Sticker was just over $30K, ended up paying $28K. The only thing it didn't come with is mud guards and wheel locks. I also got the 10 year / 100k all inclusive warranty for $1k($600 less than originally quoted). I've never bought an extended warranty before but I'll most likely keep this until it dies. Against your advice I ended up at the dealer you advised against going to since they were the only one in town that had the color we wanted. Other than taking 5 hours , to complete the deal, from the time we got there to the time we left, we didn't have any issues. The Salesman was upfront and didn't try to BS us. We did the test drive, I told him what I was willing to pay and that was it. We drove the Kia before the Sonata, the seats are what made me go with the Sonata. The Kia seats were hard with very thin padding. I liked the dash and the panoramic roof but the seats were the deal breaker. I plan on gettting the windows done as well as some other farkles once the weather breaks for good. Thanks again for the input Ryan. Just NW of Columbus. That all disappeared yesterday with all the rain and was replaced by a 150' x250' temporary pond. I had a small river running across my driveway when I left for work this morning. I still have the Excursion. I bought this since I lost my company car. By the time I get my mileage reimbursment check each month, it will cost me about $70 a month for the payment. Gotta love company cut backs, I go from a beat to shit Malibu to this.