year contract to have a 2012 race to fill the gap before Texas comes online.
  20. Here I was hoping this was some Easter themed, risen from the dead, story about the gixxer that was stolen from a member a few weeks ago.
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