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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. i just saw a whole flock of geese fly over my house yesterday.. i was thinking january..? they should be south of here by now shouldnt they?

    Geese don't migrate like they used to. They have abundant food and water with all of the development run off ponds and the like. Also, the weather doesn't stay cold for long periods like it used to. They dissapear around here completely around the middle of February and are back by by the middle of March.

  2. I think alot of guys have the older MiGs. I seem to remember the price of the planes themselves being in the $20M range, not completely unattainable for that top 1% that everybody hates. It was big news back when that F-18 was on eBay.

    For me the cost of the plane is a side story. The way he had to get the plane out of the country is the real story. I have a feeling if this guy wasn't tight with the US miltary he would have been classified as an arms dealer with the way the deal went down. He was bribing the shit out of a lot of people.

    Is it just me, or do those Mig 29's (Natasha) look just like the old f14 Tomcat??

    Pretty close. A good portion of Russian military planes have some characteristics of US planes. Just goes to show how deep they have people in place in our infrastructure. The big difference is when you look under the hood as they say. Up until 15 or so years ago, Russian planes had control and electronic systems on par with what we had in the 50's and 60's.

  3. i wasnt even alive in the 80s lulz

    a time when you could wear popped collars and linen pants one day, a jean jacket with metal band patches all over it the next, get drunk on Moosehead and Little Kings when you had a few extra bucks, a can of Skoal was $.95 w/tax. Damn those were good times. :)

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