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Everything posted by cmh_sprint

  1. My Canucks are playing like shit so time to poke around youtube. saw this on tv a few weeks ago http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cegdR0GiJl4 if you get tired of it, hit pause, then hold the "8" key.
  2. hopefully this just as it happens http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LY-VdxwxSas in reality, kids soccer, a birthday party, hopefully a short ride and grilling.
  3. Holy crap! Beautiful bikes and an incredible collection. I don't think I would ever leave the building if I had my own museum.
  4. Classic Kevin Pollak http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xKXbOVbAvE&feature=related
  5. The fun begins at the :20 mark http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B935iZOSokM&feature=player_embedded I do believe I wold be buying a new set of leathers, filing a claim for a wrecked bike and investing in some new underwear.
  6. Stop. Leg him keep digging. Eventually the hole will get so deep that he won't be able to get the dirt out and will bury himself.
  7. cmh_sprint


    A perfect example of why we should have let the Germans have England
  8. Thanks for the code. I used it to get my seats so I had more control where I sat.
  9. What you don't see at the bottom of the picture is the poor defenseless sheep he is molesting. That is the look of pleasure and oh fuck I've been caught all in one.
  10. Nick, don't censor yourself. You were only speaking the truth. This fucktard deserves it.
  11. Happy Birthday Moose!
  12. Welcome to OR! BTW, avoid the Coschocton area with that Katana.
  13. Nope. I get pre-sale tickets as a "perk" for being a CBJ PSL owner. We only get offered upper and lower bowl.
  14. If anyone is interested I can get tickets for the Foo Fighters concert in Columbus at Nationwide on September 22 before they go on sale. I can get up to 6 tickets. Prices range from $29.50 and $39.50 for upper bowl to $49.50 for lower bowl and club level. Each tickets also has a $5 handling fee. If you are interested send me a PM. Payment to me via PayPal will be required prior to the order being placed. I plan on submitting the order tomorrow night.
  15. cmh_sprint

    Found 1.85$

    winner, winner chicken dinner !!!!
  16. If only he had been going the other direction on 270. He could have fixed the change in rotation caused by the Japan earthquake and we would be having sunny and 75 -80 degrees.
  17. cmh_sprint

    Found 1.85$

    7-8 second 'stangs don't stand a chance against Ringo and his flux capacitor powered XX
  18. I've got to take my 4 y/o to soccer in this crap in 30 minutes. 45 degrees and mist, perfect if we were playing in England.
  19. cmh_sprint

    Found 1.85$

    Count this as an IOU for a cold one sometime.
  20. cmh_sprint

    Found 1.85$

    Ringo you truly are a tool/troll of epic proportions. You register as a user, then blow up the board with your post whoring ways, get pissed off when people start unloading on you and then post a thread asking for forgiveness as an act of contrition (posted the URL to Websters so you can figure out what contrition means). http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/contrition Fast forward to this squid post. Shit like this reaffirms my opinion that the world needs an enema to flush the low end of the gene pool.
  21. In theory it is possible, but valve stem covers would seem to negate the ability for the air to escape if there was enough centrifugal force present to effect the valve stem.
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