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Everything posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Awesome video! Great control. Makes me want to go buy a ticket and head back to Scotland. Beautiful country and wonderful people.
  2. cmh_sprint


    I miss him already. He was doing wonders for my rep.
  3. Not to jinx it but the next 5 days have a very slight chance of rain. At least in Central Ohio.
  4. Great comercials. 1000x better that any other current beer commercials.
  5. +1. live in the sticks has it's benefits. I can see them coming from a long way away. In good storm I can watch the rain coming from about a mile away across the fields.
  6. cmh_sprint


    +1. I had a reply all typed up on my phone and decided to back off a little of face a perma-ban of my own.
  7. For the good of the dog please DO NOT keep this poor dog. Your actions show that you would have a hard time caring for stuffed animal for any length of time let a lone a high energy, young dog. Do the mature thing admit your fucked up (what's new) and give the dog away. If at 19 you have the backing to have your own house, I'm sure that pipeline can fill that $500 hole pretty quick. One last request please leave this board and do us all a favor. In your 570 posts you have had little if anyone of substance to say. You are an immature, self centered fucking twat. I sure hope you have alot of asprin because when those life lessons come along and you have to grow up you are in for one serious ass kicking with the attitude you have.
  8. Like great. add a nice touch that goes with the overall paint scheme of the bike.
  9. I went through this several years ago with my dog. In the end there was no doubt that I wanted to be their. My vet let me hold him throughout the entire procedure. While it was one of the most difficult moments of my life I couldn't image not being their with him. I had him cremated and he is on my my fireplace mantle.
  10. Way to go Canucks!!!!!! Time to finally excise those demons from '94!!!!
  11. $4K for a fucking lawn mower. It better serve drinks and provide happy endings for that amount of coin.
  12. I wish her truck still looked that good. GLWS!
  13. Even trade for my wife's '02 with 199k on the odo.
  14. I actually thought of that. Unfortunitly since Mother Nature has been a complete pain in the ass, I haven't been able to cut the grass on 50% of my yard. The grass is almost knee high and based on the forcast I'm seeing, I have no idea when it is going to get cut. At some point I would like to host an OR gathering.
  15. '05 or '06 Triumph Sprint ST. Per KBB they are in your budget. Great for touring, good ergos and bullet proof motor, from what I hear. Good luck with the search.
  16. Those always make for a pretty light show. Saw one blow up a few year ago thanks to a wayward squirrel.
  17. it was a pretty peach and green out here in Marysville about 15 minutes ago.
  18. Since Shallowtale isn't playing anywhere, what about a Digi scavenger hunt from late morning to mid-afternoon then a cook-out afterwards. I'm sure we could get a hotel to give us a discount for a block of rooms for those coming from out of town. If people wanted to go out after that they could. Just a thought.
  19. I have Centurylink, which is more like "turn of the" century link. I started out with Sprint, then it was Embarq and now CenturyLink through all the mergers. My latest update from them was that 5.0 meg service I'd been paying for for the past 3 years was no longer available and they gave me a $50 credit. Speeds are always slow, seems to be a lot of congestion and their customer service is horrible. Unfortunately they are the only provider where I live, no cable in my area, so I have to live with it.
  20. That sucks. I know a ylot of people, Ben included, put a lot of time into this event. Hopefully we'll still have the OR 5 year anniversary event.
  21. Approximately $512, to pricey for my garage.
  22. That's pretty slick. I wouldn't mind one myself.
  23. The clean version was on The CoolTV
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